Class Configuration

  extended by atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
      extended by atg.nucleus.GenericService
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
NameContextBindingListener, NameContextElement, NameResolver, AdminableService, ApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender, atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging, VariableArgumentApplicationLogging, ComponentNameResolver, Service, ServiceListener, java.util.EventListener

public class Configuration
extends GenericService

Configuration for Routing components

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Class version string
Fields inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAEConfigXmlFileName()
          Gets the name of the engine's config file, by default "AEConfig.xml"
 java.lang.String getAEConfigXmlTemplateFileName()
          Gets the name of the engine's AEConfig template XML file, used for generating the config file if missing. getArbiterType()
          Returns the engine arbiter type.
 java.lang.String getCleanPhysicalPartitionFile()
          Returns the file name of the clean physical partition.
 java.lang.String getCleanPhysicalPartitionPath()
          Returns the full path to the clean physical partition file.
 java.lang.String getCompressedIndexExtension()
          Returns the extension of compressed index files, default is "gz"
 int getConnectTimeoutMs()
          Gets the timeout in ms for non-multiplexed search and indexing for connecting to an engine prior to searching/indexing.
 java.lang.String getDefaultIndexFilenameFragment()
          Gets the filename fragment looked for during cleanup.
 int getDefaultLaunchServicePort()
          Returns the default RMI port for remote machines running launching service.
 int getDefaultMaximumSearchEngines()
          Returns default max number of search engines run by an environment on a given machine.
 int getDefaultPhysicalPartitionCount()
          Returns the number of physical partitions to start with in a fresh logical partition for estimation.
 java.lang.String getDefaultRootIndexPath()
          Gets the default index directory for engines' local files.
 int getDefaultSearchEngineEndPort()
          Returns the default end port for search engines.
 int getDefaultSearchEngineStartPort()
          Returns the default start port for search engines.
 java.lang.String getDefaultStorageFilenameFragment()
          Gets the filename fragment looked for during cleanup. getDeferredWorkRoot()
          The deferred work is a bunch of temporary files written during estimation for indexing. getDeployShare()
          Returns the deploy share directory, the location for master copies of index files. getEngineActivityPath()
          Location of all logged files for all request types. getEngineDir()
          Returns the base SearchEngine directory.
 java.lang.String getEngineLogLevel()
          Gets engine log level, one of E|W|I|D|X, for error, warning, info, debug, or disabled.
 java.lang.String[] getEngineParams()
          Returns Search Engine parameters, starting with the executable name.
 java.lang.String getEngineVersion()
          Gets the explicitly set engine version directory name
 double getFullnessOfRecommendedPartitions()
          Returns the ideal proportion of maximum physical partition size to be used when calculating the estimated number of physical partitions.
 int getIndexingReadTimeoutMs()
          Read timeouts for all indexing requests.
 int getInitialDeploymentTimeoutPerLPMs()
          Gets Initial Deployment timeout for one logical partition.
 int getInitialRequestsToTrack()
          Returns the number of initial requests that are saved for a given engine.
 java.util.Map getOsNameToExecutableExtension()
          Gets a map from the value of "" property to the executable extension.
 java.lang.String getOsVersionDelim()
          Returns the deploy share directory, the location for master copies of index files.
 java.util.Map getOsVersionToSubDir()
          Gets the mapping from OS version to engine subdirectory.
 int getReadTimeoutMs()
          When reads timeout for all search and non-indexing requests.
 int getRecentRequestsToTrack()
          Gets the number of recent requests that are saved for a given engine.
 int getServerIdPort()
          Returns the port used for the unique server Id.
 int getSlowIndexRequestMs()
          Returns the minimum response time for an indexing request to be considered slow for logging purposes
 int getSlowSearchRequestMs()
          Returns the minimum response time for a request to be considered slow for logging purposes getStrategyType()
          Returns the search strategy type.
 java.lang.String getUniqueServerId()
 boolean isEnableLogProblematicRequestResponse()
          Whether to log problematic request and response to the warning log in addition to request/response files.
 void isEnableLogProblematicRequestResponse(boolean pEnableLogProblematicRequestResponse)
          Sets whether to log problematic request and response to the warning log in addition to request/response files.
 boolean isEngineCleanupOnStartupEnabled()
          Indicates whether all engine ports will be checked on startup.
 boolean isIndexingServerEnabled()
          Returns whether this instance of Routing is enabled as an indexing server.
 boolean isLoggingAllRequests()
          If true, logs ALL requests (and responses) to getEngineActivityPath().
 boolean isLoggingDeploy()
          Indicates whether deploy requests are being logged
 boolean isLoggingIndex()
          Indicates whether index requests are being logged
 boolean isLoggingLoad()
          Indicates whether load requests are being logged
 boolean isLoggingSearch()
          Indicates whether search requests are being logged
 boolean isLoggingSlowRequests()
          Inidicates whether slow requests will be logged to the engine activity folder
 boolean isLoggingStart()
          Indicates whether start requests are being logged
 boolean isLoggingStop()
          Indicates whether stop requests are being logged
 boolean isLoggingVerboseStyle()
          Verbose style for request logging.
 boolean isMonitorIgnoredEngines()
          Indicates whether the Routing monitors ignored engines periodically.
 boolean isMonitoringEnabled()
          Indicates whether recent requests and responses should be saved for display in dyn/admin.
 boolean isPreserveLocalhost()
          Indicates whether Routing preserves "localhost" as a hostname.
 boolean isRestartFailedEngines()
          Indicates whether failed engines are restarted by RoutingSystemService's scheduled service task.
 void setAEConfigXmlFileName(java.lang.String pAEConfigXmlFileName)
          Sets the name of the engine's config file, by default "AEConfig.xml".
 void setAEConfigXmlTemplateFileName(java.lang.String pAEConfigXmlTemplateFileName)
          Sets the name of the engine's AEConfig template XML file, used for generating the config file if missing.
 void setArbiterType( pArbiterType)
          Sets the type of engine arbiter to use.
 void setCleanPhysicalPartitionFile(java.lang.String cleanPhysicalPartitionFile)
