Class ElectronicFulfiller

  extended by atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
      extended by atg.nucleus.GenericService
          extended by atg.commerce.messaging.SourceSinkTemplate
              extended by atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
                  extended by atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
All Implemented Interfaces:
MessageSink, MessageSource, NameContextBindingListener, NameContextElement, NameResolver, AdminableService, ApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender, atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging, VariableArgumentApplicationLogging, ComponentNameResolver, Service, ServiceListener, java.util.EventListener

public class ElectronicFulfiller
extends FulfillerSystem

This fulfiller is used to fulfill shipping groups that contain electronic goods. In the out of the box implementation this means gift certificates. The two messages that are supported are

See Also:
FulfillOrderFragment, ModifyOrder, ModifyOrderNotification

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Name of template email parameter containing the quantity
static java.lang.String GIFT_CERTIFICATE_PARAM_NAME
          Name of template email parameter containing the gift certificate bean
static java.lang.String PURCHASER_PARAM_NAME
          Name of template email parameter containing the profile bean of the purchaser
static java.lang.String QUANTITY_PARAM_NAME
          Name of template email parameter containing the quantity
static java.lang.String RECIPIENT_EMAIL_PARAM_NAME
          Name of template email parameter containing the quantity
Fields inherited from class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
mModifyOrderNotificationPort, mModifyOrderPort, NUCLEUS_NAME
Fields inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addEmailListener(EmailListener pEmailListener)
          The list of email listeners to whom this fulfiller will attempt delivery of the specific electronic good.
protected  RepositoryItem createElectronicGood(java.lang.Double pAmount, java.lang.Double pAmountRemaining, java.lang.String pPurchaserId, java.util.Date pPurchaseDate)
          Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
protected  java.lang.String createEmailMessageBody(java.lang.String pClaimCode)
          Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
protected  EmailEvent createEmailObject(java.lang.String pRecipientEmailAddress, java.lang.String pClaimCode)
          Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
protected  void deliverElectronicGood(Order pOrder, ShippingGroup pShippingGroup, RepositoryItem pElectronicClaimable, long pQuantity)
          Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
protected  void deliverElectronicGood(java.lang.String pRecipientEmailAddress, java.lang.String pClaimCode)
          Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
 java.util.Properties getChainToRunMap()
 ClaimableManager getClaimableManager()
          Return the ClaimableManager property.
 java.lang.String getDefaultFromAddress()
          Return the DefaultFromAddress property.
 java.lang.String getDefaultMessageBody()
          Return the DefaultMessageBody property.
 java.lang.String getDefaultProfileType()
          The default profile repository view that is used in retrieving profiles.
 java.lang.String getDefaultSubject()
          Return the DefaultSubject property.
 TemplateEmailInfo getDefaultTemplateEmailInfo()
          The default information used for templated email.
 java.util.List getEmailListeners()
          Return the lis of email listeners that will attempt delivery.
 java.lang.String getGiftCertificateAmountProperty()
          The name of the property in the sku to be used for the gift certificate amount.
 java.lang.String getGiftCertificateEmailTemplate()
          The url to the email template used for gift certificate emails.
 java.lang.String getGiftCertificateParamName()
          The name of the parameter passed into the email template for the gift certificate Defaults to "giftCertificate" getKeyForMessage(javax.jms.ObjectMessage oMessage)
          This method will return the key to be used for locking out other messages with the same key while a thread is handling this message.
protected getOrderIdFromMessage(FulfillOrderFragment cMessage)
          This is called only for the FulfillOrderFragment messages
 Repository getProfileRepository()
          The profile repository used to retrieve profile information.
 java.lang.String getPurchaserParamName()
          The name of the parameter passed into the email template for the purchaser Defaults to "purchaser"
 java.lang.String getQuantityParamName()
          The name of the parameter passed into the email template for the quantity Defaults to "quantity"
 java.lang.String getRecipientEmailParamName()
          The name of the parameter passed into the email template for the email address of the recipient.
 TemplateEmailSender getTemplateEmailSender()
          The TemplateEmailSender to use for sending email to a single recipient.
 void handleFulfillOrderFragment(java.lang.String pPortName, javax.jms.ObjectMessage pMessage)
