Package atg.commerce.catalog.custom

Class Summary
AncestorGeneratorService This CMSService performs the following service functions Available service functions: AGS_GENPROPERTIES - generate catalog, catalogs, and AncestorCategories (for catalogs, products, skus) AGS_GENCATALOGS - generate catalog and catalogs (for catalogs, products and skus) AGS_GENPARENTCATS - generate parent categories AGS_GENANCESTORS - generate ancestors (for products and skus) AGS_GENPROPERTIES_FOR_CATEGORY - only generate category and above AGS_GENPROPERTIES_FOR_PRODUCT - only generate product and above
CatalogAlias A user-defined property descriptor that will allow one property to act as an alias for another.
CatalogCompletionService This service performs incremental maintenance on the catalog system after changes have been made to the catalog structure in the UI.
CatalogItemLookupDroplet This servlet looks for a RepositoryItem by its id from within a Repository.
CatalogMaintenanceService This service extends the standard catalog maintenance to provide processing specific to custom catalogs.
CatalogMigration This class is used to migrate the old product catalog data to the custom Catalog.
CatalogMigrationService This class migrates a standard system to a custom catalog system.
CatalogPossibleValues This subclass of atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues will only include items that are contained in the current users catalog, in the list of possible values.
CatalogProfilePropertySetter Commerce specific implementation of the ProfilePropertySetter that sets set the catalog property of a profile from the current site.

Created: Wed Feb 28 11:19:49 2001

CatalogSearchFormHandler Does the same thing as atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler but it limits all searches to within the current catalog.
CatalogUpdateService This service batch-computes the properties that are usually maintained by CatalogCompletionService.
CatalogVerificationService This CMSService performs the following service functions
CustomCatalogTools This class is an extension of atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools that modifies the behavior so it works with custom catalogs.
CustomCatalogTypeInfo This class represents type metadata relating to the product catalog, and is serializable.
FilteringCatalogPossibleValues This subclass of atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues will only include items that are contained in the current users catalog, in the list of possible values.
FilteringSearchFormHandler Overrides the custom catalog search form handler when in development mode to filter items by catalogs in post query processing
ForEachItemInCatalog This is exactly the same as the ForEach droplet except only items that are in the current users catalog.
InfoGeneratorService This service examines the product catalog and ensures that every category has a category-info object for each catalog it is contained in, that every product has a product-info for each catalog it is contained in, and that every sku has a sku-info for each catalog it is contained in.
SubCatalogsGeneratorService This class will update each catalogs "subCatalogs" property with a list of all the sub catalogs (and their sub catalogs, etc.) The following properties will be updated by this service:
catalog.allRootCategories catalog.allRootCategoryIds catalog.subCatalogs catalog.subCatalogsIds category.subCatalogsChildCategories

Exception Summary
CatalogLoopException Represents an exception thrown when a category is added to two different catalogs.
MigrationException Represents an exception thrown during catalog migration.
MultipleCatalogException Represents an exception thrown when a category is added to two different catalogs.