Class GenericSecuredMutableFolderItem

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by
              extended by
                  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
ContentRepositoryFolder, FolderItem, DisplayableItem, MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, SecuredMutableRepositoryItem, SecuredRepositoryItem, SecuredObject

public class GenericSecuredMutableFolderItem
extends GenericSecuredMutableRepositoryItem
implements ContentRepositoryFolder

A class which can be used to wrap a GSAFolder because it implements all appropriate interfaces (FolderItem, ContentRepositoryFolder, MutableRepositoryItem)

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Fields inherited from class
ITEM_RIGHTS, ITEM_RIGHTS_MAP, mPolicy, mPropertyObjects
Fields inherited from class
mDescriptor, mItem, mMutableItem, mRepository
Fields inherited from class
mAcl, mOwner, mSecurityContext
Constructor Summary
GenericSecuredMutableFolderItem(GenericSecuredMutableContentRepository pRepository, MutableRepositoryItem pItem)
          Wraps a repository item with a secured repository item.
GenericSecuredMutableFolderItem(GenericSecuredMutableRepository pRepository, MutableRepositoryItem pItem)
          Wraps a repository item with a secured repository item.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String[] getAncestorFolderIds()
          Returns an array of ids for all folders which are parents of this item.
 java.lang.String[] getAncestorFolderPaths()
          Returns an array of paths for all folders which are parents of this item.
 java.lang.String[] getChildContentIds()
          Returns an array of document ids which can be used to access the pieces of content in the folder.
 java.lang.String[] getChildContentPaths()
          Returns an array of document names which can be used to access the pieces of content in the folder.
 java.lang.String[] getChildFolderIds()
          Returns an array of ids which access all the folders which are children of this folder.
 java.lang.String[] getChildFolderPaths()
          Returns an array of folder names which access all the folders which are children of this folder.
 java.lang.String getFolderId()
          Return the id of this folder.
 java.lang.String getItemPath()
          Return the path of this item, represented as a "relative path" from a "document root."
Methods inherited from class
getOriginalItemDescriptor, setAccessControlList, setOwner, setPropertyAccessControlList, setPropertyValue, unsecuredSetCreationSecurity
Methods inherited from class
checkPropertyAccess, equals, getContextMemberships, getItemDescriptor, getItemDisplayName, getPropertyAccessControlList, getPropertySecuredObject, getPropertyValue, getRepository, getRepositoryId, hasAccess, hashCode, hasPropertyAccess, isRemoved, isTransient
Methods inherited from class
getRepositoryItem, getSecuredObjectDescriptor, invalidate, logError, logError, logError, supportsAccessControlList, supportsOwner, unsecuredGetAccessControlList, unsecuredGetContainers, unsecuredGetOwner, unsecuredSetAccessControlList, unsecuredSetOwner
Methods inherited from class
checkAccess, checkRuntimeAccess, getAccessControlList, getOwner, getSecurityContext, setSecurityContext, unsecuredGetSecuredContainers
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface atg.repository.DisplayableItem
Methods inherited from interface atg.repository.SecuredRepositoryItem
getPropertyAccessControlList, getPropertySecuredObject, hasAccess, hasPropertyAccess
Methods inherited from interface
getAccessControlList, getOwner, getSecurityContext, supportsAccessControlList, supportsOwner, unsecuredGetAccessControlList, unsecuredGetContainers, unsecuredGetOwner, unsecuredSetAccessControlList, unsecuredSetOwner
Methods inherited from interface atg.repository.RepositoryItem
getContextMemberships, getItemDescriptor, getPropertyValue, getRepository, getRepositoryId, isTransient

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Constructor Detail


public GenericSecuredMutableFolderItem(GenericSecuredMutableContentRepository pRepository,
                                       MutableRepositoryItem pItem)
                                throws RepositoryException
Wraps a repository item with a secured repository item.



public GenericSecuredMutableFolderItem(GenericSecuredMutableRepository pRepository,
                                       MutableRepositoryItem pItem)
                                throws RepositoryException
Wraps a repository item with a secured repository item.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getFolderId()
Return the id of this folder.

Specified by:
getFolderId in interface ContentRepositoryFolder


public java.lang.String[] getChildFolderPaths()
Returns an array of folder names which access all the folders which are children of this folder.

Specified by:
getChildFolderPaths in interface ContentRepositoryFolder
See Also:
ContentRepository.getFolderByPath, ContentRepository.getFoldersByPath


public java.lang.String[] getChildFolderIds()
Returns an array of ids which access all the folders which are children of this folder.

Specified by:
getChildFolderIds in interface ContentRepositoryFolder
See Also:
ContentRepository.getFolder, ContentRepository.getFolders


public java.lang.String[] getChildContentPaths()
Returns an array of document names which can be used to access the pieces of content in the folder.

Specified by:
getChildContentPaths in interface ContentRepositoryFolder
an array of full paths for documents contained within this folder. e.g. ["/foo/bar.html", "/foobar.html"]
See Also:
ContentRepository.getItemByPath, ContentRepository.getItemsByPath


public java.lang.String[] getChildContentIds()
Returns an array of document ids which can be used to access the pieces of content in the folder.

Specified by:
getChildContentIds in interface ContentRepositoryFolder
See Also:
Repository.getItem, Repository.getItems


public java.lang.String getItemPath()
Return the path of this item, represented as a "relative path" from a "document root."

Specified by:
getItemPath in interface FolderItem


public java.lang.String[] getAncestorFolderPaths()
Returns an array of paths for all folders which are parents of this item. If the item is the root folder then return an empty array. For example: if you have a piece of content with the itemPath property value "/foo/bar/somepage.html" then this method would return {"/", "/foo", "/foo/bar"}. With a these paths one can fetch the content via the ContentRepository.getFolderByPath methods.
Convention is as follows:
/foo/bar/somepage.html -> {"/", "/foo", "/foo/bar"}
/foo/bar -> {"/" + "/foo"}
/foo -> {"/"}
/ -> {}

Specified by:
getAncestorFolderPaths in interface FolderItem
See Also:
ContentRepository.getFolderByPath, ContentRepository.getFoldersByPath


public java.lang.String[] getAncestorFolderIds()
Returns an array of ids for all folders which are parents of this item. If the item is the root folder then return an empty array.

Specified by:
getAncestorFolderIds in interface FolderItem
See Also:
ContentRepository.getFolder, ContentRepository.getFolders