           This method is called to handle all messages of type FulfillOrderFragment.
protected  boolean handleMessage(java.lang.String pPortName, javax.jms.ObjectMessage pMessage)
           This is called to handle a newly received message.
 void handleModifyOrder(java.lang.String pPortName, javax.jms.ObjectMessage pMessage)
           This method is called to handle all messages of type ModifyOrder.
 void handleModifyOrderNotification(java.lang.String pPortName, javax.jms.ObjectMessage pMessage)
           This method is called to handle all messages of type ModifyOrderNotification.
 boolean isPersistEmails()
          If true, emails will be persisted.
 boolean isSeparateEmailThread()
          If true, email will be send through a separate email thread.
 boolean isUseTemplateEmailSender()
          If true, is the templateEmailSender, otherwise just use the EmailListener default is true
 Order loadOrder(java.lang.String pId)
          This method will return the Order from the order repository with the given id.
 boolean processMultipleShippingGroups(Order pOrder, java.lang.String[] pShippingGroupIds, java.util.List pPerformedModifications)
          This method will process each shipping group in the given array.
protected  boolean processShippingGroup(Order pOrder, ShippingGroup pShippingGroup, java.util.List pModificationList)
          Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
 void removeEmailListener(EmailListener pEmailListener)
          Removes the email listener from the list of listeners that will attempt to deliver the electronic good on.
 void setChainToRunMap(java.util.Properties pChainToRunMap)
 void setClaimableManager(ClaimableManager pClaimableManager)
          Set the ClaimableManager property.
 void setDefaultFromAddress(java.lang.String pDefaultFromAddress)
          Set the DefaultFromAddress property.
 void setDefaultMessageBody(java.lang.String pDefaultMessageBody)
          Set the DefaultMessageBody property.
 void setDefaultProfileType(java.lang.String pDefaultProfileType)
 void setDefaultSubject(java.lang.String pDefaultSubject)
          Set the DefaultSubject property.
 void setDefaultTemplateEmailInfo(TemplateEmailInfo pDefaultTemplateEmailInfo)
 void setGiftCertificateAmountProperty(java.lang.String pGiftCertificateAmountProperty)
 void setGiftCertificateEmailTemplate(java.lang.String pGiftCertificateEmailTemplate)
 void setGiftCertificateParamName(java.lang.String pGiftCertificateParamName)
 void setPersistEmails(boolean pPersistEmails)
 void setProfileRepository(Repository pProfileRepository)
 void setPurchaserParamName(java.lang.String pPurchaserParamName)
 void setQuantityParamName(java.lang.String pQuantityParamName)
 void setRecipientEmailParamName(java.lang.String pRecipientEmailParamName)
 void setSeparateEmailThread(boolean pSeparateEmailThread)
 void setTemplateEmailSender(TemplateEmailSender pTemplateEmailSender)
 void setUseTemplateEmailSender(boolean pUseTemplateEmailSender)
 void updateOrder(Order pOrder)
          This method will save the order passed in to the repository that is being used.
Methods inherited from class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
doStartService, getClientLockManager, getCommerceItemStates, getFulfillmentPipelineManager, getLookUpOrderIdFromMessage, getLookUpOrderIdFromOrder, getModifyOrderNotificationPort, getModifyOrderPort, getOrderFulfillmentTools, getOrderManager, getOrderStates, getPaymentGroupStates, getPaymentManager, getShipItemRelationshipStates, getShippingGroupStates, handleNewMessageType, receiveMessage, setClientLockManager, setCommerceItemStates, setFulfillmentPipelineManager, setLookUpOrderIdFromMessage, setLookUpOrderIdFromOrder, setModifyOrderNotificationPort, setModifyOrderPort, setOrderFulfillmentTools, setOrderManager, setOrderStates, setPaymentGroupStates, setPaymentManager, setShipItemRelationshipStates, setShippingGroupStates
Methods inherited from class atg.commerce.messaging.SourceSinkTemplate
getDelayOnSendRetry, getMessageSourceContext, getMessageSourceName, getTransactionManager, isAllowMessageSending, sendCommerceMessage, sendObjectMessage, setAllowMessageSending, setDelayOnSendRetry, setMessageSourceContext, setMessageSourceName, setTransactionManager, startMessageSource, stopMessageSource
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
addLogListener, createAdminServlet, doStopService, getAbsoluteName, getAdminServlet, getLoggingForVlogging, getLogListenerCount, getLogListeners, getName, getNameContext, getNucleus, getRoot, getServiceConfiguration, getServiceInfo, isLoggingDebug, isLoggingError, isLoggingInfo, isLoggingTrace, isLoggingWarning, isRunning, logDebug, logDebug, logDebug, logError, logError, logError, logInfo, logInfo, logInfo, logTrace, logTrace, logTrace, logWarning, logWarning, logWarning, nameContextElementBound, nameContextElementUnbound, removeLogListener, reResolveThis, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, sendLogEvent, setLoggingDebug, setLoggingError, setLoggingInfo, setLoggingTrace, setLoggingWarning, setNucleus, setServiceInfo, startService, stopService
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PURCHASER_PARAM_NAME
Name of template email parameter containing the profile bean of the purchaser

