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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use IMissingRef
oracle.odi.missingref Provides classes to manage missing references which may occur when doing versioning or import/export operations. Provides classes to support the management of missing references which may occur when doing versioning or import/export operations. 


Uses of IMissingRef in oracle.odi.missingref


Methods in oracle.odi.missingref that return types with arguments of type IMissingRef
 java.util.Collection<IMissingRef> IMissingRefService.findMissingReferences(java.lang.Class<? extends IOdiEntity> pOdiEntityClass, pOdiEntityId, boolean pApplyToChildren)
          Query the missing references for the given entity type and identifier.


Methods in oracle.odi.missingref with parameters of type IMissingRef
 void IMissingRefService.markAsFixed(IMissingRef pMissingRef)
          Mark the given missing reference as fixed.


Method parameters in oracle.odi.missingref with type arguments of type IMissingRef
 void IMissingRefService.markAsFixed(java.util.Collection<IMissingRef> pMissingRefs)
          Mark the given missing references collection as fixed.


Uses of IMissingRef in


Classes in that implement IMissingRef
 class DefaultMissingRef
          Default IMissingRef implementation.


Methods in that return IMissingRef
 IMissingRef[] MissingRefManager.getAllMissingRefs()
          Returns the list of missing refs still managed (not corrected) by this manager.
 IMissingRef[] MissingRefManager.getCorrectedMissingRefs()
          Returns the list of missing refs corrected in this manager.
 IMissingRef[] MissingRefManager.getMissingRefsFor(java.lang.Class sourceEntityClass, pSourceEntityId)
          Returns the missing refs managed in this manager whose origin entity matches Class sourceEntityClass, Serializable pSourceEntityId.
 IMissingRef[] MissingRefManager.getMissingRefsForObject(IRepositoryEntity pRepositoryEntity)
          Returns the missing refs managed in this manager whose origin entity is this one.


Methods in that return types with arguments of type IMissingRef
 java.util.Collection<IMissingRef> MissingRefServiceImpl.findMissingReferences(java.lang.Class<? extends IOdiEntity> pOdiEntityClass, pOdiEntityId, boolean pApplyToChildren)
          Query the missing references for the given entity type and identifier.


Methods in with parameters of type IMissingRef
 void MissingRefManager.markAsFixed(IMissingRef pMissingRef)
          Removes a missing ref from the missing refs cache, adds it to the corrected missing refs cache and propagates the event.
 void MissingRefServiceImpl.markAsFixed(IMissingRef pMissingRef)
          Mark the given missing reference as fixed.


Method parameters in with type arguments of type IMissingRef
 void MissingRefManager.addMissingRefs(java.util.Collection<IMissingRef> pMissingRefs)
          Add a collection of missing references to the missing refs cache and propagates the event.
 void MissingRefServiceImpl.markAsFixed(java.util.Collection<IMissingRef> pMissingRefs)
          Mark the given missing references collection as fixed.


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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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