7 Reliably Sending Messages Using the JMS SAF Client

The following sections describe how to configure and use the JMS SAF Client feature to reliably send JMS messages from stand-alone JMS clients to server-side JMS destinations:

Overview of Using Store-and-Forward with JMS Clients

The JMS SAF Client feature extends the JMS store-and-forward service introduced in WebLogic Server 9.0 to stand-alone JMS clients. Now JMS clients can reliably send messages to server-side JMS destinations, even when the client cannot reach a destination (for example, due to a temporary network connection failure). While disconnected from the server, messages sent by a JMS SAF client are stored locally on the client file system and are forwarded to server-side JMS destinations when the client reconnects.

The JMS SAF client feature consists of two main parts: the JMS SAF client implementation that writes messages directly to a client-side persistent store on the local file system and a SAF forwarder that takes the messages written to the store and sends them to a WebLogic Server instance. There is also an optional SAFClient initialization API in weblogic.jms.extensions that allows JMS SAF clients to turn the SAF forwarder mechanism on and off whenever necessary. For more information, see The JMS SAF Client Initialization API.


For information on the server-side WebLogic JMS SAF for reliably sending JMS messages to potentially unavailable destinations, see "Configuring SAF for JMS Messages" in Configuring and Managing Store-and-Forward for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Configuring a JMS Client To Use Client-side SAF

No configuration is required on the server-side, but running client-side SAF does require some configuration on each client. The following sections describe how to configure a JMS client to use client-side SAF:

Generating a JMS SAF Client Configuration File

Each client machine requires a JMS SAF client configuration file that specifies information about the server-side connection factories and destinations needed by the JMS SAF client environment to operate. You generate the JMS SAF client configuration file from a specified JMS module's configuration file by using the ClientSAFGenerate utility bundled with your WebLogic installation.

The ClientSAFGenerate utility creates entries for all connection factories, stand-alone destinations, and distributed destinations found in the source JMS configuration file, as described in Steps to Generate a JMS SAF Client Configuration File from a JMS Module. The generated file defines the connection factories and imported destinations that the JMS SAF client will interact with directly through the initial JNDI context described in Modify Your JMS Client Applications To Use the JMS SAF Client's Initial JNDI Provider. However, the generated file will not contain entries for any foreign JMS destinations or SAF destinations in server-side JMS modules. Furthermore, only JMS destinations with their SAF Export Policy set to All are added to the file (the default setting for destinations).

How the JMS SAF Client Configuration File Works

The JMS SAF client XML file conforms to the WebLogic Server weblogic-jms.xsd schema for JMS modules and contains the root element weblogic-client-jms. The weblogic-jms.xsd schema contains several top-level elements that correspond to server-side WebLogic JMS SAF features, as described in Valid SAF Elements for JMS SAF Client Configurations.

The top-level elements in the file describe the connection factory and imported destination elements that the JMS SAF client will interact with directly. The SAF sending agent, remote SAF context, and SAF error handling elements describe the function of the SAF forwarder. The persistent store element is used by both the JMS SAF client API and the SAF forwarder.

Steps to Generate a JMS SAF Client Configuration File from a JMS Module

Use the ClientSAFGenerate utility to generate a JMS SAF client configuration file from a JMS module configuration file in a WebLogic domain. You can also generate a configuration file from an existing JMS SAF client configuration file, as described in ClientSAFGenerate Utility Syntax.


Running the ClientSAFGenerate utility on a client machine to generate a configuration file from an existing JMS SAF client configuration file requires using the wlfullclient.jar in the CLASSPATH instead of the thin JMS and JMS SAF clients. See Installing the JMS SAF Client JAR Files on Client Machines.

To use the ClientSAFGenerate utility to generate a JMS SAF client configuration file from the examples-jms.xml module file bundled in WebLogic Server installations, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the directory in the WebLogic domain containing the JMS module file that you want to use as the basis for the JMS SAF client configuration file:

  2. From a Java command-line, run the ClientSAFGenerate utility:

    > java weblogic.jms.extensions.ClientSAFGenerate -url -username weblogic -moduleFile examples-jms.xml -outputFile d:\temp\ClientSAF-jms.xml

    Table 7-1 lists and describes the valid ClientSAFGenerate arguments.