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String GIFT_CERTIFICATE_PARAM_NAME
Name of template email parameter containing the gift certificate bean

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String QUANTITY_PARAM_NAME
Name of template email parameter containing the quantity

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String RECIPIENT_EMAIL_PARAM_NAME
Name of template email parameter containing the quantity

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_GIFT_CERTIFICATE_EMAIL_TEMPLATE
Name of template email parameter containing the quantity

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ElectronicFulfiller()
Method Detail


public void setProfileRepository(Repository pProfileRepository)


public Repository getProfileRepository()
The profile repository used to retrieve profile information.


public void setDefaultProfileType(java.lang.String pDefaultProfileType)


public java.lang.String getDefaultProfileType()
The default profile repository view that is used in retrieving profiles.


public void setUseTemplateEmailSender(boolean pUseTemplateEmailSender)


public boolean isUseTemplateEmailSender()
If true, is the templateEmailSender, otherwise just use the EmailListener default is true


public void setTemplateEmailSender(TemplateEmailSender pTemplateEmailSender)


public TemplateEmailSender getTemplateEmailSender()
The TemplateEmailSender to use for sending email to a single recipient.


public void setSeparateEmailThread(boolean pSeparateEmailThread)


public boolean isSeparateEmailThread()
If true, email will be send through a separate email thread. (true by default)


public void setPersistEmails(boolean pPersistEmails)


public boolean isPersistEmails()
If true, emails will be persisted. (false by default) Note: Currently, the TemplateEmailSender does not support email persistence unless the recipient is a profile. ElectronicFulfiller sends directly to an email address. Therefore, until support is added to the TemplateEmailSender, setting this flag to true will have no effect.


public void setDefaultTemplateEmailInfo(TemplateEmailInfo pDefaultTemplateEmailInfo)


public TemplateEmailInfo getDefaultTemplateEmailInfo()
The default information used for templated email. This property is ignore if is false.


public void setGiftCertificateEmailTemplate(java.lang.String pGiftCertificateEmailTemplate)


public java.lang.String getGiftCertificateEmailTemplate()
The url to the email template used for gift certificate emails. This property is ignore if is false.


public void setPurchaserParamName(java.lang.String pPurchaserParamName)


public java.lang.String getPurchaserParamName()
The name of the parameter passed into the email template for the purchaser Defaults to "purchaser"


public void setGiftCertificateParamName(java.lang.String pGiftCertificateParamName)


public java.lang.String getGiftCertificateParamName()
The name of the parameter passed into the email template for the gift certificate Defaults to "giftCertificate"


public void setQuantityParamName(java.lang.String pQuantityParamName)


public java.lang.String getQuantityParamName()
The name of the parameter passed into the email template for the quantity Defaults to "quantity"


public void setRecipientEmailParamName(java.lang.String pRecipientEmailParamName)


public java.lang.String getRecipientEmailParamName()
The name of the parameter passed into the email template for the email address of the recipient. Defaults to "recipient"


public void setDefaultFromAddress(java.lang.String pDefaultFromAddress)
Set the DefaultFromAddress property. This property is ignore if is true.


public java.lang.String getDefaultFromAddress()
Return the DefaultFromAddress property. This property is ignore if is true.


public void setDefaultSubject(java.lang.String pDefaultSubject)
Set the DefaultSubject property. This property is ignore if is true.


public java.lang.String getDefaultSubject()
Return the DefaultSubject property. This property is ignore if is true.


public void setDefaultMessageBody(java.lang.String pDefaultMessageBody)
Set the DefaultMessageBody property. This property is ignore if is true.


public java.lang.String getDefaultMessageBody()
Return the DefaultMessageBody property. This property is ignore if is true.


public void addEmailListener(EmailListener pEmailListener)
The list of email listeners to whom this fulfiller will attempt delivery of the specific electronic good. This will add the pEmailListener to the list.

pEmailListener - the email listener to add


public void removeEmailListener(EmailListener pEmailListener)
Removes the email listener from the list of listeners that will attempt to deliver the electronic good on.

pEmailListener - the email listener to remove from the list


public java.util.List getEmailListeners()
Return the lis of email listeners that will attempt delivery.

