Class RequestServer

  extended by atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
      extended by atg.nucleus.GenericService
          extended by atg.nucleus.TimedOperationService
              extended by atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
All Implemented Interfaces:
NameContextBindingListener, NameContextElement, NameResolver, AdminableService, ApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender, atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging, VariableArgumentApplicationLogging, ComponentNameResolver, Service, ServiceListener, java.util.EventListener

public class RequestServer
extends TimedOperationService

This is the base class for Nucleus services that handle TCP requests. This will create a set of RequestServerHandler objects to handle incoming connections. This class understands the ServerImpl interface, in that it knows how to start and stop itself.

This class also keeps basic statistics about its operation, including total number of requests served, current number of requests being served, and average time spent on each request.

Subclasses should override the "createHandler" method to create a new subclass of RequestServerHandler.

The server can be configured to run in "standby" or "one-shot" mode. In "standby" mode, a number of handler threads are created at startup and kept around to handle requests. That number is specified by the property "handlerCount". In "one-shot" mode, handlers are created whenever a request comes in and destroyed after the request is complete. No handlers are kept around in this case. This mode is triggered by setting "handlerCount" to 0.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Class version string
          The default number of connections that get queued up to a "connect" system call.
protected  java.lang.String mAllowedConnection
          Set to a regular expression pattern of ip addresses allowed to connect
protected  atg.core.util.MiniRegex mAllowedConnectionMatcher
          The regular expression matcher for ip addresses
protected  int mBacklog
          The backlog, or 0 if default
protected  boolean mEnabled
          If false, prevent this server from starting up
protected  int mHandlerCount
          The number of handlers
protected mHostAddr
          The host address of the server
protected  java.lang.String mHostName
          The hostname of the server
protected  int mLocalPort
          This is the actual port we are listening on.
protected  int mPort
          The port this will use to listen for connections
protected  atg.service.portregistry.PortRegistry mPortRegistry
          The PortRegistry to whom this will report its port usage
protected  int mReadTimeout
          Maximum number of seconds (not millis) to block while reading input.
Fields inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new RequestServer
Method Summary acceptConnection()
          Accepts and returns one connection.
 void acceptConnections()
          Repeatedly accepts connections and spins off handlers to handle those connections.
 RequestServerHandler createAndStartHandler()
          Constructs and starts a new RequestServerHandler without any socket.
 RequestServerHandler createAndStartHandlerIfNeeded(RequestServerHandler handler, int deathType)
          Called when a RequestServerHandler changes state, either from being turned into a zombie or from see if a new handler should be started socket.
protected  RequestServerHandler createHandler(java.lang.ThreadGroup pGroup, java.lang.String pThreadName, pSocket)
          Constructs a new RequestServerHandler.
protected createServerSocket(int pPort, int pBacklog, pHostAddr)
          Create a ServerSocket used by the RequestServer.
 void doStartService()
          If the server is enabled this will start the server running, and create the minimum number of clients.
 void doStopService()
          This will stop the server from running by shutting down the server socket.
 int getAcceptorPriorityDelta()
          Gets the acceptor thread priority delta.
 int getActiveHandlerCount()
          Returns the number of handlers currently handling requests.
 java.lang.String getAllowedConnection()
          Returns the AllowedConnection property.
 int getBacklog()
          Returns the backlog that will be set to the server socket.
 boolean getCloseSocketWhenStopped()
          Close the listener socket when this server is stopped?
 atg.server.tcp.ConnectionAcceptor getConnectionAcceptor()
          Returns the connection acceptor used to acquire connected clients for the handler threads.
 boolean getEnabled()
          Returns the Enabled property.
 int getHandlerCount()
          Returns the number of handlers that will be used to listen for requests. getHostAddr()
          Returns the host address of the server
 java.lang.String getHostName()
          Returns the hostname of the server
 int getLocalPort()
          Returns the port this server is listening on.
 int getMaxZombieHandlerCount()
