Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile Client
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)



Interface Summary
Closeable Closeable represents the source or destination of some data which can be called its close method to release resources it holds.
Flushable Indicates that an output object can be flushed.
ObjectInput Streams to be used with serialization to read objects must implement this interface.
ObjectOutput Streams to be used with serialization to write objects must implement this interface.
ObjectStreamConstants Helper interface with constants used by the serialization implementation.
Serializable Objects that want to be serialized/deserialized using ObjectOutputStream/ObjectInputStream should implement this interface.

Class Summary
BufferedInputStream BufferedInputStream is a class which takes an input stream and buffers the input.
BufferedOutputStream BufferedOutputStream is a class which takes an output stream and buffers the writes to that stream.
BufferedReader BufferedReader is a buffered character input reader.
FilterInputStream FilteredInputStream is a class which takes an input stream and filters the input in some way.
FilterOutputStream FilteredOutputStream is a class which takes an output stream and filters the output in some way.
LineNumberReader LineNumberReader is a buffered character input reader which counts line numbers as data is being read.
StringReader StringReader is used as a character input stream on a String.
StringWriter StringWriter is an class for writing Character Streams to a StringBuffer.
Writer Writer is an Abstract class for writing Character Streams.

Exception Summary
InvalidObjectException The object graph loaded (deserialized) can be validated by a collection of validator objects.
NotSerializableException When an implementation of ObjectOutput.writeObject() is passed an object that is not serializable, it will throw this type of exception.
ObjectStreamException This is the superclass of all exceptions that can happen when serializing or deserialing objects.
OptionalDataException When readObject() encounters primitive types (int, char, etc) instead of an object instance in the input stream, this type of exception will be thrown.
StreamCorruptedException When readObject() cannot read an object from the input stream due to missing information (cyclic reference that doesn't match previous instance or missing class descriptor for instance to be loaded) this type of exception is thrown.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile Client
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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