the list of email listeners


public void setClaimableManager(ClaimableManager pClaimableManager)
Set the ClaimableManager property.


public ClaimableManager getClaimableManager()
Return the ClaimableManager property.


public void setGiftCertificateAmountProperty(java.lang.String pGiftCertificateAmountProperty)


public java.lang.String getGiftCertificateAmountProperty()
The name of the property in the sku to be used for the gift certificate amount. Defaults to "listPrice"


public java.util.Properties getChainToRunMap()


public void setChainToRunMap(java.util.Properties pChainToRunMap)


protected boolean handleMessage(java.lang.String pPortName,
                                javax.jms.ObjectMessage pMessage)
                         throws javax.jms.JMSException

This is called to handle a newly received message. Before this method is called, the message is subjected to basic validity checks, a transaction is established, and an exclusive lock is acquired for the message's key.

ElectronicFulfiller handles the following types of messages:

  • FulfillOrderFragment - handleFulfillOrderFragment - This is sent to the fulfiller with a list of all the shipping groups that this fulfiller is responsible for.
  • ModifyOrder - this will call the handleModifyOrder method
  • ModifyOrderNotification - this will call the handleModifyOrderNotification method
  • If an unknown message type comes in, handleNewMessageType is called.

ElectronicFulfiller can be extended to handle extra types of messages by overriding the handleNewMessageType method.

handleMessage in class FulfillerSystem
pPortName - The port that this message was received from.
pMessage - The message that was just received.
See Also:
FulfillOrderFragment, handleFulfillOrderFragment(java.lang.String, javax.jms.ObjectMessage), ModifyOrder, handleModifyOrder(java.lang.String, javax.jms.ObjectMessage), ModifyOrderNotification, handleModifyOrderNotification(java.lang.String, javax.jms.ObjectMessage), FulfillerSystem#receive, FulfillerSystem.handleNewMessageType(java.lang.String, javax.jms.ObjectMessage)


public void handleModifyOrder(java.lang.String pPortName,
                              javax.jms.ObjectMessage pMessage)
                       throws javax.jms.JMSException

This method is called to handle all messages of type ModifyOrder. Should developers wish to change the behavior of the ElectronicFulfiller class on handling a ModifyOrder message this method should be overridden. This method calls various methods to respond to the ModifyOrder requests. Modifications on orders are ignored since the ElectronicFulfiller does not have the authority to edit orders.

Currently, all Modifications will be marked as failed with a MODIFICATION_NOT_SUPPORTED message and then sent out.

pPortName - The port from which this message was received.
pMessage - The message that was received.
See Also:
ModifyOrder, IdTargetModification.getTargetType(), Modification


public void handleModifyOrderNotification(java.lang.String pPortName,
                                          javax.jms.ObjectMessage pMessage)
                                   throws javax.jms.JMSException

This method is called to handle all messages of type ModifyOrderNotification. Should developers wish to change the behavior of the ElectronicFulfiller class on handling a ModifyOrderNotification message this method should be overridden. Currently only one modification type is handled by this method. If the type of modification passed in the Modify Order Notification message is a shipping group update, processMultipleShippingGroups method will be called with the list of shipping group ids from the shipping group update.

pPortName - The port from which this message was received.
pMessage - The message that was received.
See Also:
ModifyOrderNotification, ShippingGroupUpdate


public void handleFulfillOrderFragment(java.lang.String pPortName,
                                       javax.jms.ObjectMessage pMessage)
                                throws javax.jms.JMSException

This method is called to handle all messages of type FulfillOrderFragment. Should developers wish to change the behavior of the ElectronicFulfiller class in handling a FulfillOrderFragment message this method should be overriden. It first saves the order with updateOrder, then calls processShippingGroup for each shipping group in the message. When processing has finished, it calls updateOrder and sends all the changes that were made using OrderFulfillmentTools.sendModifyOrderNotification

pPortName - The port from which the FulfillOrderFragment was received.
pMessage - The message that was received.
See Also:
FulfillOrderFragment, updateOrder(atg.commerce.order.Order), processShippingGroup(atg.commerce.order.Order, atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup, java.util.List), OrderFulfillmentTools.sendModifyOrderNotification(java.lang.String, java.util.List, atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrder, atg.commerce.messaging.SourceSinkTemplate, java.lang.String, atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrderNotification)


public getKeyForMessage(javax.jms.ObjectMessage oMessage)
                                      throws javax.jms.JMSException
This method will return the key to be used for locking out other messages with the same key while a thread is handling this message.

