Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile Client
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Class OperationBindingBase

  extended by oracle.adfnmc.bindings.dbf.ControlBindingImpl
      extended by oracle.adfnmc.bindings.dbf.OperationBindingBase
All Implemented Interfaces:
DCTransactionStateListener, ControlBinding, IteratorCollectionListener, IteratorPositionListener, OperationBinding, ELResolver, PropertyValueChangeSource, MethodDispatch
Direct Known Subclasses:
AdapterOperationBinding, CustomOperationBinding

public abstract class OperationBindingBase
extends ControlBindingImpl
implements OperationBinding, PropertyValueChangeSource, MethodDispatch, IteratorPositionListener, IteratorCollectionListener, DCTransactionStateListener

Field Summary
protected  int actionID
protected  Set enabledStateChangeListeners
protected  boolean lastEnabledCheckValue
          used to determine whether to notify 'enabled' property listeners - we only want to sent notifications when the state changes, otherwise we're doing a whole bunch of unneccesary EL re-evaluations in response to various events that affect the position or state or our iterator or DC.
protected  List params
protected  java.lang.Object result
protected  Set resultChangeListeners
Fields inherited from class oracle.adfnmc.bindings.dbf.ControlBindingImpl
CLASS_INSTANCE, currentError, dataControl, errors, iterBinding, metadataDef, name, parentBindingContainer
Fields inherited from interface oracle.adfnmc.el.ELResolver
Constructor Summary
OperationBindingBase(ActionDefinition mdDef, DataControl dataControl, IteratorExecutableBindingImpl iterBinding)
OperationBindingBase(XmlAnyDefinition mdDef, java.lang.String name, DataControl dataControl, IteratorExecutableBindingImpl iterBinding, int actionId)
Method Summary
 void addEnabledStateChangeListener(ValueChangeListener listener)
 void addParam(java.lang.Object param)
 void addResultChangeListener(ValueChangeListener listener)
 void addValueChangeListener(java.lang.String property, ValueChangeListener listener)
 void containerInitialized(BindingContainer container)
          Overriding implementations should always call this base implementation before returning to set the parent container
 java.lang.Object execute()
          Executes this OperationBinding, for example, as a result of a UI button being pressed.
protected abstract  java.lang.Object executeImpl()
 OperationInfo getOperationInfo()
          Returns a description of the operation to invoke.
protected  Parameter getParam(int index, java.lang.String actionName)
 Map getParamsMap()
          Retuns a map of name-value pairs of arguments and argument values to be passed to the bound operation.
protected  ELResolver getResolver()
 java.lang.Object getResult()
          Returns the result of invoking the operation bound by this binding (if the method has been already invoked.
 java.lang.Object invokeMethod(java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] params)
 boolean isOperationEnabled()
          Whether the action binding is enabled or disabled.
protected  void notifyEnabledStateChangeListeners(boolean newValue)
protected  void notifyResultChangeListeners(java.lang.Object newValue)
 void positionChanged(int absoluteIndex)
          Fires when the iterator position is changed to point to a different row.
 void rangeRefreshed()
 void refresh()
protected  void refreshEnabledState(boolean forceNotify)
 void registerForIteratorEvents(IteratorExecutableBindingImpl evtSource)
 void removeEnabledStateChangeListener(ValueChangeListener listener)
 void removeResultChangeListener(ValueChangeListener listener)
 void removeValueChangeListener(java.lang.String property, ValueChangeListener listener)
 void rowInserted(java.lang.Object newRow)
 void rowRemoved(java.lang.Object removedRow)
 void setResult(java.lang.Object newValue)
 void transactionStateChanged(boolean state)
          Invoked when the transaction is either marked dirty or clean.
 void unregisterForIteratorEvents(IteratorExecutableBindingImpl evtSource)
Methods inherited from class oracle.adfnmc.bindings.dbf.ControlBindingImpl
getBindings, getDataControl, getError, getErrors, getIterator, getMetadataDefinition, getName, getPath, getType, getValue, isReadOnly, prepareDeferredIterator, release, reportException, resolvePath, setListener, setValue, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface oracle.adfnmc.bindings.OperationBinding
Methods inherited from interface oracle.adfnmc.bindings.ControlBinding
getBindings, getMetadataDefinition, getName, getPath, release, resolvePath, setListener
Methods inherited from interface oracle.adf.model.binding.DCTransactionStateListener

