B Using the WebLogic JarBuilder Tool

The following sections provide information about creating the wlfullclient.jar using the WebLogic JarBuilder tool:


The WebLogic full client requires the RSA Crypto-J library, which is used for SSL cryptographic functions. Note the following:
  • If you distribute the WebLogic full client, you must also distribute the cryptoj.jar, which contains the Crypto-J library. The cryptoj.jar file is referenced by the Class-Path header in the wlfullclient.jar manifest. However, cryptoj.jar cannot be added to wlfullclient.jar; it must be distributed separately. For more information, see Distributing the WebLogic Full Client.

  • If you run the WebLogic Full Client from a <java> task that is invoked in an Ant script, see Running the WebLogic Full Client in a Non-Forked VM, for important information regarding the self-integrity check that is automatically performed when the RSA Crypto-J library is loaded.

Creating a wlfullclient.jar for JDK 1.6 client applications

To create a wlfullclient.jar file for a JDK 1.6 client application, complete the following steps:

  1. Change to the server/lib directory:

    cd WL_HOME/server/lib
  2. Use the following command to create wlfullclient.jar:

    java -jar wljarbuilder.jar
  3. Copy and bundle the wlfullclient.jar along with cryptoj.jar with client applications. The wlfullclient.jar and cryptoj.jar must be kept in the same directory because the Class-Path header in the wlfullclient.jar manifest includes cryptoj.jar.

  4. Add the wlfullclient.jar to the client application's classpath.

Creating a wlfullclient5.jar for JDK 1.5 client applications

To create a wlfullclient5.jar file for a JDK 1.5 client application, complete the following steps:

  1. Change to the server/lib directory:

    cd WL_HOME/server/lib
  2. Use the following command to create wlfullclient.jar:

    java -jar wljarbuilder.jar -profile wlfullclient5 
  3. Copy and bundle the wlfullclient5.jar along with cryptoj.jar with client applications. The wlfullclient5.jar and cryptoj.jar must be kept in the same directory because the Class-Path header in the wlfullclient.jar manifest includes cryptoj.jar.

  4. Add the wlfullclient5.jar to the client application's classpath.