          Sets the file name of the clean physical partition.
 void setCleanPhysicalPartitionPath(java.lang.String pPath)
          You must set this when you want to use remote engines for indexing.
 void setCompressedIndexExtension(java.lang.String pCompressedIndexExtension)
          Sets the extension of compressed index files, default is "gz"
 void setConnectTimeoutMs(int pConnectTimeoutMs)
          The timeout in milliseconds during non-multiplexed search and indexing for connecting to an engine prior to searching/indexing.
 void setDefaultIndexFilenameFragment(java.lang.String defaultIndexFilenameFragment)
          Sets the filename fragment looked for during cleanup.
 void setDefaultLaunchServicePort(int defaultLaunchServicePort)
          Sets the default RMI port for remote machines running launching service.
 void setDefaultMaximumSearchEngines(int defaultMaximumSearchEngines)
          Sets default max number of search engines run by an environment on a given machine.
 void setDefaultPhysicalPartitionCount(int defaultPhysicalPartitionCount)
          The is the number of initial physical partitions to use during estimation.
 void setDefaultRootIndexPath(java.lang.String defaultRootIndexPath)
          Sets the default index directory for engines' local files.
 void setDefaultSearchEngineEndPort(int defaultSearchEngineEndPort)
          Sets the default end port for search engines.
 void setDefaultSearchEngineStartPort(int defaultSearchEngineStartPort)
          Sets the default start port for search engines.
 void setDefaultStorageFilenameFragment(java.lang.String defaultStorageFilenameFragment)
          Sets the filename fragment looked for during cleanup.
 void setDeferredWorkRoot( deferredWorkRoot)
          The deferred work is a bunch of temporary files written during estimation for indexing.
 void setDeployShare( pDeployShare)
          Specify a deploy share.
 void setEngineActivityPath( pOutputPath)
          Location of all logged files for all request types.
 void setEngineCleanupOnStartupEnabled(boolean pEngineCleanupOnStartupEnabled)
          Controls whether all engine ports will be checked on startup.
 void setEngineDir( pEngineDir)
          Sets the SearchEngine's base directory on this machine.
 void setEngineLogLevel(java.lang.String pEngineLogLevel)
          Sets engine log level, one of E|W|I|D|X, for error, warning, info, debug, or disabled.
 void setEngineParams(java.lang.String[] pEngineParams)
          Sets Search Engine parameters, starting with the executable name.
 void setEngineVersion(java.lang.String version)
          Sets the engine version directory name.
 void setFullnessOfRecommendedPartitions(double fullnessOfRecommendedPartitions)
          Returns the ideal proportion of maximum physical partition size to be used when calculating the estimated number of physical partitions.
 void setIndexingReadTimeoutMs(int pIndexingReadTimeoutMs)
          Sets the timeout in milliseconds for indexing requests.
 void setIndexingServerEnabled(boolean pIndexingServerEnabled)
          Sets whether this instance of Routing is enabled as an indexing server.
 void setInitialDeploymentTimeoutPerLPMs(int pInitialDeploymentTimeoutPerLPMs)
          Sets Initial Deployment timeout for one logical partition.
 void setInitialRequestsToTrack(int pInitialRequestsToTrack)
          Sets the number of initial requests that are saved for a given engine.
 void setLoggingAllRequests(boolean pLoggingAllRequests)
          If true, logs all request types to getEngineActivityPath().
 void setLoggingDeploy(boolean isLogging)
          If true, logs deploy requests to getEngineActivityPath().
 void setLoggingIndex(boolean isLogging)
          If true, logs index requests to getEngineActivityPath().
 void setLoggingLoad(boolean isLogging)
          If true, logs load requests to getEngineActivityPath().
 void setLoggingSearch(boolean isLogging)
          If true, logs search requests to getEngineActivityPath().
 void setLoggingSlowRequests(boolean pLoggingSlowRequests)
          Sets whether slow requests will be logged to the engine activity folder.
 void setLoggingStart(boolean isLogging)
          If true, logs start requests to getEngineActivityPath().
 void setLoggingStop(boolean isLogging)
          If true, logs stop requests to getEngineActivityPath().
 void setLoggingVerboseStyle(boolean pLoggingVerboseStyle)
          Verbose style for request logging.
 void setMonitorIgnoredEngines(boolean pMonitorIgnoredEngines)
          Controls whether the Routing monitors ignored engines periodically.
 void setMonitoringEnabled(boolean monitoringEnabled)
          Controls engine monitoring.
 void setOsNameToExecutableExtension(java.util.Map pOsNameToExecutableExtension)
          Set a map from the value of "" property to the executable extension.
 void setOsVersionDelim(java.lang.String pOsVersionDelim)
          Specifies the delimiter used to separate version directories in the getOsVersionToSubDir() map.
 void setOsVersionToSubDir(java.util.Map pOsVersionToSubDir)
          Sets the mapping from OS version to engine subdirectory.
 void setPreserveLocalhost(boolean pPreserveLocalhost)
          This option allows one to enter "localhost" as a hostname in SearchAdmin and force Routing to preserve it.
 void setReadTimeoutMs(int pReadTimeoutMs)
          Timeout in milliseconds for all search and non-indexing requests.
 void setRecentRequestsToTrack(int pRecentRequestsToTrack)
          Sets the number of recent requests that are saved for a given engine.
 void setRestartFailedEngines(boolean pRestartFailedEngines)
          Controls whether failed engines are restarted by RoutingSystemService's scheduled service task.
 void setServerIdPort(int mServerIdPort)
          Sets the port used for the unique server Id.
 void setSlowIndexRequestMs(int pSlowSearchRequestMs)
          Sets the minimum response time for an indexing request to be considered slow for logging purposes.
 void setSlowSearchRequestMs(int pSlowSearchRequestMs)
          Sets the minimum response time for a request to be considered slow for logging purposes.
 void setStrategyType( pStrategyType)
          Sets the type of search strategy to use.
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
addLogListener, createAdminServlet, doStartService, doStopService, getAbsoluteName, getAdminServlet, getLoggingForVlogging, getLogListenerCount, getLogListeners, getName, getNameContext, getNucleus, getRoot, getServiceConfiguration, getServiceInfo, isLoggingDebug, isLoggingError, isLoggingInfo, isLoggingTrace, isLoggingWarning, isRunning, logDebug, logDebug, logDebug, logError, logError, logError, logInfo, logInfo, logInfo, logTrace, logTrace, logTrace, logWarning, logWarning, logWarning, nameContextElementBound, nameContextElementUnbound, removeLogListener, reResolveThis, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, sendLogEvent, setLoggingDebug, setLoggingError, setLoggingInfo, setLoggingTrace, setLoggingWarning, setNucleus, setServiceInfo, startService, stopService
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Class version string

