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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Remote Intradoc Client (RIDC) Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Interface

Packages that use ITrace


Uses of ITrace in oracle.stellent.ridc.convenience.usersecurity


Methods in oracle.stellent.ridc.convenience.usersecurity with parameters of type ITrace
 int IUserSecurityCache.getAccessLevelForDocument(CacheId id, DataObject docInfo, ITrace trace)
          Get the user's access level for a document.
 CachedDataBinder IServiceCallUtils.getAliasMap(IdcClient client, IdcContext superuser, ITrace trace)
          Get the Alias list from the Content Server.
 CacheId IUserSecurityCache.getCacheIdForUser(IdcContext userContext, ITrace trace)
          Get the CacheId.
 CachedDataBinder IServiceCallUtils.getServerEnvironment(IdcClient client, IdcContext userContext, ITrace trace)
          Get the environment information of the content server Interesting localdata are UseCollaboration, and UseAccounts
 CachedDataBinder IServiceCallUtils.getUserPermissions(IdcClient client, IdcContext userContext, ITrace trace)
          Get the user's permissions from Content Server
 boolean IUserSecurityCache.isAdmin(CacheId id, DataObject docInfo, IUserSecurityCache.AdminType adminType, ITrace trace)
          Returns the Admin flag for the specific admin type.
 java.lang.Integer IAccessResolver.resolveAccessLevel(DataObject docInfo, DataBinder userBinder, ITrace trace)
          For a given document, determine the user's access level If the resolver determines that it doesn't want to participate in the access level calculation, it returns null


Uses of ITrace in oracle.stellent.ridc.convenience.usersecurity.impl


Classes in oracle.stellent.ridc.convenience.usersecurity.impl that implement ITrace
 class Trace


Methods in oracle.stellent.ridc.convenience.usersecurity.impl with parameters of type ITrace
 int UserSecurityGroupsCache.getAccessLevelForDocument(CacheId id, DataObject docInfo, ITrace trace)
          Get the user's access level for a document.
 int AclListInfo.getAliasListAccess(java.lang.String aliasname, ITrace trace)
 CachedDataBinder ServiceCallUtils.getAliasMap(IdcClient client, IdcContext superuser, ITrace trace)
          Get the Alias list from the Content Server.
 CacheId UserSecurityGroupsCache.getCacheIdForUser(IdcContext userContext, ITrace trace)
          Get the CacheId.
 DataBinder UserSecurityGroupsCache.getPermissions(CacheId id, ITrace trace)
          Get the permissions for a user
 int AclListInfo.getRoleListAccess(java.lang.String rolename, ITrace trace)
 CachedDataBinder ServiceCallUtils.getServerEnvironment(IdcClient client, IdcContext userContext, ITrace trace)
          Get the environment information of the content server Interesting localdata are UseCollaboration, and UseAccounts
protected  DataBinder CSEnvCache.getServerEnvironmentBinder(ITrace trace)
          Get the server Environment Binder
 CachedDataBinder ServiceCallUtils.getUserPermissions(IdcClient client, IdcContext userContext, ITrace trace)
          Get the user's permissions from Content Server
 boolean AclListInfo.isAclListChecked(ITrace trace)
 boolean UserSecurityGroupsCache.isAdmin(CacheId id, DataObject docInfo, IUserSecurityCache.AdminType adminType, ITrace trace)
          Returns the Admin flag for the specific admin type.
 boolean CSEnvCache.isCollaborationModel(ITrace trace)
          Check to see if the server is using Collaboration for Acl Security
 boolean CSEnvCache.isInSpecialAuthGroups(java.lang.String dSecurityGroup, ITrace trace)
          Check to see if dSecurityGroup is covered by ACL
 boolean AliasCache.isUserInAlias(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String aliasName, ITrace trace)
          return true if userName is in the aliasName list
 boolean CSEnvCache.isUsing11gDefaultAcl(ITrace trace)
          Check to see which default ACL algorithm to use
 boolean CSEnvCache.isUsingAccounts(ITrace trace)
          Check to see if the server is using Accounts security
 boolean CSEnvCache.isUsingAcl(ITrace trace)
          Check to see if the server is using Acl security
 boolean CSEnvCache.isUsingAclRoles(ITrace trace)
          Check to see if server is using the RoleEntityACL feature
 java.lang.Integer AccessResolverSecurityGroups.resolveAccessLevel(DataObject docInfo, DataBinder userBinder, ITrace trace)
 java.lang.Integer AccessResolverAccounts.resolveAccessLevel(DataObject docInfo, DataBinder userBinder, ITrace trace)
          Get the user's access level for this document.
 java.lang.Integer AccessResolverAcl.resolveAccessLevel(DataObject docInfo, DataBinder userBinder, ITrace trace)


Constructors in oracle.stellent.ridc.convenience.usersecurity.impl with parameters of type ITrace
AclListInfo(CSEnvCache envCache, DataObject docInfo, ITrace trace)
          Determines if there is any information to be used in this list.


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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Remote Intradoc Client (RIDC) Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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