          Returns the maximum number of handlers that can be in a killed state.
 int getNewHandlerRequestCount()
          Returns the number of handlers which have been requested, but have not yet started.
 int getPort()
          Returns the port this server is listening on.
 atg.service.portregistry.PortRegistry getPortRegistry()
          Returns the PortRegistry to whom this will report which port this is using.
 int getReadTimeout()
          Gets the maximum number of seconds (not millis) to block when reading input.
 RequestServerHandler[] getRequestHandlers()
          Returns an array of the RequestHandler objects running in the server.
protected  atg.server.tcp.RequestServerSocket getRequestServerSocket()
 int getRunningHandlerCount()
          Returns the total number of handlers, including those that are currently handling connections, and those that are waiting for connections. getServerSocketFactory()
          Returns property ServerSocketFactory
 long getWaitForRequestHandlersToStop()
          Gets the amount of time in milliseconds to wait until all request handlers have completed, during doStopService()
 int getWaitingHandlerCount()
          Returns the number of handlers waiting for new requests.
 int getZombieHandlerCount()
          Returns the number of handlers which have been killed, but have not yet handled the ThreadDeath.
 boolean isOutOfMemoryDetected()
          Was an out of memory exception detected?
 boolean isSuccessfulServerStartup()
          get SuccessfulServerStartup
 boolean isUseServerSocketFactory()
          Returns property UseServerSocketFactory
 void setAcceptorPriorityDelta(int pDelta)
          Sets the acceptor thread priority delta.
 void setAllowedConnection(java.lang.String pAllowedConnection)
          Sets a regular expression against which connecting hosts are matched to see if they are allowed to connect.
 void setBacklog(int pBacklog)
          Sets the backlog that will be set to the server socket.
 void setCloseSocketWhenStopped(boolean pClose)
          Close the listener socket when this server is stopped?
 void setConnectionAcceptor(atg.server.tcp.ConnectionAcceptor pAcceptor)
          Changes the connection acceptor used to acquire connected clients for the handler threads.
 void setEnabled(boolean pEnabled)
          Sets the Enabled flag.
 void setHandlerCount(int pHandlerCount)
          Sets the number of handlers that will be used to listen for requests.
 void setHostAddr( pHostAddr)
          Sets the host address of the server
 void setHostName(java.lang.String pHostName)
          Sets the host name explicitly.
 void setMaxZombieHandlerCount(int pMaxZombieHandlerCount)
          Sets the maximum number of handlers that can be in a killed state.
 void setOutOfMemoryDetected(boolean pOutOfMemoryDetected)
          Was an out of memory exception detected?
 void setPort(int pPort)
          Sets the port this uses to listen for connections.
 void setPortRegistry(atg.service.portregistry.PortRegistry pPortRegistry)
          Sets the PortRegistry to whom this will report which port this is using.
 void setReadTimeout(int pReadTimeout)
          Sets the maximum number of seconds (not millis) to block when reading input.
 void setServerSocketFactory( pServerSocketFactory)
          Sets property ServerSocketFactory
 void setSocketReadTimeout( pSocket)
          Attempt to set the read timeout for the specified socket.
 void setSuccessfulServerStartup(boolean pSuccessfulServerStartup)
          set SuccessfulServerStartup
 void setUseServerSocketFactory(boolean pUseServerSocketFactory)
          Sets property UseServerSocketFactory
 void setWaitForRequestHandlersToStop(long pWait)
          Sets the amount of time in milliseconds to wait until all request handlers have completed, during doStopService()
 void startServer()
          This will start the server running, and create the minimum number of handlers.
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.TimedOperationService
getAverageRequestHandlingTime, getHandledRequestCount, getRequestStartTime, getTotalRequestHandlingTime, isKeepingStatistics, notifyHandledRequest, resetStatistics, setKeepingStatistics
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
addLogListener, createAdminServlet, getAbsoluteName, getAdminServlet, getLoggingForVlogging, getLogListenerCount, getLogListeners, getName, getNameContext, getNucleus, getRoot, getServiceConfiguration, getServiceInfo, isLoggingDebug, isLoggingError, isLoggingInfo, isLoggingTrace, isLoggingWarning, isRunning, logDebug, logDebug, logDebug, logError, logError, logError, logInfo, logInfo, logInfo, logTrace, logTrace, logTrace, logWarning, logWarning, logWarning, nameContextElementBound, nameContextElementUnbound, removeLogListener, reResolveThis, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, sendLogEvent, setLoggingDebug, setLoggingError, setLoggingInfo, setLoggingTrace, setLoggingWarning, setNucleus, setServiceInfo, startService, stopService
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Class version string