Constructor Detail


public Configuration()
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getUniqueServerId()


public boolean isLoggingSlowRequests()
Inidicates whether slow requests will be logged to the engine activity folder

whether slow requests will be logged to the engine activity folder
See Also:
setSlowSearchRequestMs(int), setSlowIndexRequestMs(int)


public void setLoggingSlowRequests(boolean pLoggingSlowRequests)
Sets whether slow requests will be logged to the engine activity folder.

pLoggingSlowRequests - whether slow requests will be logged to the engine activity folder
See Also:
setSlowSearchRequestMs(int), setSlowIndexRequestMs(int)


public int getSlowSearchRequestMs()
Returns the minimum response time for a request to be considered slow for logging purposes

the minimum response time for a request to be considered slow for logging purposes
See Also:


public void setSlowSearchRequestMs(int pSlowSearchRequestMs)
Sets the minimum response time for a request to be considered slow for logging purposes. Ignored if isLoggingSlowRequests() returns false.

pSlowSearchRequestMs - the minimum response time for a request to be considered slow for logging purposes
See Also:
isLoggingSlowRequests ()


public int getSlowIndexRequestMs()
Returns the minimum response time for an indexing request to be considered slow for logging purposes

the minimum response time for an indexing request to be considered slow for logging purposes
See Also:


public void setSlowIndexRequestMs(int pSlowSearchRequestMs)
Sets the minimum response time for an indexing request to be considered slow for logging purposes. Ignored if isLoggingSlowRequests() returns false.

pSlowSearchRequestMs - the minimum response time for a request to be considered slow for logging purposes
See Also:
isLoggingSlowRequests ()


public boolean isIndexingServerEnabled()
Returns whether this instance of Routing is enabled as an indexing server. This must be enabled for the instance to perform indexing and deployment.

whether this instance of Routing is enabled as an indexing server


public void setIndexingServerEnabled(boolean pIndexingServerEnabled)
Sets whether this instance of Routing is enabled as an indexing server. This must be enabled for the instance to perform indexing and deployment. Enable this on instances where you will be using Routing for indexing and deployment. Generally this should only be enabled on one instance of Routing, specifically the one running SearchAdmin or Live indexing. If it is disabled, this Routing instance will not be able to perform index deployments. It is disabled by default.

pIndexingServerEnabled - whether this instance of Routing is enabled as an indexing server


public void setDeployShare( pDeployShare)
Specify a deploy share. This should be configured manually. The deployShare is the destination for the master copies of physical partitions. SearchEngines will copy their own copies of index files from this location, so it needs to be accessible from all machines. If (and ONLY if) everything is local, a local absolute path will work fine; otherwise it needs to be visible on the network. If the path is local and does not exist, it will be created provided only one directory level is missing.

pDeployShare - the deploy share directory, the location for master copies of index files


public getDeployShare()
Returns the deploy share directory, the location for master copies of index files. See setDeployShare( for details.

the deploy share directory, the location for master copies of index files


public getEngineDir()
Returns the base SearchEngine directory. See setEngineDir( for details.

the base SearchEngine directory


public void setEngineDir( pEngineDir)
Sets the SearchEngine's base directory on this machine. This is not the full path. Routing constructs the full path to the engine as follows. Routing uses two user-configured properties (in **):

full path = **engineDir** / **versionForCurrentPlatform** / bin

where versionForCurrentPlatform =

a) engineVersion, if explicitly configured via setEngineVersion(String)


b) "" entry in osVersionToSubDir map, see setOsVersionToSubDir(java.util.Map)

