Interface ContentSource

public interface ContentSource

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Class version string
Method Summary
 ContentState getContent(java.lang.String pElementID, java.lang.String pElementType, java.lang.String pPromoType)
          This will populate an ContentState object with all the necessary information required based on the elemntID, ElementType.
 ContentState getContentWithObjectParam(java.lang.String pElementID, java.lang.String pElementType, java.lang.String pPromoType, java.lang.Object pAdditionalParams)
          This will populate an ContentState object with all the necessary information required based on the elemntID, ElementType, promotionType and any additional information contained in pAdditionalParams.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Class version string

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


ContentState getContent(java.lang.String pElementID,
                        java.lang.String pElementType,
                        java.lang.String pPromoType)
                        throws atg.repository.editingtemplate.TemplateException
This will populate an ContentState object with all the necessary information required based on the elemntID, ElementType. These params are not necessary but can be used if the content source object is to be reused for multiple elements or a specific element with a specific ID

the - ID of the element requesting content
the - element type of the element requesting content
the necessary content for the UI element that requested it.
a - PromotionTemplateException if there is a problem obtaining the necessary information.


ContentState getContentWithObjectParam(java.lang.String pElementID,
                                       java.lang.String pElementType,
                                       java.lang.String pPromoType,
                                       java.lang.Object pAdditionalParams)
                                       throws atg.repository.editingtemplate.TemplateException
This will populate an ContentState object with all the necessary information required based on the elemntID, ElementType, promotionType and any additional information contained in pAdditionalParams. These params are not necessary but can be used if the content source object is to be reused for multiple elements or a specific element with a specific ID

pElementID - the ID of the element requesting content
pElementType - the element type of the element requesting content
pPromoType - the promotion type
pAdditionalParams - object containing any additional info required to build the content.
the necessary content for the UI element that requested it.
a - PromotionTemplateException if there is a problem obtaining the necessary information.