  3. A configuration file named SAFClient-jms.xml is created in the current directory. The following is a representative example of its contents:

    <weblogic-client-jms xmlns="http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/100" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
      <connection-factory name="exampleTrader">
      <saf-imported-destinations name="examples">
        <saf-queue name="exampleQueue">
        <saf-topic name="quotes">
      <saf-remote-context name="RemoteContext0">


    To include additional remote SAF connection factories and destinations from other JMS modules deployed in a cluster or domain, re-run the ClientSAFGenerate utility against these JMS module files and specify the same JMS SAF configuration file name in the -outputFile parameter. See ClientSAFGenerate Utility Syntax.
  4. The generated configuration file does not contain any encrypted passwords for the SAF remote contexts used to connect to remote servers. To create encrypted passwords for the remote SAF contexts and add them to the configuration file, follow the directions in Encrypting Passwords for Remote JMS SAF Contexts.

  5. Copy the generated configuration can file to the client machine(s) where you run your JMS SAF client applications. See Installing the JMS SAF Client JAR Files on Client Machines.


ClientSAF.xml is the default name expected in the current working directory of the JMS client, but you can also explicitly specify a file name by passing an argument in the JMS client, as described in Modify Your JMS Client Applications To Use the JMS SAF Client's Initial JNDI Provider.

ClientSAFGenerate Utility Syntax

The weblogic.jms.extensions.ClientSAFGenerate utility generates a JMS SAF client configuration file, using either a JMS module file or an existing JMS SAF client configuration file.

java [ weblogic.jms.extensions.ClientSAFGenerate ] 
[ -url server-url ]
[ -username name-of-user ]
[ -existingClientFile file-path ]
[ -moduleFile file-path ['@' plan-path ]]*
[ -outputFile file-path  ]

Table 7-1 ClientSAFGenerate Arguments

Argument Definition


The URL of the WebLogic Server instance where the JMS SAF client instance should connect.


The name of a valid user that this JMS SAF client instance should use when forwarding messages.


The name of an existing JMS SAF client configuration file. If this parameter is specified, then the existing file will be read and new entries will be added. If any conflicts are detected between items being added and items already in the JMS SAF client configuration file, a warning will be given and the new item will not be added. If a JMS SAF client configuration file is specified but the file cannot be found, then an error is printed and the utility exits.


The name of a JMS module configuration file and optional plan file.



ClientSAF.xml is the default name expected in the current working directory of the JMS client, but you can also explicitly specify a file name by passing an argument in the JMS client.

Valid SAF Elements for JMS SAF Client Configurations

The weblogic-client-jms root element of the weblogic-jms.xsd schema contains several top-level elements that correspond to server-side WebLogic JMS SAF features. Table 7-2 identifies the management MBean to which each top-level element in the schema corresponds.

Table 7-2 weblogic-client-saf Elements

weblogic-client-jms Element WebLogic Server Management Bean












For more information, see Default Store Options for JMS SAF Clients.


You can only specify one persistent-store and saf-agent element in a JMS SAF client configuration file.

All of the properties in these management MBeans work the same in the JMS SAF client implementation as they do in server-side SAF JMS configurations, except for those described in the following tables.

Table 7-3 describes the differences between the standard SAFAgentMBean fields and the fields in the JMS SAF client configuration file.

Table 7-3 Modified SAFAgentMBean Fields

Server-side SAF Fields Difference in JMS SAF Client Configuration File


Not available. There is only one persistent store defined.


Not available. This can only be a sending agent.


Threshold properties are not available.


Threshold properties are not available.


Threshold properties are not available.


Threshold properties are not available.


Not available. This field is only valid for receiving messages.


Not available. Only valid for receiving messages.


Not available. No way to un-pause; same effect achieved by not setting the JMS SAF client property.


Not available. No way to un-pause; same effect achieved by not setting the JMS SAF client property.


Not available. No way to un-pause; same effect achieved by not setting the JMS SAF client property.


You can only specify one saf-agent element in a JMS SAF client configuration file.

Table 7-4 describes the differences between the standard JMSConnectionFactoryBean fields and the fields in the JMS SAF client configuration file.

Table 7-4 Modified JMSConnectionFactoryBean Fields

Server-side SAF Fields Difference in JMS SAF Client Configuration File


Ignored. These connection factories are not targeted.

ClientParamsBean: MulticastOverrunPolicy

Ignored. This client cannot do multicast receives.