Example for a 64-bit Linux server:

Thus, the binary is located in:

engineDir / versionForCurrentPlatform / bin

/home/ATG/ATG9.1/Search9.1/SearchEngine / x86-linux64 / bin

To achieve this manually without the map and module resource reference, set:

This component only runs in Routing, but many of its properties are automatically provided to remote standalone search engine launchers. These launchers are very similar to the launcher embedded within Routing, but they are standalone. The lists below explain which properties are used only here, and which are also provided to remote launchers. Everything else applies locally and remotely, because Routing passes them to the remote launcher:

pEngineDir - the SearchEngine's base directory on this machine


public void setEngineLogLevel(java.lang.String pEngineLogLevel)
Sets engine log level, one of E|W|I|D|X, for error, warning, info, debug, or disabled. Default is I. D is verbose, but slow. X is not recommended, since it makes troubleshooting very hard.

pEngineLogLevel - engine log level, one of E|W|I|D|X, for error, warning, info, debug, or disabled. Default is I. D is verbose, but slow.


public java.lang.String getEngineLogLevel()
Gets engine log level, one of E|W|I|D|X, for error, warning, info, debug, or disabled. Default is I.

engine log level, one of E|W|I|D|X, for error, warning, info, debug, or disabled. Default is I.


public boolean isLoggingVerboseStyle()
Verbose style for request logging. If true, requests/responses are output in encoded (the 'raw' files, if available) and decoded forms, along with engine information and a callstack. Disabling this usually cuts the file count by about half. The files are written to getEngineActivityPath().

whether engine activity logging will be verbose, or terse. Verbose logging produces a callstack, extra files for raw requests and responses, and engine information.


public void setLoggingVerboseStyle(boolean pLoggingVerboseStyle)
Verbose style for request logging. If true, requests/responses are output in encoded (the 'raw' files, if available) and decoded forms, along with engine information and a callstack. Disabling this usually cuts the file count by about half. The files are written to getEngineActivityPath().

pLoggingVerboseStyle - whether engine activity logging will be verbose, or terse. Verbose logging produces a callstack, extra files for raw requests and responses, and engine information.


public boolean isLoggingAllRequests()
If true, logs ALL requests (and responses) to getEngineActivityPath().

true if all requests are being logged


public void setLoggingAllRequests(boolean pLoggingAllRequests)
If true, logs all request types to getEngineActivityPath(). This will create a huge number of files on a busy site, and should usually only be used in production for brief periods. If only certain request types should be logged, leave this disabled and set the appropriate properties (listed below). This may log up to six or more files for every request. The number of files can be reduced somewhat by disabling verbose logging via setLoggingVerboseStyle(boolean).

pLoggingAllRequests - whether request types should be logged
See Also:
getEngineActivityPath(), setLoggingDeploy(boolean), setLoggingIndex(boolean), setLoggingLoad(boolean), setLoggingSearch(boolean), setLoggingStart(boolean), setLoggingStop(boolean)


public void setLoggingSearch(boolean isLogging)
If true, logs search requests to getEngineActivityPath(). Generates a huge number of files. This should not be left enabled for very long if the site is under heavy load.

isLogging - whether to log search requests
See Also:
getEngineActivityPath(), setLoggingAllRequests(boolean)


public boolean isLoggingSearch()
Indicates whether search requests are being logged

whether search requests are being logged
See Also:


public void setLoggingIndex(boolean isLogging)
If true, logs index requests to getEngineActivityPath().

isLogging - whether to log index requests
See Also:
getEngineActivityPath(), setLoggingAllRequests(boolean)


public boolean isLoggingIndex()
Indicates whether index requests are being logged

whether index requests are being logged
See Also:


public void setLoggingDeploy(boolean isLogging)
If true, logs deploy requests to getEngineActivityPath().

isLogging - whether to log deploy requests
See Also:
getEngineActivityPath(), setLoggingAllRequests(boolean)


public boolean isLoggingDeploy()
Indicates whether deploy requests are being logged

whether deploy requests are being logged
See Also:


public void setLoggingStart(boolean isLogging)
If true, logs start requests to getEngineActivityPath().

isLogging - whether to log start requests
See Also:
getEngineActivityPath(), setLoggingAllRequests(boolean)


public boolean isLoggingStart()
Indicates whether start requests are being logged

whether start requests are being logged
See Also:


public void setLoggingStop(boolean isLogging)
If true, logs stop requests to getEngineActivityPath().

isLogging - whether to log stop requests
See Also:
getEngineActivityPath(), setLoggingAllRequests(boolean)


public boolean isLoggingStop()
Indicates whether stop requests are being logged

whether stop requests are being logged
See Also:


public void setLoggingLoad(boolean isLogging)
If true, logs load requests to getEngineActivityPath().

isLogging - whether to log load requests
See Also:
getEngineActivityPath(), setLoggingAllRequests(boolean)


public boolean isLoggingLoad()
Indicates whether load requests are being logged

whether load requests are being logged
See Also:


public getEngineActivityPath()
Location of all logged files for all request types. Bad requests and other request-related problems (such as failed merges) will also show up in here. Only requests that pass through this instance of Routing will be logged here.

