Class CyberSourceCreditCard

  extended by atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
      extended by atg.nucleus.GenericService
          extended by atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
All Implemented Interfaces:
NameContextBindingListener, NameContextElement, NameResolver, AdminableService, ApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender, atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging, VariableArgumentApplicationLogging, ComponentNameResolver, Service, ServiceListener, CreditCardProcessor,, java.util.EventListener

public class CyberSourceCreditCard
extends GenericService
implements CreditCardProcessor,

This class manages the communications to a CyberSource payment server.

Currently only credit card transactions are supported, no CyberSource coins or checks.

All information on the CyberSource API was aquired from 19991112_ICS2_DG.pdf version 2.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
static java.lang.String CMD_AUTHORIZE
static java.lang.String CMD_CAPTURE
static java.lang.String CMD_RETURN
static java.lang.String CV_NUMBER_FIELD_NAME
          The name of the Cybersource field representing the credit card verification number.
static java.lang.String CV_NUMBER_INDICATOR_FIELD_NAME
          The name of the Cybersource field representing the credit card verification number.
 CyberSourceConnection mCsCon
Fields inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Constructor Summary
          Determines if the credit card verification number is used for authorizations.
Method Summary
protected  void addAmount(com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientRequest pRequest, com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientOffer pOffer, CreditCardInfo pInfo)
          Copy the amount to authorize, debit, or credit from the credit card info into the CyberSource client offer, then add the offer to the request.
protected  void addBillingAddress(com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientRequest pRequest, CreditCardInfo pInfo)
          Copy the billing address information from the credit card info into the CyberSource client request.
protected  void addContactInfo(com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientRequest pRequest, CreditCardInfo pInfo)
          Copy the user's first and last name, phone number, and email address from the credit card info's billing address to the CyberSource client request.
protected  void addCreditCardInfo(com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientRequest pRequest, CreditCardInfo pInfo)
          Copy the credit card number and expiration date from the credit card info info the CyberSource client request.
protected  void addCurrencyCode(com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientRequest pRequest, CreditCardInfo pInfo)
          Copy the currencyCode from the credit card info into the CyberSource client request.
protected  void addExtendedInfo(com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientRequest pRequest, com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientOffer pOffer, CreditCardInfo pInfo, java.lang.String pCommand)
          Copy any additional information required from the credit card info into the CyberSource request or the CyberSource client offer.
protected  void addMerchantId(com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientRequest pRequest, CreditCardInfo pInfo)
          Copy the merchantId from the CyberSource connection into the client request.
protected  void addPaymentId(com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientRequest pRequest, CreditCardInfo pInfo)
          Copy the paymentId property from the CreditCardInfo into the client request.
protected  boolean addressRequiresPostalCode(CreditCardInfo pInfo)
          Return true if the billing address in pInfo requires a non-null value for postalCode property.
protected  boolean addressRequiresState(CreditCardInfo pInfo)
          Return true if the billing address in pInfo requires a non-null value for state property.
protected  void addSecurityCode(com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientRequest pRequest, com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientOffer pOffer, CreditCardInfo pInfo, java.lang.String pCommand)
          Copy the security code (CVV number) from the credit card info into the CyberSource client offer, then add the offer to the request.
 CreditCardStatus authorize(CreditCardInfo ccinfo)
          Authorize the amount on the credit card
 CreditCardStatus credit(CreditCardInfo ccinfo)
          Credit the amount on the credit card as a new order
 CreditCardStatus credit(CreditCardInfo ccinfo, CreditCardStatus pStatus)
          Credit the amount on the credit card after debiting.
 CreditCardStatus debit(CreditCardInfo ccinfo, CreditCardStatus pStatus)
          Debit the amount on the credit card after authorization
 CreditCardStatus decreaseAuthorization(CreditCardInfo pCreditCardInfo, PaymentStatus pAuthStatus)
          Decreases the authorized amount for the credit card.
 void doStartService()
          Verify that the Cybersource connection is non-null
 CyberSourceConnection getCsCon()
 boolean isSecurityCodeEnabled()
protected  void modifyCreditCardInfo4digits(com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientRequest pRequest, CreditCardInfo pInfo)
          Modify the credit card number for Payment Card Industry (PCI) purposes to only display the last 4 digits.
 CreditCardStatus performAuthORCredit(CreditCardInfo ccinfo, java.lang.String pCommand)
          This either authorizes an amount on a credit card which is a required operation before billing or credits an amount on a card as a new order (no record of a previous billing) The following list of properties of the CreditCardInfo are required.
 CreditCardStatus performDebitORCredit(CreditCardInfo ccinfo, java.lang.String pTransId, java.lang.String pCommand)
          Deprecated. Please use performDebitORCredit(CreditCardInfo ccinfo, String pTransId, String pRequestToken, String pCommand) instead.
 CreditCardStatus performDebitORCredit(CreditCardInfo ccinfo, java.lang.String pTransId, java.lang.String pRequestToken, java.lang.String pCommand)
          This performs either billing following an authorize, actually charging a credit card or credit a card following an already issued billing operation
 void setCsCon(CyberSourceConnection pCsCon)
 void setSecurityCodeEnabled(boolean pSecurityCodeEnabled)
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
addLogListener, createAdminServlet, doStopService, getAbsoluteName, getAdminServlet, getLoggingForVlogging, getLogListenerCount, getLogListeners, getName, getNameContext, getNucleus, getRoot, getServiceConfiguration, getServiceInfo, isLoggingDebug, isLoggingError, isLoggingInfo, isLoggingTrace, isLoggingWarning, isRunning, logDebug, logDebug, logDebug, logError, logError, logError, logInfo, logInfo, logInfo, logTrace, logTrace, logTrace, logWarning, logWarning, logWarning, nameContextElementBound, nameContextElementUnbound, removeLogListener, reResolveThis, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, sendLogEvent, setLoggingDebug, setLoggingError, setLoggingInfo, setLoggingTrace, setLoggingWarning, setNucleus, setServiceInfo, startService, stopService
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION


public static final java.lang.String CMD_AUTHORIZE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CMD_RETURN
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CMD_CAPTURE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CV_NUMBER_FIELD_NAME
The name of the Cybersource field representing the credit card verification number.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CV_NUMBER_INDICATOR_FIELD_NAME
The name of the Cybersource field representing the credit card verification number.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public CyberSourceConnection mCsCon
Constructor Detail


public CyberSourceCreditCard()
Determines if the credit card verification number is used for authorizations.

Method Detail


public void setCsCon(CyberSourceConnection pCsCon)


public CyberSourceConnection getCsCon()


public boolean isSecurityCodeEnabled()
true if the the credit card security code should be added to an authorization request, false - otherwise.


public void setSecurityCodeEnabled(boolean pSecurityCodeEnabled)
pSecurityCodeEnabled - -true if credit card security code should be added to an authorization request, false - otherwise.


public CreditCardStatus credit(CreditCardInfo ccinfo,
                               CreditCardStatus pStatus)
Description copied from interface: CreditCardProcessor
Credit the amount on the credit card after debiting.

Specified by:
credit in interface CreditCardProcessor
ccinfo - the CreditCardInfo reference which contains all the credit data
pStatus - the CreditCardStatus object which contains information about the transaction. This should be the object which was returned from debit().
a CreditCardStatus object detailing the results of the credit


public CreditCardStatus credit(CreditCardInfo ccinfo)
Description copied from interface: CreditCardProcessor
Credit the amount on the credit card as a new order

Specified by:
credit in interface CreditCardProcessor
ccinfo - the CreditCardInfo reference which contains all the credit data
a CreditCardStatus object detailing the results of the credit


public CreditCardStatus debit(CreditCardInfo ccinfo,
                              CreditCardStatus pStatus)
Description copied from interface: CreditCardProcessor
Debit the amount on the credit card after authorization

Specified by:
debit in interface CreditCardProcessor
ccinfo - the CreditCardInfo reference which contains all the debit data
pStatus - the CreditCardStatus object which contains information about the transaction. This should be the object which was returned from authorize().
a CreditCardStatus object detailing the results of the debit


public CreditCardStatus authorize(CreditCardInfo ccinfo)
Description copied from interface: CreditCardProcessor
Authorize the amount on the credit card

Specified by:
authorize in interface CreditCardProcessor
ccinfo - the CreditCardInfo reference which contains all the authorization data
a CreditCardStatus object detailing the results of the authorization


public CreditCardStatus performDebitORCredit(CreditCardInfo ccinfo,
                                             java.lang.String pTransId,
                                             java.lang.String pCommand)
                                      throws com.cybersource.ics.base.exception.ICSException
Deprecated. Please use performDebitORCredit(CreditCardInfo ccinfo, String pTransId, String pRequestToken, String pCommand) instead.

This performs either billing following an authorize, actually charging a credit card or credit a card following an already issued billing operation

The below paramaters come from CreditCardInfo

pPaymentId - The orderid of the order this is a return or debit for.(REQUIRED)
pMerchantId - The id that identifies the merchant (comes from the props file)
pAmount - Amount of money to return or debit (REQUIRED)
pCurrency - Type of currency, currently usd | cad | frf.(REQUIRED)
pTransId - The transaction id returned from auth or debit, to be used for debit or credit
A CyberSourceResponse object containing results of the call


public CreditCardStatus performDebitORCredit(CreditCardInfo ccinfo,
                                             java.lang.String pTransId,
                                             java.lang.String pRequestToken,
                                             java.lang.String pCommand)
                                      throws com.cybersource.ics.base.exception.ICSException
This performs either billing following an authorize, actually charging a credit card or credit a card following an already issued billing operation

The below paramaters come from CreditCardInfo

pPaymentId - The orderid of the order this is a return or debit for.(REQUIRED)
pMerchantId - The id that identifies the merchant (comes from the props file)
pAmount - Amount of money to return or debit (REQUIRED)
pCurrency - Type of currency, currently usd | cad | frf.(REQUIRED)
pTransId - The transaction id returned from auth or debit, to be used for debit or credit
pRequestToken - The request token returned from auth or debit, to be used for debit or credit
A CyberSourceResponse object containing results of the call


public CreditCardStatus performAuthORCredit(CreditCardInfo ccinfo,
                                            java.lang.String pCommand)
                                     throws com.cybersource.ics.base.exception.ICSException
This either authorizes an amount on a credit card which is a required operation before billing or credits an amount on a card as a new order (no record of a previous billing) The following list of properties of the CreditCardInfo are required. From the billingAddress object the following properties are required.

