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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use Expression
oracle.odi.domain.model This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Data Model domain implementation. 
oracle.odi.domain.project This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Project implementation. 
oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces This package contains Oracle Data Integrator Interface implementation. 
oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression Provides classes to manage expressions. 
oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive Provides interfaces for interactive handling of Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package and its sub-packages provide the implementations for interactive handling of Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package contains the implementations of text holder for various types of objects, such as joins, filters, target columns and target mappings, in Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. 


Uses of Expression in oracle.odi.domain.model


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.model that return Expression
 Expression OdiReference.getComplexSqlExpression()
          Returns the complex SQL expression of this OdiReference instance, or null if none.
 Expression OdiCondition.getWhereClause()
          Returns the Expression representing the where clause defined on this OdiCondition.
 Expression OdiFilter.getWhereClause()
          Returns the where clause defining this OdiFilter.


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.model with parameters of type Expression
 void OdiReference.setComplexSqlExpression(Expression pExpression)
          Sets the complex SQL expression of this OdiReference instance.
 void OdiCondition.setWhereClause(Expression pClause)
          Sets the where clause for this OdiCondition.
 void OdiFilter.setWhereClause(Expression pClause)
          Sets the where clause for this OdiFilter.


Uses of Expression in oracle.odi.domain.project


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.project that return Expression
 Expression StepOdiCommand.getCommandExpression()
          Returns the expression that define the ODI command (aka tool) to be executed when executing this step.
 Expression StepOsCommand.getCommandExpression()
          Returns the expression that define the OS command to be executed when executing this step.
 Expression OdiProcedureLineCmd.getExpression()
          Obtains the expression of this OdiProcedureLineCmd.
 Expression OdiVariable.getRefreshQuery()
          Returns the SQL expression used to refresh this OdiVariable instance value.


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.project with parameters of type Expression
static java.lang.String OdiInterface.computeSQLWithHeaders(Expression pExpression, DataSet pDataSet)
          Returns a String representing a more functional representation of pExpression.
 void StepOdiCommand.setCommandExpression(Expression pCommand)
          Sets the expression that defines the ODI command (aka tool) to be executed when executing this step.
 void StepOsCommand.setCommandExpression(Expression pCommand)
          Sets the expression that defines the OS command to be executed when executing this step.
 void OdiProcedureLineCmd.setExpression(Expression pExpression)
          Defines the expression of this OdiProcedureLineCmd.
 void OdiVariable.setRefreshQuery(Expression pSqlExpression)
          Sets the SQL expression used to refresh this OdiVariable instance value against an OdiLogicalSchema defined using the OdiVariable.setLogicalSchema(OdiLogicalSchema) method.


Constructors in oracle.odi.domain.project with parameters of type Expression
OdiProcedureLineCmd(OdiProcedureLineCmd.CommitMode pCommitMode, java.lang.Integer pTransactionChannel, boolean pAutoCommitMode, OdiProcedureLineCmd.IsolationLevel pIsolationLevel, OdiContext pExecutionContext, OdiTechnology pTechnology, OdiLogicalSchema pLogicalSchema, Expression pExpression)
          Create a new OdiProcdureLine setting all attributes to specific values.


Uses of Expression in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces that return Expression
 Expression GenericClause.getNonPersistedSql()
          Returns the SQL expression of this clause.
 Expression TargetColumn.getNonPersistedSql()
          Returns the non persisted expression on this target column.
The difference between the persisted and non persisted versions lie in the cross-references, as some cross-references are not persisted in the repository.
 Expression TargetMapping.getNonPersistedSql()
          Returns the non persisted SQL expression for this mapping as an Expression.
The difference with the getSqlExpression is that some cross-references (to journalized columns, for instance) will be present in this expression, whereas they are not present in the getSqlExpression (which is the expression as it will be persisted in the repository).
 Expression GenericClause.getSqlExpression()
          Returns the SQL expression of this clause.
 Expression TargetMapping.getSqlExpression()
          Obtains the SQL expression of this.
 Expression TargetColumn.getTargetSqlMappingExpression()
          When the mapping on this TargetColumn is executed on TARGET, obtains the SQL mapping for this column.