Field Detail


protected int actionID


protected Set enabledStateChangeListeners


protected Set resultChangeListeners


protected boolean lastEnabledCheckValue
used to determine whether to notify 'enabled' property listeners - we only want to sent notifications when the state changes, otherwise we're doing a whole bunch of unneccesary EL re-evaluations in response to various events that affect the position or state or our iterator or DC. Do -not- use this as the value to return for isOperationEnabled, that should always come from an active check of the iterator or dc's state depending on the type of operation. This value is driven from events and can get out of sync or not be in the right state on startup and not have events to drive it into the right state (see Bug 10248488 - NAVIGATION CONTROL FOR TRS DATA CONTROL IS BROKEN),


protected List params


protected java.lang.Object result
Constructor Detail


public OperationBindingBase(XmlAnyDefinition mdDef,
                            java.lang.String name,
                            DataControl dataControl,
                            IteratorExecutableBindingImpl iterBinding,
                            int actionId)


public OperationBindingBase(ActionDefinition mdDef,
                            DataControl dataControl,
                            IteratorExecutableBindingImpl iterBinding)
Method Detail


public void containerInitialized(BindingContainer container)
Description copied from class: ControlBindingImpl
Overriding implementations should always call this base implementation before returning to set the parent container

Specified by:
containerInitialized in interface ControlBinding
containerInitialized in class ControlBindingImpl


protected ELResolver getResolver()
Specified by:
getResolver in class ControlBindingImpl


public void registerForIteratorEvents(IteratorExecutableBindingImpl evtSource)
Specified by:
registerForIteratorEvents in class ControlBindingImpl


public void unregisterForIteratorEvents(IteratorExecutableBindingImpl evtSource)
Specified by:
unregisterForIteratorEvents in class ControlBindingImpl


public void addValueChangeListener(java.lang.String property,
                                   ValueChangeListener listener)
Specified by:
addValueChangeListener in interface PropertyValueChangeSource
property - Interned property string


public void removeValueChangeListener(java.lang.String property,
                                      ValueChangeListener listener)
Specified by:
removeValueChangeListener in interface PropertyValueChangeSource
property - Interned property string


public void addEnabledStateChangeListener(ValueChangeListener listener)


public void removeEnabledStateChangeListener(ValueChangeListener listener)


public void addResultChangeListener(ValueChangeListener listener)


public void removeResultChangeListener(ValueChangeListener listener)


protected void notifyEnabledStateChangeListeners(boolean newValue)


protected void notifyResultChangeListeners(java.lang.Object newValue)


protected void refreshEnabledState(boolean forceNotify)


public void refresh()
Specified by:
refresh in class ControlBindingImpl


public void positionChanged(int absoluteIndex)
Description copied from interface: IteratorPositionListener
Fires when the iterator position is changed to point to a different row.

Specified by:
positionChanged in interface IteratorPositionListener


public void rowInserted(java.lang.Object newRow)
Specified by:
rowInserted in interface IteratorCollectionListener


public void rowRemoved(java.lang.Object removedRow)
Specified by:
rowRemoved in interface IteratorCollectionListener


public void rangeRefreshed()
Specified by:
rangeRefreshed in interface IteratorCollectionListener


public void transactionStateChanged(boolean state)
Description copied from interface: DCTransactionStateListener
Invoked when the transaction is either marked dirty or clean.

Specified by:
transactionStateChanged in interface DCTransactionStateListener
state - Indicates if the transaction was marked clean (true) or dirty (false). Controls like NavigationBar then disables/enables the Save button to indicate there are changes that need to be saved/committed to the database.


public boolean isOperationEnabled()
Description copied from interface: OperationBinding
Whether the action binding is enabled or disabled.

Specified by:
isOperationEnabled in interface OperationBinding
True if the action is currently enabled. False otherwise.


public void addParam(java.lang.Object param)


protected Parameter getParam(int index,
                             java.lang.String actionName)


public java.lang.Object invokeMethod(java.lang.String methodName,
                                     java.lang.Object[] params)
Specified by:
invokeMethod in interface MethodDispatch


protected abstract java.lang.Object executeImpl()


public java.lang.Object execute()
Description copied from interface: OperationBinding
Executes this OperationBinding, for example, as a result of a UI button being pressed. This should translate into invoking some operation on the underlying data control. If there are exceptions within the invoke operation, these exceptions should be accessible via getErrors().

Specified by:
execute in interface OperationBinding
the result of the operation (null if the operation has no return type (void).


public OperationInfo getOperationInfo()
Description copied from interface: OperationBinding
Returns a description of the operation to invoke. If this operation is a built in operation, this method may return null or no MethodInfo.

Specified by:
getOperationInfo in interface OperationBinding


public Map getParamsMap()
Description copied from interface: OperationBinding
Retuns a map of name-value pairs of arguments and argument values to be passed to the bound operation.

Specified by:
getParamsMap in interface OperationBinding


public java.lang.Object getResult()
Description copied from interface: OperationBinding
Returns the result of invoking the operation bound by this binding (if the method has been already invoked. This method may not force the method invocation.) This method may return null in case the method has not been invoked.

Specified by:
getResult in interface OperationBinding


public void setResult(java.lang.Object newValue)

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile Client
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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