TransactionParamsBean: XAConnectionFactoryEnabled

Ignored. JMS SAF client cannot do XA transactions.


All fields are ignored. JMS SAF client cannot receive messages.


All fields are ignored. JMS SAF client cannot load balance since it is not connected to a server.

Table 7-5 describes the differences between the standard SAFImportedDestinationsBean fields and the fields in the JMS SAF client configuration file.

Table 7-5 Modified SAFImportedDestinationsBean Fields

Server-side SAF Fields Difference in JMS SAF Client Configuration File


Ignored. These are targeted to the single SAF agent defined in this file.


Ignored. Message unit-of-order is not supported.

Default Store Options for JMS SAF Clients

Each JMS SAF client has a default store that requires no configuration, and which can be shared by multiple JMS SAF clients. The default store is a file-based store that maintains its data in a group of files directly under the JMS SAF client configuration directory.

Using the persistent-store element, you can specify another location for the default store and also change its default write policy by specifying the following elements in the JMS SAF client configuration file:

Table 7-6 persistent-store Elements

Element Name What it does


Specifies the path to the directory on the file system where the file store is kept.


Defines how hard a file store will try to flush records to the disk. Values are: Direct-Write (default), Cache-Flush, and Disabled.


You can only specify one persistent-store element in a JMS SAF client configuration file.

The following is an example of a customized JMS SAF client default store in a JMS SAF client configuration file:


For more information about using the Synchronous Write Policy for a file store, see "Using the WebLogic Persistent Store" in Configuring Server Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Encrypting Passwords for Remote JMS SAF Contexts

The generated SAF configuration file does not contain any encrypted passwords for its generated SAF remote contexts, regardless of whether any were configured in the source JMS module file. If security credentials are configured for the remote cluster or server contexts defined in the JMS SAF client configuration file, then encrypted passwords are required to connect to the remote servers or cluster.

To create encrypted passwords for your remote SAF contexts, you must use the ClientSAFEncrypt utility bundled with your WebLogic installation, which encrypts cleartext strings for use with the JMS SAF client feature.


The existing weblogic.security.Encrypt command-line utility cannot be used because it expects access to the domain security files, which are not available on the client.

Steps to Generate Encrypted Passwords

To use the ClientSAFEncrypt to generate encrypted passwords, complete the following steps:

  1. From a Java command-line, run the ClientSAFEncrypt utility:

    > java -Dweblogic.management.allowPasswordEcho=true weblogic.jms.extensions.ClientSAFEncrypt [ key-password ] [ remote-password ]*
  2. If the key-password or the remote-password fields are not specified, then you will be prompted for the key-password and the remote-password interactively.

  3. The following is an example of obtaining an encrypted password:

    Password Key ("quit" to end):
    Password ("quit" to end):
    Password ("quit" to end):
  4. Continue generating as many remote passwords as necessary for the remote contexts defined in the JMS SAF client configuration file.

  5. Copy the encrypted remote password before the closing </saf-login-context> stanza in the JMS SAF client configuration file. For example:

    <saf-remote-context name="RemoteContext0">

    Use the ClientSAFEncrypt utility for all passwords (with the same key-password) required by the remote contexts defined in the JMS SAF client configuration file. When a client starts using the JMS SAF client, it must supply the same key-password that was provided to the ClientSAFEncrypt utility.

  6. Type quit to exit the ClientSAFEncrypt utility.

ClientSAFEncrypt Utility Syntax

The weblogic.jms.extensions.ClientSAFEncrypt utility encrypts cleartext strings for use with JMS SAF clients in order to access remote SAF contexts.

java [ -Dweblogic.management.allowPasswordEcho=true ]  weblogic.jms.extensions.ClientSAFEncrypt [ key-password ]  weblogic.jms.extensions.ClientSAFEncrypt [ remote-password ]

Table 7-7 ClientSAFEncrypt Arguments

Argument Definition


Optional. Allows echoing characters entered on the commandweblogic.jms.extensions.ClientSAFEncryptexpects that no-echo is available; if no-echo is not available, set this property to true.


The key to use when encrypting all remote passwords needed for the remote contexts defined in the JMS SAF client configuration file.

If omitted from the command line, you will be prompted to enter a key-password.


Cleartext string to be encrypted. Multiple passwords for each remote context can be generated in one session.

If omitted from the command line, you are prompted to enter a remote-password.