output path for logged request/response XML and diagnostic files


public void setEngineActivityPath( pOutputPath)
Location of all logged files for all request types. Bad requests and other request-related problems (such as failed merges) will also show up in here. Only requests that pass through this instance of Routing will be logged here. On a busy site, this directory will quickly get unmanageable if the logging settings are allowing too much logging. A single request produces 3 or more files, depending on isLoggingVerboseStyle().

pOutputPath - path for logged request/response XML and diagnostic files
See Also:
setLoggingVerboseStyle(boolean), setLoggingAllRequests(boolean), setLoggingDeploy(boolean), setLoggingIndex(boolean), setLoggingLoad(boolean), setLoggingSearch(boolean), setLoggingStart(boolean), setLoggingStop(boolean)


public getStrategyType()
Returns the search strategy type.

the search strategy type


public void setStrategyType( pStrategyType)
Sets the type of search strategy to use. The options are multiplexed or serialized. Multiplexed is recommended for multi-partition indexes, and is the default. Serialized is automatically selected for single-partition indexes, even if this is set to multiplexed.

pStrategyType - the search strategy type


public getArbiterType()
Returns the engine arbiter type.

the engine arbiter type


public void setArbiterType( pArbiterType)
Sets the type of engine arbiter to use. The choices are load or random. The load arbiter distributes load evenly across engines, while the random arbiter distributes requests evenly across engines. The load arbiter requires isMonitoringEnabled() to be true.

pArbiterType - the engine arbiter type


public boolean isMonitoringEnabled()
Indicates whether recent requests and responses should be saved for display in dyn/admin. This also enables performance statistics.

whether monitoring is enabled
See Also:
getInitialRequestsToTrack(), getRecentRequestsToTrack()


public void setMonitoringEnabled(boolean monitoringEnabled)
Controls engine monitoring. Engine monitoring enables gathering of performance statistics for internal use and for viewing in SearchEngineService in dyn/admin. It is required if the load arbiter is being used (see setArbiterType(

As part of monitoring, recent requests are tracked and are viewable in SearchEngineService. The first getInitialRequestsToTrack() requests are preserved and are always viewable, and the most recent getRecentRequestsToTrack() requests are saved using a circular buffer.

monitoringEnabled - whether monitoring is enabled


public int getConnectTimeoutMs()
Gets the timeout in ms for non-multiplexed search and indexing for connecting to an engine prior to searching/indexing.

timeout in ms for connections to engines
See Also:


public void setConnectTimeoutMs(int pConnectTimeoutMs)
The timeout in milliseconds during non-multiplexed search and indexing for connecting to an engine prior to searching/indexing. If you are observing connect failures under heavy load (and you have a single-partition index or explicitly passed serialized to setStrategyType(, increase this value. But be careful, since the larger this value is, the longer it takes for Routing to recognize a network failure. For example, if the network plug is pulled at the remote engine's machine, and this is 20000, then it can take up to 20 seconds to failover to another engine. The default is 1000 milliseconds. Multiplexed search does not have a connect timeout.

pConnectTimeoutMs - timeout in ms for connects
See Also:


public int getReadTimeoutMs()
When reads timeout for all search and non-indexing requests.

read timeout in milliseconds for all search and non-indexing requests
See Also:


public void setReadTimeoutMs(int pReadTimeoutMs)
Timeout in milliseconds for all search and non-indexing requests. Setting this to a low value has the benefit of not keeping website visitors waiting when the engines are running slow or being unresponsive. Setting it too low, however, can result in a huge number of abandoned requests, because Routing stops waiting before the engine has a chance to finish. The default is 20,000 milliseconds.

pReadTimeoutMs - timeout in ms for reads
See Also:


public int getIndexingReadTimeoutMs()
Read timeouts for all indexing requests.

timeout in ms to use for indexing requests
See Also:


public void setIndexingReadTimeoutMs(int pIndexingReadTimeoutMs)
Sets the timeout in milliseconds for indexing requests. This should be much higher than for search commands (set by setReadTimeoutMs(int)), long enough to let the engine finish a long-running command like Topic Load. The default is 300,000 milliseconds (5 minutes).

pIndexingReadTimeoutMs - timeout in ms to use for indexing requests
See Also:


public int getInitialRequestsToTrack()
Returns the number of initial requests that are saved for a given engine. This is only applicable when isMonitoringEnabled() is true. The requests are viewable in dyn/admin in SearchEngineService.

number of initial requests that are saved for a given engine


public void setInitialRequestsToTrack(int pInitialRequestsToTrack)
Sets the number of initial requests that are saved for a given engine. This is only applicable when isMonitoringEnabled() is true. The requests are viewable in dyn/admin in SearchEngineService.

pInitialRequestsToTrack - number of initial requests that are saved for a given engine


public int getRecentRequestsToTrack()
Gets the number of recent requests that are saved for a given engine. This is only applicable when isMonitoringEnabled() is true. The requests are viewable in dyn/admin in SearchEngineService.

number of recent requests that are saved for a given engine


public void setRecentRequestsToTrack(int pRecentRequestsToTrack)
Sets the number of recent requests that are saved for a given engine. This is only applicable when isMonitoringEnabled() is true. The requests are viewable in dyn/admin in SearchEngineService.

pRecentRequestsToTrack - number of recent requests that are saved for a given engine


public boolean isMonitorIgnoredEngines()
Indicates whether the Routing monitors ignored engines periodically. See RoutingSystemService for the schedule. If this is disabled, an ignored engine will never be returned to service (unless the app server is restarted). This property can be changed without restarting the app server or Routing.

