This chapter provides information on managing PDF Watermark. It covers the following topics:
This section covers the following topics:
PDF Watermark is an optional component that is automatically installed with Content Server. If enabled, it allows watermarks to be applied to PDF files generated by the component PDF Converter (static) and returned to the content server.
Existing PDF files already residing on the content server can also be watermarked (dynamic). Dynamic watermarks are generated on-the-fly and can contain variable information (for example, user name, date and time of download, or file name). System administrators can define variables and set up specific conditions for generating dynamic watermarks.
PDF Watermark can also add security features to PDF files as they are downloaded for viewing. Access settings can be enabled or disabled, such as printing or modifying the file.
PDF Watermark integrates the static and dynamic watermarking functions. The Administrative applet for PDF Watermark permits administrators to set specific criteria for both types of watermarks. This section covers the following topics:
The installation automatically creates a TemplateType metadata field with an associated option list, and a TemplateID field, which is used for static watermarking. Currently there is only one TemplateType, the default PDFW_Template.
Static watermarking is conducted in cooperation with Inbound Refinery and PDF Converter. Only content that is converted to PDF by the PDF Converter can be watermarked. You can request a static watermark for content that you expect to be converted to PDF by entering a valid PDF Watermark Template ID (dDocName) in the xPdfwTemplateID metadata field during checkin.
Content checked in by an automated process, for example WebDAV or BatchLoader, can also be given a static watermark, subject to the IBR/PDFC restriction described above and provided the xPdfwTemplateID field contains a valid template ID.
PDFs that come from the PDF Converter may have been optimized for faster web viewing. If a static watermark is applied to that content, the optimization is lost.
To optimize the PDF after watermarking requires you to use a third-party optimizer; a PDF optimizer is not provided with PDF Watermark. To use the optimization feature, you must have a distiller engine/optimizer installed and the optimizer must be fully operational. The optimizer you choose must be able to execute conversions via a command-line, for example, a script file or a .bat file.
Dynamic watermarking of PDF content is rules-based.The PDF Watermark Administration screen is provided to define rulesets via the Rules tab. If a given request for a PDF document satisfies one of the pre-defined rules, the template associated with that rule is used to watermark a copy of the content before the copy is returned to the requesting user; only the weblayout form will be watermarked, the original PDF file is unchanged in its vault location.
PDF Watermark provides explicit X-Y location support for text and image watermarks. In addition to location values of CENTER, TOP, and BOTTOM, you may select EXPLICIT which enables the X Coordinate and Y Coordinate text boxes. Users enter coordinates on the edit dialog for text or image watermarks. The coordinates are in points, with each point equal to 1/72”. The origin (0, 0) is the lower left corner of the page. X-Y coordinates can be set only when EXPLICIT is selected.
For images, the X,Y coordinates locate the lower left hand corner of the image rectangle. The image extends up and to the right depending on how big it is.
The origin determines the lower corner boundary of the text rectangle. ALIGNMENT determines how the text is located left and right, relative to the origin.
If ALIGNMENT is LEFT, then the text is LEFT ALIGNED with the origin, that is, the lower left corner of the text rectangle is located at the origin and the text extends towards the right.
If ALIGNMENT is RIGHT, the text rectangle will be right aligned at the origin, that is the origin will be the lower right corner of the text rectangle and the text will be located to the left of the origin.
If ALIGNMENT is CENTER, the text rectangle will be centered at the origin.
The PDF Watermark Administration Screen enables you to define the rules that determine which template, if any, gets applied to a specific PDF content file. You can also create and modify the templates themselves, as well as configuring the default metadata values for templates.
When you create a new template, it is checked in as a managed object. You can use the Configuration tab on the PDF Watermark Administration screen to set the default metadata field values for the template checkin process.
If there are defined, required metadata fields for your Content Server instance, you must use the Configuration tab to define suitable values for these fields. You must define these values prior to creating a template.
Templates are managed objects, and must be checked in before they can be used. When a new template is created and you click OK, the template is checked in using the default metadata you defined on the Configuration tab. When you modify an existing template, and click OK, the existing template is checked out of content server, and it is checked back into content server using the current metadata.
