
Title and Copyright Information


1 Introduction and Roadmap

2 Overview of Stand-alone Clients

3 Developing a WebLogic Thin T3 Client

4 Developing a WebLogic Full Client

5 Developing a Thin Client

6 WebLogic JMS Thin Client

7 Reliably Sending Messages Using the JMS SAF Client

8 Developing a J2SE Client

9 Developing a WLS-IIOP Client

10 Developing a CORBA/IDL Client

11 Developing Clients for CORBA Objects

12 Developing a WebLogic C++ Client for a Tuxedo ORB

13 Using Java EE Client Application Modules

14 Developing Security-Aware Clients

15 Using EJBs with RMI-IIOP Clients

A Client Application Deployment Descriptor Elements

B Using the WebLogic JarBuilder Tool