true if ignored engines are monitored


public void setMonitorIgnoredEngines(boolean pMonitorIgnoredEngines)
Controls whether the Routing monitors ignored engines periodically. Engines are ignored when they are unresponsive and it is not possible for Routing to determine the engine's state (see setRestartFailedEngines(boolean) for a description of what happens when Routing can determine the state). If monitoring is enabled, Routing will return ignored engines to service when they become accessible. See RoutingSystemService for the monitoring schedule. If this is disabled, an ignored engine that has recovered will never be returned to service (unless the app server is restarted). This property can be changed without restarting the app server or Routing.

pMonitorIgnoredEngines - if true, ignored engines are monitored


public boolean isRestartFailedEngines()
Indicates whether failed engines are restarted by RoutingSystemService's scheduled service task. A failed engine is an engine that was initially ignored (see setMonitorIgnoredEngines(boolean)), but whose actual state Routing was able to ascertain, and was found to be dead. If this property is set to true, such engines will be restarted automatically. If set to false, failed engines will never be restarted, even after app server restart.

true if failed engines should be restarted


public void setRestartFailedEngines(boolean pRestartFailedEngines)
Controls whether failed engines are restarted by RoutingSystemService's scheduled service task. A failed engine is an engine that was initially ignored (see setMonitorIgnoredEngines(boolean)), but whose actual state Routing was able to ascertain, and was found to be dead. If this property is set to true, such engines will be restarted automatically. If set to false, failed engines will never be restarted, even after app server restart.

pRestartFailedEngines - if true, failed engines are restarted


public boolean isPreserveLocalhost()
Indicates whether Routing preserves "localhost" as a hostname. See setPreserveLocalhost(boolean) for details.

whether localhost (as a hostname) will be preserved


public void setPreserveLocalhost(boolean pPreserveLocalhost)
This option allows one to enter "localhost" as a hostname in SearchAdmin and force Routing to preserve it. This option should only be enabled if one is copying a Routing repository to multiple machines for independent operation (say, in a classroom setting). This should never be set to true otherwise, as it will appear to every Routing instance that every engine is local.

pPreserveLocalhost - whether hostnames of "localhost" will be preserved


public java.lang.String getCleanPhysicalPartitionFile()
Returns the file name of the clean physical partition. This file is normally found in each engine installation's data directory, adjacent to the bin directory. Routing automatically finds it in the directory:

getEngineDir() / getVersionForCurrentPlatform() / data

file name for the clean physical partition


public void setCleanPhysicalPartitionFile(java.lang.String cleanPhysicalPartitionFile)
Sets the file name of the clean physical partition. This file is normally found in each engine installation's data directory, adjacent to the bin directory. Routing automatically finds it in the directory:

getEngineDir() / getVersionForCurrentPlatform() / data

cleanPhysicalPartitionFile - file name for the clean physical partition


public void setOsNameToExecutableExtension(java.util.Map pOsNameToExecutableExtension)
Set a map from the value of "" property to the executable extension. For example, a "Windows" key might have a value of ".exe". Both keys and values should be strings. Unix platforms don't need entries.

pOsNameToExecutableExtension - map from the value of "" property to the executable extension


public java.util.Map getOsNameToExecutableExtension()
Gets a map from the value of "" property to the executable extension. For example, a "Windows" key might have a value of ".exe". Both keys and values should be strings. Unix platforms don't have entries.

a map from the value of "" property to the executable extension


public java.lang.String getEngineVersion()
Gets the explicitly set engine version directory name

the explicitly set engine version directory name


public void setEngineVersion(java.lang.String version)
Sets the engine version directory name. If set, this bypasses the getOsVersionToSubDir() lookup. Normally this is not set. Even if this is set, you must still make sure getEngineDir() is right. See getEngineDir() for an details.

version - the explicitly set engine version directory name


public java.lang.String getCleanPhysicalPartitionPath()
Returns the full path to the clean physical partition file. This comes from the engine's local data directory

full path to the clean physical partition file.


public void setCleanPhysicalPartitionPath(java.lang.String pPath)
You must set this when you want to use remote engines for indexing. It is the full path to the clean physical partition. By default, it is empty. This can point to a concrete path as long as it makes sense to every search engine installation The path can also point to a share, such as /home/ATG/share/initial.index. If this is not set, then getCleanPhysicalPartitionFile() will use the installation's root to determine the path to the clean physical partition, but it will only work for local indexing engines.

pPath - full path of clean physical partition file


public java.lang.String[] getEngineParams()
Returns Search Engine parameters, starting with the executable name. The $id$ argument is replaced by the engine's repository id; the engine puts it in its local logfile name which facilitates matching a routing engine with its log. The "$port$" argument is replaced with the port passed into the invocation method. The port is automatically calculated by Routing. The $AEConfigXml$" argument is replaced with the value of getAEConfigXmlFileName(). The "$loglevel$" argument is replaced with the value of getEngineLogLevel().

array of engine parameters


public void setEngineParams(java.lang.String[] pEngineParams)
Sets Search Engine parameters, starting with the executable name. The $id$ argument is replaced by the engine's repository id; the engine puts it in its local logfile name which facilitates matching a routing engine with its log. The "$port$" argument is replaced with the port passed into the invocation method. The port is automatically calculated by Routing. The $AEConfigXml$" argument is replaced with the value of getAEConfigXmlFileName(). The "$loglevel$" argument is replaced with the value of getEngineLogLevel(). Refer to the search engine documentation for other parameters.