Installing the JMS SAF Client JAR Files on Client Machines

WebLogic Server provides three JMS SAF client options:

The required JAR files are located in the WL_HOME\server\lib subdirectory of the WebLogic Server installation directory, where WL_HOME is the top-level installation directory for the entire WebLogic product installation (for example, c:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\server\lib).

Oracle recommends using either the higher-performing WebLogic Full or Install client unless a small jar size is of high importance. To use the wlfullclient.jar, install it to a directory on the client machine's file system and add it to its CLASSPATH. Using the wlfullclient.jar file also allows you to run the ClientSAFGenerate utility on a client machine to generate a configuration file from an existing JMS SAF client configuration file, as described in Steps to Generate a JMS SAF Client Configuration File from a JMS Module. When smaller JAR sizes are required for thin clients, the JMS SAF client requires installing the following JAR files to a directory on the client machine's file system and adding them to its CLASSPATH:

  • wlsafclient.jar

  • wljmsclient.jar

  • wlclient.jar

The wljmsclient.jar has a reference to the wlclient.jar, so it is only necessary to put one or the other JAR in the client machine's CLASSPATH.

For more information about deploying thin clients, see Overview of the Thin Client.


The WebLogic Thin T3 client does not support JMS SAF clients.

Modify Your JMS Client Applications To Use the JMS SAF Client's Initial JNDI Provider

The JMS SAF client requires a special initial JNDI provider to look up the server-side JMS connection factories and destinations specified in the JMS SAF client configuration file, generated as described in Steps to Generate a JMS SAF Client Configuration File from a JMS Module.

Required JNDI Context Factory for JMS SAF Clients

Modify your JMS client applications to use the JMS SAF client JNDI context factory in place of the standard server initial context. The name used for the JMS SAF client JNDI property java.naming.factory.initial is weblogic.jms.safclient.jndi.InitialContextFactoryImpl.

An example JNDI initial context factory could look as follows in a JMS SAF client application:

   public final static String JNDI_FACTORY="weblogic.jms.safclient.jndi.InitialContextFactoryImpl";

With the standard JNDI lookup, the JMS SAF client is started automatically and looks up the server-side JMS connection factories and destinations specified in the configuration file. For the configuration file, ClientSAF.xml is the default name expected in the current working directory of the JMS client, but you can also explicitly specify a configuration file name by passing an argument in the JMS client.

Items returned from the initial context created with the JMS SAF client do not work in JMS calls from third-party JMS providers. Also, there can be no mixing of JMS SAF client initial contexts with server initial contexts, as described in No Mixing of JMS SAF Client Contexts and Server Contexts.

You can also update your JMS client applications to use the weblogic.jms.extensions.ClientSAF interface, which allows the JMS client to control when the JMS SAF client system is in use. See The JMS SAF Client Initialization API.

Optional JNDI Properties for JMS SAF Clients

A JMS SAF client has two optional JNDI properties:

  • Context.PROVIDER_URL – This must be a URL that points to your JMS SAF client configuration file. If one is not specified, it defaults to a file named ClientSAF.xml in the current working directory of the JVM.

  • Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS – If you are using security, specify a key password used to encrypt the remote context passwords in the configuration file.

The local JNDI provider only supports the lookup(String) and close() APIs. All other APIs throw an exception stating that the functionality is not supported.

JMS SAF Client Management Tools

The following sections describe management features that are available for use with the JMS SAF client implementation:

The JMS SAF Client Initialization API

The weblogic.jms.extensions.ClientSAF extension class allows the JMS client to control when the JMS SAF client system is in use. JMS clients do not need to use this extension mechanism, but can do so to get finer control of the JMS SAF client system. For example, the close() method can be used to stop a JMS client from forwarding messages.

Client-Side Store Administration Utility

The JMS SAF client provides a utility to administer the default file store used by JMS SAF clients. Similar to the server-side WebLogic Store utility, it enables you to troubleshoot a JMS SAF client store or extract its data. Run the utility from a Java command line or from the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST). The store utility operates only on a store that is not currently opened by a running JMS SAF client.

The most common uses-cases for store administration are for compacting a file store to reduce its size and for dumping the contents of a file store to an XML file for troubleshooting purposes. For more information, see "Administering a Persistent Store" in Configuring Server Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server.