Because the template is a managed content item, you can change the default metadata on the Information page for the content item.
Templates can contain text watermarks, image watermarks, or both.
User/Owner passwords are encrypted in the PDF Watermark Template. Encryption is performed automatically when the template is saved and decryption is performed automatically when the template is used for a watermark. Passwords in existing, or legacy, templates are not encrypted until the template is saved from the PDF Watermark Administration screen. You cannot save a template unless you make a change to it. If you wish to have all your template passwords encrypted, you'll need to edit each legacy template, making some minor change to it before saving.
Note that storage for the X-Y coordinate values, and an encryption flag, required a template schema upgrade. Legacy schema templates are supported for watermarking, but any change to the template will result in an upgrade to the new schema. Consequently, any template which has been changed in Content Server version 11gR1, may not work correctly with older versions of Content Server.
You must check in templates prior to configuring rules, because rules are used to determine which watermark template is applied to the content when Dynamic watermarking is performed.
Rules determine which template, if any, gets applied to a specific PDF content file. The order in which the rules are tested may be significant, depending on the criteria used. Generally rules should be ordered with the most specific tests first in the list, and more general ones subsequent. On the Rules Tab of the PDF Watermark Administration screen, use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to accomplish this.
The higher the rule on the list, the higher the precedence. For example, you have rule1 which is dDocType=ADCORP and you also have rule2 which is dDocAuthor=sysadmin. If sysadmin checks in a content of dDocType=ADCORP, rule1 will be used if it is positioned above rule2. However, rule2 will be used if it is first on the list.
Content Server receives processed content from the Inbound Refinery. The Inbound Refinery in use must have PDF Converter installed, enabled, and configured to convert the necessary file formats into PDF.
When a document is checked in, for example a Word document, the native file is rendered into PDF by the PDF Converter. When the PDF file is presented to the Content Server, the watermark template selected during the content checkin is applied. Previous versions of watermarking required the user to define a number of field variables, such as page size, font, orientation, and others upon checkin. Watermark elements are now pre-defined in the template used to watermark the incoming PDF. The watermark is applied and is delivered to requesters without regard for dynamic watermarking rules. Rules-based watermarking (Dynamic) can also be applied in addition to a static watermark.
When a web-viewable PDF is requested by a user, a check is performed, based on the defined rulesets, to determine whether a watermark (if any) is to be applied to the web-viewable PDF delivered to the requestor.
If a given request for a PDF document satisfies a pre-defined rule, the template associated with that rule is used to watermark a copy of the content before the copy is returned to the requesting user.
A PDF optimizer is not provided with PDF Watermark. If you elect to use the Optimization feature of PDF Watermark, you must have already installed a third-party distiller engine/optimizer, and the optimizer must be fully operational. The optimizer you choose must be able to execute conversions via a command-line, for example, a script file or a .bat file.
The information in this chapter contains the procedures necessary to use all of the features of the PDF Watermark component. This section covers the following topics:.
For content items to be processed by PDF Watermark, the administrator must develop and manage watermark templates, set and define rules, and set criteria.
Dynamic watermarking of PDF content is rules-based. If a given request for a PDF document satisfies a pre-defined rule, the template associated with that rule is used to watermark a copy of the content before the copy is returned to the requesting user. Only the copy returned to the user is watermarked; the original PDF file in weblayout is unchanged.
Static watermarking is conducted in cooperation with Inbound Refinery and PDF Converter. Only content that is converted to PDF by the PDF Converter can be statically watermarked. You can request a static watermark for content which you intend to be converted to PDF by entering a valid PDF Watermark Template ID (dDocName) in the metadata field during checkin.
For the content server to encrypt passwords successfully, you need to provide a reference to an encryption library to be used with PDF Watermark. To do this, complete the following steps:
Oracle does not provide an encryption library with Content Server. This procedure assumes that you will use a third- party encryption library. One such library is bcprov-jdk14-138.jar; downloadable from, but you can use any other library you choose.Download an encryption library .jar file and paste it into the following directory:
From the Windows Start menu, select Programs, Content Server-[Instance Name], Utilities, and then System Properties.
