Package atg.repository.xml

Class Summary
AddService This class will add an item represented by a given instance document to a particular repository.
GetService This class is used to get an XML instance document from a repository.
RemoveService This service is used to remove items from a repository.
RepositoryXMLTools Utils class to encode/decode item-descriptors, property names and mapping files into XML compatible namespaces and identifiers.
UpdateService Service class used by applications to update an item in a given repository.

Exception Summary
AddException General exception indicating that an error occured while trying to add an item to the repository via the AddService.
DetailedRemoveException Exception used to indicate errors occured while removing items from a repository.
GetException Exception used to indicate errors while generating XML Instance documents from Repository Items.
MatchException Exception used to indicate errors while retrieving Repository Items from XML instance document.
MaxNumberItemsException Exception used to indicate number of items that can be removed/updated has reached the maximum limit configured on the Component.
RemoveException Exception used to indicate errors while removing items from a repository.
UpdateException General exception indicating an error occured while trying to update an item in the repository.