JMS Programming Considerations with JMS SAF Clients

The following sections describe JMS programming considerations that apply to use of the JMS SAF client:

How the JMSReplyTo Field Is Handled In JMS SAF Client Messages

Generally, JMS applications can use the JMSReplyTo header field to advertise its temporary destination name to other applications. However, as with server-side JMS SAF imported destinations, the use of temporary destinations with a JMSReplyTo field is not supported for JMS SAF clients.

For more information about using JMS temporary destinations, see "Using Temporary Destinations" in Programming JMS for Oracle WebLogic Server.

No Mixing of JMS SAF Client Contexts and Server Contexts

When items returned from the JMS SAF client naming context are used in conjunction with items returned from a server initial context, the JMS API fails with a reasonable exception message. Likewise, when items returned from a server initial context are used in conjunction with items returned from the JMS SAF client naming context, the JMS API fails with a reasonable exception message.

Using Transacted Sessions With JMS SAF Clients

Transacted sessions are supported with JMS SAF clients, but Client SAF operations do not participate in any global (XA) transactions. If there is an XA transaction, the message send operation is done outside the XA transaction and no exception is thrown.

JMS SAF Client Interoperability Guidelines

The following sections describe interoperability guidelines that apply to use of the JMS SAF client for forwarding messages to server-side WebLogic JMS destinations:

Java Run Time

Each client machine must have J2SE 1.4 run time or higher installed.

WebLogic Server Versions

The WebLogic JMS SAF client system only works with WebLogic Server 9.2 and later.

On the client side, the WebLogic JMS SAF client code must be running with WebLogic Server JAR files that are release 9.2 or later. For more information about installing WebLogic Server JAR files, see Installing the JMS SAF Client JAR Files on Client Machines.


Client-side SAF is usable from C environments using the JMS C API. This implementation of the JMS C API uses JNI in order to access a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). However, the JMS C API cannot use the weblogic.jms.extensions.ClientSAF interface because it is a nonstandard JMS API.

To use SAF with the JMS C API, set the SAF context on the jndiFactory. By default, if you pass NULL as the jndiFactory, you would get the normal WebLogic Server context. For example:

int JmsContextCreate(JmsString *uri, JmsString *jndiFactory, JmsString *username, JmsString *password, JmsContext **context, JMS64I flags)

For more information, see "WebLogic C API" in Programming JMS for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Tuning JMS SAF Clients

JMS SAF clients can take advantage of the tuning parameters available with the server-side SAF service. For more information, see "Tuning WebLogic JMS Store-and-Forward" in the WebLogic Performance and Tuning Guide.

Limitations of Using the JMS SAF Client

In addition to the field-level limitations described in Valid SAF Elements for JMS SAF Client Configurations, the following limitations apply to the JMS SAF client:

  • The JMS Message Unit-of-Order and Unit-of-Work JMS Message Group features are not supported.

  • A destination consumer of an imported SAF destination is not supported. An exception is thrown if you attempt to create such a consumer in JMS SAF client environment.

  • A destination browser of an imported SAF destination is not supported. An exception is thrown if you attempt to create such a browser in JMS SAF client environment.

  • Transacted sessions are supported, but user (XA) transactions are not. Client SAF operations do not participate in any global transactions. See Using Transacted Sessions With JMS SAF Clients.

  • JMS SAF clients are not supported in Java Applets.

  • You can only specify one persistent-store and saf-agent element in a JMS SAF client configuration file.

  • The WebLogic Server CMP 2.x extension that allows users to return a java.sql.ResultSet to a client is not supported.

Behavior Change in JMS SAF Client Message Storage

In the Weblogic JMS SAF Client, messages are stored into local storage before forwarded to the remote destinations. Each remote destination corresponds to a local storage unit called a kernel queue. In releases prior to WebLogic Server 10.3.3, a JMS SAF client instance uses a different kernel queue each time it is closed and reopened. This behavior allowed multiple kernel queues to correspond to a destination. If the destination was:

  • A single remote destination, under some circumstances, a JMS SAF client may not forward messages or be forwarded them out of order.

  • A distributed destination, under some circumstances, some messages could be permanently lost or sent in duplicate.

In this release, the same kernel queue is used for a remote destination regardless of how often the JMS SAF client is opened and closed. In application environments in which a JMS Client SAF instance is opened only once, there is no change in behavior.