pEngineParams - arrany of engine parameters


public void setOsVersionToSubDir(java.util.Map pOsVersionToSubDir)
Sets the mapping from OS version to engine subdirectory. It is a map whose keys are "{}-{os.arch}", where the properties are defined by the JVM's System properties (for example "Windows-i386"). This map is used by default. It can be bypassed if getEngineVersion() is provided.

pOsVersionToSubDir - map of OS version to engine subdir


public java.util.Map getOsVersionToSubDir()
Gets the mapping from OS version to engine subdirectory. It is a map whose keys are "{}-{os.arch}", where the properties are defined by the JVM's System properties (for example "Windows-i386"). This map is used by default. It can be bypassed if getEngineVersion() is provided.

mapping from OS version to engine subdirectory


public java.lang.String getDefaultStorageFilenameFragment()
Gets the filename fragment looked for during cleanup. Routing will not ask the engine to cleanup any files missing this fragment.

the filename fragment looked for during cleanup


public void setDefaultStorageFilenameFragment(java.lang.String defaultStorageFilenameFragment)
Sets the filename fragment looked for during cleanup. Routing will not ask the engine to cleanup any files missing this fragment.

defaultStorageFilenameFragment - the filename fragment looked for during cleanup


public java.lang.String getDefaultIndexFilenameFragment()
Gets the filename fragment looked for during cleanup. Routing will not ask the engine to cleanup any files missing this fragment.

the filename fragment looked for during cleanup


public void setDefaultIndexFilenameFragment(java.lang.String defaultIndexFilenameFragment)
Sets the filename fragment looked for during cleanup. Routing will not ask the engine to cleanup any files missing this fragment.

defaultIndexFilenameFragment - the filename fragment looked for during cleanup


public void setAEConfigXmlFileName(java.lang.String pAEConfigXmlFileName)
Sets the name of the engine's config file, by default "AEConfig.xml". Every engine installation has one of these in its bin directory.

pAEConfigXmlFileName - the name of the engine's config file


public java.lang.String getAEConfigXmlFileName()
Gets the name of the engine's config file, by default "AEConfig.xml"

the name of the engine's config file, by default "AEConfig.xml"


public void setAEConfigXmlTemplateFileName(java.lang.String pAEConfigXmlTemplateFileName)
Sets the name of the engine's AEConfig template XML file, used for generating the config file if missing. Every engine installation has one of these in its bin directory.

pAEConfigXmlTemplateFileName - the name of the engine's AEConfig template XML file


public java.lang.String getAEConfigXmlTemplateFileName()
Gets the name of the engine's AEConfig template XML file, used for generating the config file if missing. Every engine installation has one of these in its bin directory.

the name of the engine's AEConfig template XML file


public int getDefaultSearchEngineStartPort()
Returns the default start port for search engines. This applies to a new host when it is added in SearchAdmin, and can always be edited later. See getDefaultSearchEngineEndPort().

the default start port for search engines


public void setDefaultSearchEngineStartPort(int defaultSearchEngineStartPort)
Sets the default start port for search engines. This applies to a new host when it is added in SearchAdmin, and can always be edited later. See setDefaultSearchEngineEndPort(int).

defaultSearchEngineStartPort - the default start port for search engines


public int getDefaultSearchEngineEndPort()
Returns the default end port for search engines. This applies to a new host when it is added in SearchAdmin, and can always be edited later. See getDefaultSearchEngineStartPort().

the default end port for search engines


public void setDefaultSearchEngineEndPort(int defaultSearchEngineEndPort)
Sets the default end port for search engines. This applies to a new host when it is added in SearchAdmin, and can always be edited later. See setDefaultSearchEngineStartPort(int).

defaultSearchEngineEndPort - the default end port for search engines


public int getDefaultMaximumSearchEngines()
Returns default max number of search engines run by an environment on a given machine. This can be edited in SearchAdmin on a per-machine basis after the machine has been added to an environment.

default max number of search engines for new hosts of this environment


public void setDefaultMaximumSearchEngines(int defaultMaximumSearchEngines)
Sets default max number of search engines run by an environment on a given machine. This can be edited in SearchAdmin on a per-machine basis after the machine has been added to an environment.

defaultMaximumSearchEngines - default max number of search engines for new hosts of this environment


public java.lang.String getDefaultRootIndexPath()
Gets the default index directory for engines' local files. It doesn't matter if all environments using a given machine use this same directory, since unique subdirectories will be created for index files. This directory will show up on each machine adjacent to the engine's bin directory.

default index root path for new host


public void setDefaultRootIndexPath(java.lang.String defaultRootIndexPath)
Sets the default index directory for engines' local files. It doesn't matter if all environments using a given machine use this same directory, since unique subdirectories will be created for index files. This directory will show up on each machine adjacent to the engine's bin directory. This should alway sbe a relative path, since it needs to make sense for all engines on all machines. If it is not relative, then it might need to be adjusted for every machine.

defaultRootIndexPath - default index root path for new host


public int getDefaultLaunchServicePort()
Returns the default RMI port for remote machines running launching service. This can be edited in SearchAdmin on a per-machine basis.

the default RMI port for remote machines running launching service


public void setDefaultLaunchServicePort(int defaultLaunchServicePort)
Sets the default RMI port for remote machines running launching service. This can be edited in SearchAdmin on a per-machine basis.

