Package atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor

Class Summary
ProcAddApprovalSystemMessagesToOrder This processor adds the error messages in the PipelineResult object to the approverMessages property in the Order object.
ProcAddApproverIdsToOrder This processor adds the list of valid approver ids to the approverIds property of the order.
ProcAddApproverIdToOrder This processor adds an approver's profile id to the order being approved.
ProcAddApproverMessagesToOrder This processor adds an approver's messages to the order being approved.
ProcAddMessageMapperErrorToOrder This processor adds the error message from the param map property ApprovalConstants.MESSAGE_MAPPER_ERROR to the order property approvalSystemMessages.
ProcPopulatePipelineParams This processor extracts properties from a JMS message object and populates them into the pParam parameter.
ProcSendApprovalCompleteMessage This processor instantiates an ApprovalMessage object and populates it.
ProcSendApprovalMessage This processor instantiates an ApprovalMessage object and populates it.
ProcSendApprovalRequiredMessage This processor creates and sends an ApprovalRequiredMessage to the messaging system.
ProcVerifyApproval This class returns the value in the alreadyApprovedReturnValue property if the state or the order is the same as the state in thge approvedOrderState property of this class.