B Silent Installations

This appendix describes how to perform a silent installation of Oracle Data Integrator.

B.1 About Silent Installation

Oracle Data Integrator allows you to configure existing response file templates to perform silent installations. For general information about silent installation and deinstallation, refer to "Silent Installation and Deinstallation" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Planning Guide.

B.2 Oracle Data Integrator Response Files

Oracle recommends creating your response file by first running the install GUI, then clicking Save on the Installation Summary Screen. You will be prompted for a name and location where you want to create this response file. After it is created, you can use it exactly as-is to replicate the installation on other systems, or modify it as needed.

The response file can be used to install the Oracle Data Integrator software only. You will still need to run the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard separately to create or extend your WebLogic domain and configure Oracle Data Integrator products. For more information, see Section 3.1, "Configure a WebLogic Domain".

The following response file templates are provided in the Disk1/stage/Response (on UNIX operating systems) or Disk1\stage\Response (on Windows operating systems) directory on the installation CD-ROM.

Response File Template Description
developerPlatformConfigureExistingRepository.rsp This is the template response file that should be used if you are installing ODI Studio (with a local agent) or the Oracle Data Integrator Software Development Kit (SDK) and you want to configure existing Master and Work Repositories.

This template provides the functional equivalent of using the GUI and selecting the Developer Installation option on the Specify Installation Location Screen and the Configure with existing Master and Work Repositories on the Repository Configuration Screen.

developerPlatformSkipRepository.rsp This is the template response file that should be used if you are installing ODI Studio (with a local agent) or the Oracle Data Integrator Software Development Kit (SDK) and you do not want to the configure the ODI Master and Work Repositories.

This template provides the functional equivalent of using the GUI and selecting the Developer Installation option on the Specify Installation Location Screen and the Skip Repository Configuration on the Repository Configuration Screen.

j2eePlatformConfigureExistingRepository.rsp This is the template response file that should be used if you are installing the Java EE components (which includes the Java EE agent, Oracle Data Integrator Console, and Public Web Services) and you want to configure existing Master and Work Repositories.

This template provides the functional equivalent of using the GUI and selecting the Java EE Installation option on the Specify Installation Location Screen and the Configure with existing Master and Work Repositories on the Repository Configuration Screen.

j2eePlatformSkipRepository.rsp This is the template response file that should be used if you are installing the Java EE components (which includes the Java EE agent, Oracle Data Integrator Console, and Public Web Services) and you do not want to configure repositories.

This template provides the functional equivalent of using the GUI and selecting the Java EE Installation option on the Specify Installation Location Screen and the Skip Repository Configuration on the Repository Configuration Screen.

standalonePlatformConfigureExistingRepository.rsp This is the template response file that should be used if you are installing the ODI Standalone agent and you want to configure existing Master and Work Repositories.

This template provides the functional equivalent of using the GUI and selecting the Standalone Installation and Configure with existing Master and Work Repositories on the Repository Configuration Screen.

standalonePlatformSkipRepository.rsp This is the template response file that should be used if you are installing the ODI Standalone agent and you do not want to configure existing Master and Work Repositories.

This template provides the functional equivalent of using the GUI and selecting the Standalone Installation and Skip Repository Configuration on the Repository Configuration Screen.