defaultLaunchServicePort - the default RMI port for remote machines running launching service


public java.lang.String getCompressedIndexExtension()
Returns the extension of compressed index files, default is "gz"

extension of compressed index files, default is "gz"


public void setCompressedIndexExtension(java.lang.String pCompressedIndexExtension)
Sets the extension of compressed index files, default is "gz"

pCompressedIndexExtension - extension of compressed index file, default is "gz"


public boolean isEngineCleanupOnStartupEnabled()
Indicates whether all engine ports will be checked on startup. Returns true by default.

whether all engine ports will be checked on startup.


public void setEngineCleanupOnStartupEnabled(boolean pEngineCleanupOnStartupEnabled)
Controls whether all engine ports will be checked on startup. This can be time-consuming (over a minunte) if there are many hosts and engines. Disabling this check will improve startup speed, but will expose the system to port conflicts and stray engine problems. This should never be disabled in a production system. The default is true, which means the port check will run.

pEngineCleanupOnStartupEnabled - whether to check ports on startup


public getDeferredWorkRoot()
The deferred work is a bunch of temporary files written during estimation for indexing. This property indicates where those files are written. By default, they go underneath the logs directory.

directory for deferred work


public void setDeferredWorkRoot( deferredWorkRoot)
The deferred work is a bunch of temporary files written during estimation for indexing. This property controls where those files are written. By default, they go underneath the logs directory.

deferredWorkRoot - location for deferred work


public int getDefaultPhysicalPartitionCount()
Returns the number of physical partitions to start with in a fresh logical partition for estimation. See setDefaultPhysicalPartitionCount(int) for details.

number of physical partitions to start with in a fresh logical partition for estimation


public void setDefaultPhysicalPartitionCount(int defaultPhysicalPartitionCount)
The is the number of initial physical partitions to use during estimation. (1 / this number) is the sample proportion for estimation; the default of 19 samples about 5%. The larger this number, the smaller (and thus the less representative) the sample for estimation will be.

This number must be a prime number. If a non-prime is used, then the resulting buckets of work will not be evenly distributed during indexing: instead there will be large bands of work that will go to specific engines (even though the overall distribution will be even), with the result that one or more engines sit idle for extended periods during indexing. If the number is prime, this will never happen. The default of 19 is fine for nearly all implementations.


A full physical partition during estimation means that the sampled content is too large to fit in a single partition. You are probably in a 32-bit environment if you are seeing this. The solution is to decrease the size of the sampled content by increasing the number of sample partitions (this setting here), since the proportion of total content that is sampled equals 1/defaultPhysicalPartitionCount. The next few prime numbers are 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97

defaultPhysicalPartitionCount - number of physical partitions during estimation.


public double getFullnessOfRecommendedPartitions()
Returns the ideal proportion of maximum physical partition size to be used when calculating the estimated number of physical partitions. For example, if the max size on your platform is 1 GB, a value here of 0.8 will mean that Routing will base its estimation calculations on a 0.8 GB partition size. This means that, post-estimation, it is extremely unlikely that a partition will fill up immediately (which would force another full index).

degree of fullness used for calculating number of recommended partitions, greater than 0.02, up to 1.0


public void setFullnessOfRecommendedPartitions(double fullnessOfRecommendedPartitions)
Returns the ideal proportion of maximum physical partition size to be used when calculating the estimated number of physical partitions. For example, if the max size on your platform is 1 GB, a value here of 0.8 will mean that Routing will base its estimation calculations on a 0.8 GB partition size. This means that, post-estimation, it is extremely unlikely that a partition will fill up immediately (which would force another full index).

Values lower than 0.02 will be ignored, and 0.02 will be used instead. Values much below, say, 0.2 or 0.3, will only result in many partitions that are nearly empty.

fullnessOfRecommendedPartitions - degree of fullness used for calculating number of recommended partitions, greater than 0.02, up to 1.0


public void setOsVersionDelim(java.lang.String pOsVersionDelim)
Specifies the delimiter used to separate version directories in the getOsVersionToSubDir() map. The delimiter cannot be a comma since the values are stored in a map and the comma delimits entries in the map. The delimiter cannot be a equal sign since the values are stored in a map and the equal sign separates the key and value in the map. The default value is colon (:). There shouldn't be any need to change the default delimiter.


public boolean isEnableLogProblematicRequestResponse()
Whether to log problematic request and response to the warning log in addition to request/response files. Default is true.

true if we should log problematic request and response to the warning log.


public void isEnableLogProblematicRequestResponse(boolean pEnableLogProblematicRequestResponse)
Sets whether to log problematic request and response to the warning log in addition to request/response files. Default is true.


public java.lang.String getOsVersionDelim()
Returns the deploy share directory, the location for master copies of index files. See setDeployShare( for details.

the deploy share directory, the location for master copies of index files


public int getInitialDeploymentTimeoutPerLPMs()
Gets Initial Deployment timeout for one logical partition.

initial Deployment timeout for one logical partition


public void setInitialDeploymentTimeoutPerLPMs(int pInitialDeploymentTimeoutPerLPMs)
Sets Initial Deployment timeout for one logical partition.

pInitialDeploymentTimeoutPerLPMs - initial Deployment timeout for one logical partition


public int getServerIdPort()
Returns the port used for the unique server Id. See getUniqueServerId(). By default this is the RMI port of the instance, and normally should not be changed.



public void setServerIdPort(int mServerIdPort)
Sets the port used for the unique server Id. See getUniqueServerId(). By default this is the RMI port of the instance, and normally should not be changed.