
Class Summary
AddItemsToOrder This droplet is placed on the page that follows login during checkout (currently the shipping page).
ArraySubsetHelper This droplet determines the indices of a corresponding array if the array was subdivided into separate parts.
ColorSizeDroplet This droplet is used by the color and size picker to generate the available colors and sizes and their current state.
ComparisonRowExistsDroplet This droplet is used in Product Comparison pages in order to determine whether there is at least one object in items containing not-null value for the specified property or the rendering of this property should be omitted.
CountryRestrictionsDroplet This droplet country returns a list of countries filtered on the permitted/restricted country codes configured in the corresponding component.
DisplayLanguagesDroplet This droplet takes a list of language keys, and returns a list of objects associating those keys with their proper display languages.
EnsureCreditCardPaymentGroup This droplet will create a credit card payment group and add it to the order if it doesn't already exist.
EscapeJS This droplet is escaped apostrophe with \'.
ExpressCheckoutOkDroplet Checks to see if this user can use ExpressCheckout or not.
InternationalizedCountryRestrictionsDroplet Internationalized version of base CountryRestrictionsDroplet
InternationalizedExpressCheckoutOkDroplet Internationalized version of base ExpressCheckoutOkDroplet.
IsEmailRecipient Given an emailAddress, this droplet will call into StoreProfileTools.retrieveEmailRecipient().
NullPropertiesCheck This droplet is a convenience to help prevent JSP compilation failure due to the passing of nulls into a dsp tag.
PropertyValueCollection Creates a collection of property values for a collection of repository items.
RqlDroplet This droplet is used in favor of the ATG RQLQueryForEach droplet.
ShippingGroupItemRelationshipDetails This droplet generates UnitPriceBeans for each item in each shipping group of an order.
ShowGiftWrap Checks to see if the gift wrap option should be shown or not.
SkuAvailabilityLookup This droplet looks at a single sku and the product referencing it and determines if it is available, preorderable, backorderable or unavailable.
StorePriceBeansDroplet This droplet generates UnitPriceBeans for the whole order, or for the shipping-group-commerce-item relationship.
StoreTextDroplet This droplet performs a look up in the repository to obtain localized resource text message templates either by matching on a specific key to obtain a single resource text message template or by matching on a tag to obtain zero or more resource text messages 'tagged' with this value.