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Using Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager With Oracle Solaris Cluster     Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  Using SAM-QFS With Oracle Solaris Cluster

2.  Requirements for Using SAM-QFS With Oracle Solaris Cluster

3.  Configuring Sun QFS Local Failover File Systems With Oracle Solaris Cluster

4.  Configuring Sun QFS Shared File Systems With Oracle Solaris Cluster

Task Map: Configuring Clustered File Systems With Oracle Solaris Cluster

Preparing the Host Systems

Editing mcf Files for a Clustered File System

How to Edit mcf Files for a Clustered File System

Creating the Shared Hosts File on the Metadata Server

How Metadata Server Addresses Are Obtained

How to Verify the Daemons

How to Enable a Shared File System as a SUNW.qfs Resource

How to Bring the Shared Resource Online

How to Verify the Resource Group on All Nodes

5.  Configuring SAM-QFS Archiving in an Oracle Solaris Cluster Environment (HA-SAM)

6.  Configuring Clients Outside of the Cluster

Creating the Shared Hosts File on the Metadata Server

The shared hosts configuration file must reside in the following location on the metadata server:


Comments are permitted in the hosts configuration file. Comment lines must begin with a pound character (#). Characters to the right of the pound character are ignored.

The following table shows the fields in the hosts configuration file.

Host Name
This field must contain the alphanumeric name of a metadata server or potential metadata server that is part of the Sun QFS shared file system.
Host Interfaces
This field must contain a comma-separated list of host interface addresses. This field can be created from the output received from the ifconfig -a command. The individual interfaces can be specified in one of the following ways:
  • Dotted-decimal IP address form

  • IP version 6 hexadecimal address form

  • As a symbolic name that the local domain name service (DNS) can resolve to a particular host interface

Each host uses this field to determine whether it will try to connect to the specified host interface. The system evaluates the addresses from left to right, and the connection is made using the first responding address in the list that is also included in the shared hosts file.

In a shared file system, each client host obtains the list of metadata server IP addresses from the metadata server host.

The metadata server and the client hosts use both the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.fsname file on the metadata server and the hosts.fsname.local file on each client host (if it exists) to determine the host interface to use when accessing the file system.

How Metadata Server Addresses Are Obtained

The information in this section might be useful when you are debugging.

In a shared file system, each client host obtains the list of metadata server IP addresses from the shared hosts file.

The metadata server and the client hosts use the shared hosts file on the metadata server and the hosts.fsname.local file on each client host (if it exists) to determine the host interface to use when accessing the metadata server.

Note - The term client, as in network client, is used to refer to both client hosts and the metadata server host.

This process is as follows:

  1. The client obtains the list of metadata server host IP interfaces from the file system's on-disk shared hosts file. To examine this file, issue the samsharefs command from the metadata server or from a potential metadata server.

  2. The client searches for an /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.fsname.local file. Depending on the outcome of the search, one of the following activities occur:

    • If a hosts.fsname.local file does not exist, the client attempts to connect, in turn, to each address in the servers line in the shared hosts file until it succeeds in connecting.

    • If the hosts.fsname.local file exists, the client performs the following tasks:

      1. It compares the list of addresses for the metadata server from both the shared hosts file on the file system and the hosts.fsname.local file.

      2. It builds a list of addresses that are present in both places, and then it attempts to connect to each of these addresses, in turn, until it succeeds in connecting to the server. If the order of the addresses differs in these files, the client uses the ordering in the hosts.fsname.local file.

Example 4-2 Sun QFS Shared File System Hosts File Example

This set of examples shows a detailed scenario for a shared file system that comprises four hosts.

The following example shows a hosts file that lists four hosts.

# File /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.sharefs1
# Host Host IP Server Not Server
# Name Addresses Priority Used Host
# ---- ----------------- -------- ---- -----
titan 1 - server
tethys 2 -
mimas mimas - -
dione dione - -

Figure 4-1 Network Interfaces for Sun QFS Shared File System Hosts File Example

image:Network Interfaces for Sun QFS Shared File System Hosts File Example

Example 4-3 File hosts.sharefs1.local on titan and tethys

Systems titan and tethys share a private network connection with interfaces and To guarantee that titan and tethys always communicate over their private network connection, the system administrator has created identical copies of /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.sharefs1.local on each system.

The following example shows the information in the hosts.sharefs1.local files on titan and tethys.

# This is file /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.sharefs1.local
# Host Name Host Interfaces
# --------- ---------------

Example 4-4 File hosts.sharefs1.local on mimas and dione

Systems mimas and dione are not on the private network. To guarantee that they always connect to titan and tethysthrough titan's and tethys's public interfaces, the system administrator has created identical copies of /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.sharefs1.local on mimas and dione.

