G Customizing the ODI Credential Map Name

The Oracle Data Integrator Java EE Agent and Oracle Data Integrator Console use a credential map to store usernames and passwords. The default credential map name is oracle.odi.credmap. In rare situations, ODI users may need to change the default to a different credential map name for the ODI Java EE Agent and ODI Console.

G.1 What is stored in Credential Store?

ODI runtime uses credential store for the ODI Java EE Agent and ODI Console.

  • ODI Java EE Agent boot AppId and Password

  • ODI Console boot AppId and Password

In most usage scenarios, ODI uses the credential map name oracle.odi.credmap. In certain environments, however, the credential map name is decided at a global level and all components are required to use that credential map name. For example, an Oracle Fusion Middleware application may use the oracle.apps.security credential map name instead of the standard oracle.odi.credmap. In this case, the credential map name needs to be customized for the environment.

G.2 Executing the updateCredMapInEar Script

You can modify the credential map name specified in the Oracle Data Integrator templates by running the script updateCredMapInEar.[sh|bat]. If you execute the script with the -EARFILE parameter, you are able to modify a specific ear file and update the default credential map. You must execute this script before creating and deploying ODI Java EE Agent ear and before deploying ODI Console ear to a WebLogic Domain. After executing this script, all generated ODI Java EE Agent ears will carry the changed credential map name.


updateCredMapInEar.sh -MAPNAME=<credential_map_name> [-EARFILE=<ear_file_to_update>


  • MAPNAME: User supplied credential map name.

  • EARFILE: This is optional parameter. If specified, the credential map inside the specified ear file will be modified.

If not specified, the credential map name in the default templates for ODI Java EE Agent (oraclediagent.ear) and ODI Console (odiconsole.ear) will be modified.


updateCredMapInEar.sh -MAPNAME=oracle.apps.security
updateCredMapInEar.sh -MAPNAME=oracle.apps.security -EARFILE=$ODI_HOME/setup/manual/oracledi-agent/oraclediagent.ear

G.3 Updating WLST Scripts for Credential Map Creation

If you have updated the credential map name in a template and then deployed this template, make sure that the credential store entries created for this deployed application use this new credential map name. See Section 3.3.3, "Add Credential Store Entries" for more information on creating credential store entries.

In the createcred command, the value provided for the map parameter should be the customized credential map name, as shown in the example below:

createCred(map="acme.security.credmap", key="SUPERVISOR", user="SUPERVISOR", password="supervisor1", desc="Key for Supervisor")