The System Properties applet is started.
Open the Paths tab.
Specify the following as the classpath:
Click OK to save the changes and exit the System Properties utility.
Template, Rules and Configuration definitions for PDF Watermark are managed in Content Server using the PDF Watermark Administration screen. To make changes, perform these tasks:
Make sure you are logged into Content Server as an administrator.
In the navigation menu, select Administration, then select PDF Watermark Administration.
The PDF Watermark Administration icon is displayed.
Click the PDF Watermark Administration icon. The PDF Watermark Administration Screen screen is launched.
When you create a new template, the template is checked in as a managed object. You can use the Configuration tab on the PDF Watermark Administration screen to set the default metadata field values for the automatic template checkin process.
If there are defined required metadata fields for your Content Server instance, you must use the Configuration tab to define suitable values for those fields. You must define these values prior to creating a template. Once the templates are checked in, you may use Update or any similar process to modify the metadata values for an existing template.
To define specific metadata fields for template checkin, perform these tasks:
Select the Configuration tab.
Highlight the Field Name and Value pair to define/edit.
Click Edit.
The Configuration Tab is displayed.
Set the value to be applied for the Field name selected.
Click Apply.
Templates must be in place prior to configuring rules, because rules determine which watermark template is applied to the content. To add a template perform these tasks:
Select the Templates tab.
Click Add.
The Add New/Edit Template Screen is displayed.
Name your template; and give it a meaningful content ID.
Set security if desired; if security is set, then enter passwords.
The User password permits the opening and viewing of the PDF. The Owner password permits control over printing and copying, and viewing.Set to allow, disallow, or degraded printing.
Set to allow or disallow copying.
Add a text watermark, an image watermark, or both.
For a text watermark, perform these tasks:
In the Text Watermarks Summary, click Add.
Enter the text for the watermark.
Set all other values as desired for the text watermark. See "Add New/Edit Text Watermark Screen" and its accompanying table for details on settings.
For an image watermark, perform these tasks:
In the Image Watermarks Summary, click Add.
Enter the content ID of the desired image object.
The image watermark must be a managed content item on the content server.Set all other values as desired for the image watermark. See "Add New/Edit Image Watermark Screen" and its accompanying table for details on settings.
Apply your changes.
To edit a template perform these tasks:
Select the Templates tab.
Select the template from the list of templates.
Click Edit.
The Add New/Edit Template Screenscreen is displayed.
Make your changes to the text and image watermarks, similarly to the way they were initially defined. See "Adding Templates".
Apply your changes.
Rules determine which template, if any, gets dynamically applied to that content in PDF form. When a request is made for the web-viewable PDF, the rules are applied to the request, and based on the rules criteria, a watermark may be applied.
The higher the rule on the list, the higher the precedence. For example, you have rule1 which is dDocType=ADCORP and you also have rule2 which is dDocAuthor=sysadmin. If sysadmin checks in a content of dDocType=ADCORP, rule1 will be used if it is positioned above rule2. Accordingly, rule2 would be used if it were listed first.
To add a rule, perform these tasks:
Select the Rules tab.
Click Add.
The Add New/Edit Rule Screen is displayed.
Enter the rule name in the appropriate text box and select a watermarking template from the choice box.
Rule names are purely descriptive; you may select a name that describes the way a rule is used.
Set the rule conditions by adding criteria.
Rules criteria are case-sensitive. If a criteria is defined for a rule, using lower case for dDocname, and the Content ID is returned from the content server in upper case, the rule will fail.Within a rule, the order of the criteria does not matter, as all criteria must be satisfied for the rule to activate.
Click OK.
The order in which the rules are tested may be significant, depending on the criteria you use. In general, order your rules with the most specific tests (number of criteria) high in the list, and the more general ones (fewer criteria) lower down. There are “Move Up” and “Move Down" buttons for this purpose. on the Rules tab of the PDF Watermark Administration Screen.
Select the Rules tab.
Select the rule to be edited, and click Edit.
The Add New/Edit Rule Screen is displayed.
Select the Criteria/Values pair to be edited, and click Edit.
Edit the value in the Edit Criteria screen, and click OK.