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces with parameters of type Expression
 void GenericClause.setSqlExpression(Expression pSqlExpression)
          Internal use only Set the SQL expression for this clause.
 void TargetMapping.setSqlExpression(Expression pExpression)
          Internal use only Sets the new SQL expression for this mapping.
 void TargetColumn.setTargetSqlMappingExpression(Expression pTargetSQLMapping)
          Internal use only Sets the mapping expression to be executed on target on this target column.
To set this property, use InterfaceActionOnTargetMappingSetSql with a null DataSet (provided that you really want to set a mapping on the target).
Note that mappings should comply with a few basic rules:
- mappings executed on the SOURCE should not reference columns from different physical schemas,
- mappings executed on the SOURCE should reference at least a source column, otherwise the target column should be manually assigned to a SourceDataStore using InterfaceActionOnTargetMappingSetAttachedDataStore,
- mappings executed on the TARGET should not reference any source columns, since the source columns are not available on the target.


Constructors in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces with parameters of type Expression
GenericClause(DataSet pDataSet, Expression pSql, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation)
          Internal use only Create a new dataset in the specified parent dataset.
TargetMapping(DataSet pParentDataSet, TargetColumn pTargetColumn, Expression pSqlExpression, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation)
          Internal use only Builds a TargetMapping for a TargetColumn on a DataSet with a given SQL String expression.


Uses of Expression in oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression that return Expression
static Expression ExpressionUtils.getExpression(org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.ValueHolderInterface pWorkTextValueHolder)
          Convenient function that get an Expression from the given toplink value holder.
 Expression ExpressionStringParser.parse(java.lang.String pExpressionValue)
          Parse the given expression string value.
 Expression ExpressionStringBuilder.toExpression()
          Conversion method that takes the current state of this builder and returns it as an Expression instance.


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression with parameters of type Expression
static void ExpressionUtils.setExpression(org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.ValueHolderInterface pWorkTextValueHolder, oracle.odi.domain.texts.WorkTextOrig pExpectedWorkTextOrig, Expression pExpression)
          Convenient function that set the given expression to the given value holder's WorkText.


Uses of Expression in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive


Methods in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive that return Expression
 Expression IActionHelper.computeExpression(java.lang.String pSql, IExecutableTextHolder pExecutableTextHolder, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation, DataSet pDataSet)
          Computes the expression of the SQL text.
Note that pDataSet is optional (can be null when pExecutionLocation is TARGET.


Uses of Expression in


Methods in that return Expression
 Expression InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.computeExpression(java.lang.String pSql, IExecutableTextHolder pExecutableTextHolder, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation, DataSet pDataSet)
          For internal use only Computes the expression object of the specified SQL expression text for the given text holder in the desired data set and execution location.
 Expression InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.computeExpression(java.lang.String pSql, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation, DataSet pDataSet, IExpressionContext pExpressionContext)
          This method computes an expression from a Sql text that would be executed on a DataSet and in the specified Location.
 Expression IExecutableTextHolder.getSqlExpressionForPersistence()
          Gets the exrpession of this TextHolder as it will be persisted.
 Expression IExecutableTextHolder.getSqlExpressionInMemory()
          Gets the expression of this TextHolder as it is in memory.


Methods in with parameters of type Expression
 void IExecutableTextHolder.setSqlExpression(Expression pExpression)
          Sets the expression on the TextHolder.


Uses of Expression in


Methods in that return Expression
 Expression ExecutableTextHolderGenericClause.getSqlExpressionForPersistence()
 Expression ExecutableTextHolderTargetColumn.getSqlExpressionForPersistence()
 Expression ExecutableTextHolderTargetMapping.getSqlExpressionForPersistence()
 Expression ExecutableTextHolderGenericClause.getSqlExpressionInMemory()
 Expression ExecutableTextHolderTargetColumn.getSqlExpressionInMemory()
 Expression ExecutableTextHolderTargetMapping.getSqlExpressionInMemory()


Methods in with parameters of type Expression
 void ExecutableTextHolderGenericClause.setSqlExpression(Expression pExpression)
 void ExecutableTextHolderTargetColumn.setSqlExpression(Expression pExpression)
 void ExecutableTextHolderTargetMapping.setSqlExpression(Expression pExpression)


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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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