public static final int DEFAULT_BACKLOG
The default number of connections that get queued up to a "connect" system call. On UNIX systems, this seems to be ignored but it is necessary for NT. The default in the socket implementation is 50 which has been demonstrated to be way too low.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected int mPort
The port this will use to listen for connections


protected int mLocalPort
This is the actual port we are listening on. It is only different from the Port if Port is set to 0 (i.e. choose an available port)


protected java.lang.String mHostName
The hostname of the server


protected mHostAddr
The host address of the server


protected int mHandlerCount
The number of handlers


protected int mBacklog
The backlog, or 0 if default


protected atg.service.portregistry.PortRegistry mPortRegistry
The PortRegistry to whom this will report its port usage


protected boolean mEnabled
If false, prevent this server from starting up


protected java.lang.String mAllowedConnection
Set to a regular expression pattern of ip addresses allowed to connect


protected atg.core.util.MiniRegex mAllowedConnectionMatcher
The regular expression matcher for ip addresses


protected int mReadTimeout
Maximum number of seconds (not millis) to block while reading input.

Constructor Detail


public RequestServer()
Constructs a new RequestServer

Method Detail


protected atg.server.tcp.RequestServerSocket getRequestServerSocket()


public RequestServerHandler createAndStartHandler()
Constructs and starts a new RequestServerHandler without any socket. determine a unique name for the Thread running the handler.


protected RequestServerHandler createHandler(java.lang.ThreadGroup pGroup,
                                             java.lang.String pThreadName,
Constructs a new RequestServerHandler. Subclasses should override this to create their own subclasses of RequestServerHandler.

pGroup - the ThreadGroup to which the new handler should belong
pThreadName - the name that should be assigned to the handler's thread.
pSocket - the socket that the handler should use to perform its one-shot request. If null, then the handler should obtain sockets by calling "acceptConnection".


public RequestServerHandler createAndStartHandlerIfNeeded(RequestServerHandler handler,
                                                          int deathType)
Called when a RequestServerHandler changes state, either from being turned into a zombie or from see if a new handler should be started socket. determine a unique name for the Thread running the handler.


public acceptConnection()
                                 throws DisallowedConnectionException
Accepts and returns one connection. If null is returned, then the server has shut down and all the handlers should exit.



public void acceptConnections()
Repeatedly accepts connections and spins off handlers to handle those connections.


public void setPort(int pPort)
Sets the port this uses to listen for connections. Set this value to 0 if you want the server to choose an available port. You can then call getLocalPort to determine which port we are listening to.


public int getPort()
Returns the port this server is listening on. This is only different from the port if port is set to 0.


public int getLocalPort()
Returns the port this server is listening on. This is only different from the port if port is set to 0.


public getHostAddr()
Returns the host address of the server


public void setHostAddr( pHostAddr)
Sets the host address of the server


public void setHostName(java.lang.String pHostName)
Sets the host name explicitly. If this is not set, the default is chosen.


public java.lang.String getHostName()
Returns the hostname of the server


public void setServerSocketFactory( pServerSocketFactory)
Sets property ServerSocketFactory


public getServerSocketFactory()
Returns property ServerSocketFactory


public void setUseServerSocketFactory(boolean pUseServerSocketFactory)
Sets property UseServerSocketFactory


public boolean isUseServerSocketFactory()
Returns property UseServerSocketFactory


public void setHandlerCount(int pHandlerCount)
Sets the number of handlers that will be used to listen for requests.


public int getMaxZombieHandlerCount()
Returns the maximum number of handlers that can be in a killed state. When the max value is reached, then new handlers will not be created until some of the zombies start dying off. A positive value means that we track zombie handlers up to the given number; a negative value means that we will continue to create new handlers as handlers are killed; a value of 0 means that we will not track zombie handlers at all, and rather will count threads as running until they actually die.


