
Class Summary
ProcValidateGiftCardForCheckout This processor validates the order has more than just gift cards.
ProcValidateInventoryForCheckout Determine if the item is available by ensuring that at least 1 is available for preorder, backorder or immediate availability.
ProcVerifyShippingAddresses This class extends ProcVerifyOrderAddresses to verify only shipping-group addresses.
StoreProcLoadPriceInfoObjects This class is overridden to include loading of TaxPriceInfo for commerce items and shipping groups.
StoreProcSavePriceInfoObjects Extended ATG base class in order to save TaxPriceInfo of commerce items and shipping groups.
StoreProcUpdateGiftRepository This extension of ProcUpdateGiftRepository will check if the given commerce item is a gift wrap item, so it doesn't attempt to remove gift wrap from the giftlist.