getKeyForMessage in class FulfillerSystem
pMessage - the ObjectMessage containing the CommerceMessage.
an Object which serves as the key for the message


protected getOrderIdFromMessage(FulfillOrderFragment cMessage)
This is called only for the FulfillOrderFragment messages

an Object which serves as the key for the message


public boolean processMultipleShippingGroups(Order pOrder,
                                             java.lang.String[] pShippingGroupIds,
                                             java.util.List pPerformedModifications)
                                      throws CommerceException
This method will process each shipping group in the given array. This iterating through all shipping groups and calling processShippingGroup.

pOrder - The order containing the shipping groups.
pShippingGroupIds - The array of shipping group ids to process.
pPerformedModifications - A place to store all new modifications.
true if everything processed fine, false otherwise.


protected boolean processShippingGroup(Order pOrder,
                                       ShippingGroup pShippingGroup,
                                       java.util.List pModificationList)
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor

This method is called to process each shipping group. It will iterate through all of the commerce item relationships associated with each shipping group, and check the state of each of these relationships. If the state is not set to DELIVERED, it will attempt to do two things.

  • Extract out the profile id from the order, the amount of the electronic good and then call createElectronicGood.
  • Deliver the electronic good via the deliverElectronicGood method

After this is done, the state of the ShippingGroupCommerceItem relationship will be set to DELIVERED.

pOrder - a value of type 'Order'
pShippingGroup - a value of type 'ShippingGroup'
pModificationList - a value of type 'List'
a value of type 'boolean'


public Order loadOrder(java.lang.String pId)
                throws CommerceException
This method will return the Order from the order repository with the given id. In the standard implementation this will call the OrderManager and load the order.

pId - the id of the order to be retrieved
the order corresponding to the id passed in


protected RepositoryItem createElectronicGood(java.lang.Double pAmount,
                                              java.lang.Double pAmountRemaining,
                                              java.lang.String pPurchaserId,
                                              java.util.Date pPurchaseDate)
                                       throws CommerceException
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor

This method is used to create the electronic good that is being fulfilled. In this implementation that means create a gift certificate in the claimable repository. The gift certificate will then be initialized with the specified amount, amountRemaining, purchaserId and date.

pAmount - the amount of the gift certificate
pAmountRemaining - the amount left on a gift certificate
pPurchaserId - profile id of the person who purchased the gift certificate
pPurchaseDate - the date the gift certificate was purchased
the created electronic good
CommerceException - if an error occurs


protected void deliverElectronicGood(Order pOrder,
                                     ShippingGroup pShippingGroup,
                                     RepositoryItem pElectronicClaimable,
                                     long pQuantity)
                              throws CommerceException
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor

Uses the TemplateEmailSender to send the gift certificate email This method is used to actually deliver the electronic good. In this implementation this means using the TemplateEmailSender

pOrder - The order used to purchase the gift certificate
pShippingGroup - The shipping group used to ship the gift certificate
pElectronicClaimable - The claimable item
pQuantity - The number of gift certificates


protected void deliverElectronicGood(java.lang.String pRecipientEmailAddress,
                                     java.lang.String pClaimCode)
                              throws EmailException
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor

This method is used to actually deliver the electronic good. In this implementation this means creating an emailEvent using the createEmailObject method of this class and then for each emailListener that is configured in this class calling sendEmailEvent.

pRecipientEmailAddress - the address that will receive the email
pClaimCode - the code that is used to obtain something from the Claimable Repository
EmailException - if an error occurs, or emailListeners is size 0


protected EmailEvent createEmailObject(java.lang.String pRecipientEmailAddress,
                                       java.lang.String pClaimCode)
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor

This method will create an EmailEvent that corresponds to the message to send out. It will send the message to the supplied email address. Additionally, it can take a claim code which is tied to the claimable repository. That is, by default the claim code can be used to obtain something from the claimable repository.

The EmailEvent is created with the message body that is returned by the createEmailMessageBody method. Also, the from address is set to the defaultFromAddress property of this class.

pRecipientEmailAddress - email address that this email will be sent to
pClaimCode - code to claim something from the ClaimableRepository
a value of type 'EmailEvent'


protected java.lang.String createEmailMessageBody(java.lang.String pClaimCode)
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor

Creates the email message body that will be put into the email. By default it just appends the claim code onto the defaultMessageBody property.

pClaimCode - code that is used to claim things from the ClaimbleRepository
the email message body


public void updateOrder(Order pOrder)
                 throws CommerceException
This method will save the order passed in to the repository that is being used.

pOrder - - the order to be saved