A CyberSourceResponse.


public void doStartService()
                    throws ServiceException
Verify that the Cybersource connection is non-null

doStartService in class GenericService
ServiceException - if the Service had a problem starting up


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object
a String representation of this object


protected void addPaymentId(com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientRequest pRequest,
                            CreditCardInfo pInfo)
                     throws CyberSourceException
Copy the paymentId property from the CreditCardInfo into the client request.



protected void addMerchantId(com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientRequest pRequest,
                             CreditCardInfo pInfo)
                      throws CyberSourceException
Copy the merchantId from the CyberSource connection into the client request. The credit card info is not used by the default implementation of this method, but it is provided as an argument in case subclasses wish to make use of it somehow.



protected void addCurrencyCode(com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientRequest pRequest,
                               CreditCardInfo pInfo)
                        throws CyberSourceException
Copy the currencyCode from the credit card info into the CyberSource client request.



protected void addBillingAddress(com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientRequest pRequest,
                                 CreditCardInfo pInfo)
                          throws CyberSourceException
Copy the billing address information from the credit card info into the CyberSource client request. This method assumes that if the billing country is not specified a default value of "US" should be used. It also checks to see whether the billing address in the credit card info requires a state and postal code to be specified. The logic for determining this can be changed by subclassing this class and overriding the addressRequiresState and addressRequiresPostalCode methods in the subclass.



protected void addContactInfo(com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientRequest pRequest,
                              CreditCardInfo pInfo)
                       throws CyberSourceException
Copy the user's first and last name, phone number, and email address from the credit card info's billing address to the CyberSource client request. The phone number and email address are copied only if the billing address is an instance of ContactInfo rather than a simple Address.



protected void addCreditCardInfo(com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientRequest pRequest,
                                 CreditCardInfo pInfo)
                          throws CyberSourceException
Copy the credit card number and expiration date from the credit card info info the CyberSource client request.



protected void modifyCreditCardInfo4digits(com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientRequest pRequest,
                                           CreditCardInfo pInfo)
                                    throws CyberSourceException
Modify the credit card number for Payment Card Industry (PCI) purposes to only display the last 4 digits.



protected void addAmount(com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientRequest pRequest,
                         com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientOffer pOffer,
                         CreditCardInfo pInfo)
                  throws CyberSourceException
Copy the amount to authorize, debit, or credit from the credit card info into the CyberSource client offer, then add the offer to the request.



protected void addSecurityCode(com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientRequest pRequest,
                               com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientOffer pOffer,
                               CreditCardInfo pInfo,
                               java.lang.String pCommand)
                        throws CyberSourceException
Copy the security code (CVV number) from the credit card info into the CyberSource client offer, then add the offer to the request.



protected void addExtendedInfo(com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientRequest pRequest,
                               com.cybersource.ics.client.message.ICSClientOffer pOffer,
                               CreditCardInfo pInfo,
                               java.lang.String pCommand)
                        throws CyberSourceException
Copy any additional information required from the credit card info into the CyberSource request or the CyberSource client offer. By default this method does nothing. Subclasses that need to propagate additional information from ATG Commerce to CyberSource can override this method to augment the request or offer objects before the request is sent to CyberSource.

pCommand> will be set to CMD_AUTHORIZE, CMD_CAPTURE, or CMD_RETURN depending on the operation being performed. Subclasses can test this value if they have to add different extended information to the request for different operations.



protected boolean addressRequiresState(CreditCardInfo pInfo)
Return true if the billing address in pInfo requires a non-null value for state property. By default this returns true if the billing address's country is US or CA, and false otherwise.


protected boolean addressRequiresPostalCode(CreditCardInfo pInfo)
Return true if the billing address in pInfo requires a non-null value for postalCode property. By default this returns true if the billing address's country is US or CA, and false otherwise.


public CreditCardStatus decreaseAuthorization(CreditCardInfo pCreditCardInfo,
                                              PaymentStatus pAuthStatus)
Decreases the authorized amount for the credit card.

This implementation does nothing but return a successful CreditCardStatus object.

Extend this method to do any cyber source credit card specific processing.

Specified by:
decreaseAuthorization in interface
pCreditCardInfo - the CreditCardInfo reference which contains all the credit data
a CreditCardStatus object detailing the results of the decrease