The following example shows the information in the hosts.sharefs1.local files on mimas and dione.

# This is file /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.sharefs1.local
# Host Name Host Interfaces
# ---------- --------------
titan titan
tethys tethys

How to Verify the Daemons

Perform this task on each host that can mount the file system.

  1. Verify that the file system is mounted.

    If it is not mounted, see Mounting the File System in Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Installation Guide and follow the instructions there.

  2. Use the ps and grep commands to determine whether the sam-sharefsd daemon is running for this file system.

    For example:

    # ps -ef | grep sam-sharefsd
    root 26167 26158  0 18:35:20 ?        0:00 sam-sharefsd sharefs1
    root 27808 27018  0 10:48:46 pts/21   0:00 grep sam-sharefsd

    This example shows that the sam-sharefsd daemon is active for the sharefs1 file system.

    Note - If the sam-sharefsd daemon is active for your shared file system, you need to perform some diagnostic procedures.

  3. If the output from this command indicates that the sam-sharefsd daemon is not running, determine whether the sam-fsd daemon is running as follows:
    1. Use the ps and grep commands to verify that the sam-fsd daemon is running for this file system.
    2. Examine the output.

      The following code example shows sam-fsd output that indicates that the daemon is running.

      cur% ps -ef | grep sam-fsd
      user1 16435 16314  0 16:52:36 pts/13   0:00 grep sam-fsd
      root   679     1  0   Aug 24 ?        0:00 /usr/lib/fs/samfs/sam-fsd
    3. Do one of the following:
      • If the output indicates that the sam-fsd daemon is not running, and if no file system has been accessed since the system's last boot, issue the samd config command, as follows:

        # samd config
      • If the output indicates that the sam-fsd daemon is running, enable tracing in the defaults.conf file and check the following files to determine whether configuration errors are causing the problem:

        • /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-fsd

        • /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-sharefsd

How to Enable a Shared File System as a SUNW.qfs Resource

  1. Log in to the metadata server as superuser.
  2. Use the scrgadm -p command to search for the SUNW.qfs resource type. For example:
    metadataserver# scrgadm -p | grep SUNW.qfs
  3. If the SUNW.qfs resource type is missing, issue the following command:
    metadataserver# scrgadm -a -t SUNW.qfs
  4. Use the scrgadm command to register and configure the SUNW.qfs resource type.

    The SUNW.qfs resource type is part of the Sun QFS software package. Configuring the resource type for use with your shared file system makes the shared file system's metadata server highly available. Oracle Solaris Cluster scalable applications can then access data contained in the file system.

    The following code example shows how to use the scrgadm command to register and configure the SUNW.qfs resource type. In this example, the nodes are scnode-A and scnode-B. /global/sharefs1 is the mount point as specified in the /etc/vfstab file.

    # scrgadm -a -g qfs-rg -h scnode-A,scnode-B
    # scrgadm -a -g qfs-rg -t SUNW.qfs -j qfs-res \
           -x QFSFileSystem=/global/sharefs1

    Note - In a SAM-QFS environment, you can also configure the archiving features for high availability using Oracle Solaris Cluster software. For instructions, see Chapter 5, Configuring SAM-QFS Archiving in an Oracle Solaris Cluster Environment (HA-SAM).

How to Bring the Shared Resource Online

  1. Verify that the file system is mounted on all nodes.

    Note - If you are using the SUNW.qfs resource type, you cannot use the bg mount option in the /etc/vfstab file.

  2. Log in to the node upon which the file system is based.
  3. Use the scswitch command to bring the Sun QFS resource group online.

    For example:

    metadataserver# scswitch -Z -g qfs-rg
  4. Use the scstat command to verify that the Sun QFS resource group is online.

    For example:

    metadataserver# scstat
    <information deleted from this output>
    -- Resources --
    Resource Name    Node Name  State     Status Message
    -------------    ---------  -----     --------------
    Resource: qfs-res   ash     Online    Online
    Resource: qfs-res   elm     Offline   Offline
    Resource: qfs-res   oak     Offline   Offline

How to Verify the Resource Group on All Nodes

Perform these steps for each node in the cluster, with a final return to the metadata server.

  1. From any node in the Oracle Solaris Cluster environment, use the scswitch command to move the file system resource from one node to another.

    For example:

    server# scswitch -z -g qfs-rg -h elm
  2. Use the scstat command to verify that the file system resource was moved successfully.

    For example:

    server# scstat
    -- Resources --
    Resource Name    Node Name  State     Status Message
    -------------    ---------  -----     --------------
    Resource: qfs-res   ash     Offline   Offline
    Resource: qfs-res   elm     Online    Online
    Resource: qfs-res   oak     Offline   Offline