The Upgrade Process, Tools, and System Properties

The following sections provide information about processes, tools, and system properties used to upgrade JMS SAF Clients to use one kernel queue for each destination, regardless of how often the client opens and closes the kernel queue.

  • If your application environment only opens a JMS SAF client once, no action is required.

  • New JMS SAF clients require no changes.

  • If your application environment opens and close a JMS SAF client more than once, existing messages can be located in multiple kernel queues in the client. Oracle provides an user-tunable process to migrate messages from multiple kernel queues to a single kernel queue when a JMS SAF client starts for the first time after being upgraded. Although the migration ensures messages are not lost, there is a small possibility that message duplication can occur. Any message that is migrated retains its normal SAF QoS. You can opt out of migrating existing messages by either removing the local store or specifying weblogic.jms.safclient.MigrateExistingMessages=false. See Chapter 7, "JMS SAF Client Migration Properties." If the message migration fails for any reason, the JMS SAF client does not start.

JMS SAF Client Discovery Tool

The discovery tool is a Java program packaged in the WLS JMS client library that can be used to survey existing local SAF messages before upgrading. The discovery tool reviews the client configuration (including checking each remote destination and the corresponding kernel queues), prints the number of messages in each kernel queue, and prints some header information from the first message in each kernel queue (for example: message id, correlation id, SAF sequence name, SAF sequence number and Unit-of-Order). The results of the survey can be used to tune upgrade system properties. See Chapter 7, "JMS SAF Client Migration Properties."

Usage: java weblogic.jms.extensions.ClientSAFDiscover options

The discovery tool options are described in the following table:

Option Description
-help Print usage information.
-clientSAFRootDir <client-saf-root-directory> Optional. Defaults to current directory.

The root directory of the target SAF Client to discover. Any relative paths in the SAF Client configuration file are relative to this directory.

-configurationFile <configuration-file> Optional. Defaults to ClientSAF.xml.

The location of the configuration file used by the targeted JMS SAF Client. This option is required if the clientSAFRootDir option is specified. If the clientSAFRootDir option or this option is specified, the ClientSAF.xml file under the current working directory is used. If the specified configuration file does not exist, an exception is thrown.

-cutoffFormat <pattern> Optional. Defaults to yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ.

The date and time pattern for the optional cutoff time used. See http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/text/DateFormat.html for more information.

-cutoffTime <cutoff-time> Optional. Defaults to null set.

Prints data on messages that would be discarded during upgrade if weblogic.jms.safclient.MigrationCutoffTime is set. No messages are discarded. The cut off time format depends on -cutoffFormat. An exception is thrown if the specified cutoff time does not match the cutoffFormat pattern.If a cut off time is not specified, no messages would be discarded and no messages are printed.

-discoveryFile <discovery-file> Optional. Defaults to SAF_DISCOVERY.

The file that contains the output generated by ClientSAFDiscover. It is placed relative to the root directory unless an absolute path is specified. If the specified file already exists, it is deleted and a new file is created.


If you created a JMS SAF Client using the following:

ClientSAFFactory.getClientSAF(new File("c:\\foo"), new FileInputStream("c:\\ClientSAF-jms.xml"));

You can survey the existing messages using the ClientSAFDiscover tool before upgrading the JMS SAF client. For example:

java weblogic.jms.client.ClientSAFDiscover -clientSAFRootDir c:\foo -configurationFile c:\ClientSAF-jms.xml

The discovery information is written to the default location at c:\foo\SAF_DISCOVERY.

JMS SAF Client Migration Properties

Because message migration can be a complex issue even when automated, Oracle provides the following system properties to manage the process:

  • weblogic.jms.safclient.MigrateExistingMessages—If false, this property prevents the migration of message from multiple queues to a single queue. The default is true.

  • weblogic.jms.safclient.MigrationCutoffTime—Use to specify a time, the format specified by weblogic.jms.safclient.MigrationCutoffTimeFormat, after which messages are migrated to a single kernel queue. Any remaining messages are discarded. If not specified, all existing messages are upgraded.

    For example, if the cutoff format is the default, a valid cutoff time is 2009-12-16T10:34:17.887-0800. If the specified time does not match the format pattern, an exception is thrown and the JMS SAF client stops all message processing.

  • weblogic.jms.safclient.MigrationCutoffTimeFormat—Specifies the format of the weblogic.jms.safclient.MigrationCutoffTime. The default is "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ". See the description of the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class for more information.