public void setMaxZombieHandlerCount(int pMaxZombieHandlerCount)
Sets the maximum number of handlers that can be in a killed state. When the max value is reached, then new handlers will not be created until some of the zombies start dying off. A positive value means that we track zombie handlers up to the given number; a negative value means that we will continue to create new handlers as handlers are killed; a value of 0 means that we will not track zombie handlers at all, and rather will count threads as running until they actually die.


public int getHandlerCount()
Returns the number of handlers that will be used to listen for requests.


public void setBacklog(int pBacklog)
Sets the backlog that will be set to the server socket. Setting to 0 sets to the default (512).


public int getBacklog()
Returns the backlog that will be set to the server socket. Setting to 0 sets to the default (512).


public void setPortRegistry(atg.service.portregistry.PortRegistry pPortRegistry)
Sets the PortRegistry to whom this will report which port this is using.


public atg.service.portregistry.PortRegistry getPortRegistry()
Returns the PortRegistry to whom this will report which port this is using.


public void setEnabled(boolean pEnabled)
Sets the Enabled flag. If the server is disabled. It does nothing. Right now, this flag is only looked at when the services starts.


public boolean getEnabled()
Returns the Enabled property.


public void setSuccessfulServerStartup(boolean pSuccessfulServerStartup)
set SuccessfulServerStartup

pSuccessfulServerStartup - the SuccessfulServerStartup


public boolean isSuccessfulServerStartup()
get SuccessfulServerStartup

the SuccessfulServerStartup


public void setAllowedConnection(java.lang.String pAllowedConnection)
Sets a regular expression against which connecting hosts are matched to see if they are allowed to connect.


public java.lang.String getAllowedConnection()
Returns the AllowedConnection property.


public void setAcceptorPriorityDelta(int pDelta)
Sets the acceptor thread priority delta. A negative number means that the acceptor thread will run at a lower priority than the threads that are accepting new connections. This is generally the right thing.

This property is only used by the DRP server in connection pooling mode.


public long getWaitForRequestHandlersToStop()
Gets the amount of time in milliseconds to wait until all request handlers have completed, during doStopService()


public void setWaitForRequestHandlersToStop(long pWait)
Sets the amount of time in milliseconds to wait until all request handlers have completed, during doStopService()


public int getAcceptorPriorityDelta()
Gets the acceptor thread priority delta. A negative number means that the acceptor thread will run at a lower priority than the threads that are accepting new connections. This is generally the right thing.

This property is only used by the DRP server in connection pooling mode.


public void setReadTimeout(int pReadTimeout)
Sets the maximum number of seconds (not millis) to block when reading input. 0 == indefinitely.

int - the maximum number of seconds


public int getReadTimeout()
Gets the maximum number of seconds (not millis) to block when reading input. 0 == indefinitely.

int the number of seconds


public int getRunningHandlerCount()
Returns the total number of handlers, including those that are currently handling connections, and those that are waiting for connections.


public int getActiveHandlerCount()
Returns the number of handlers currently handling requests.


public int getZombieHandlerCount()
Returns the number of handlers which have been killed, but have not yet handled the ThreadDeath.


public int getNewHandlerRequestCount()
Returns the number of handlers which have been requested, but have not yet started.


public int getWaitingHandlerCount()
Returns the number of handlers waiting for new requests.


public boolean getCloseSocketWhenStopped()
Close the listener socket when this server is stopped?


public void setCloseSocketWhenStopped(boolean pClose)
Close the listener socket when this server is stopped?


public atg.server.tcp.ConnectionAcceptor getConnectionAcceptor()
Returns the connection acceptor used to acquire connected clients for the handler threads.


public void setConnectionAcceptor(atg.server.tcp.ConnectionAcceptor pAcceptor)
Changes the connection acceptor used to acquire connected clients for the handler threads.


public boolean isOutOfMemoryDetected()
Was an out of memory exception detected?


public void setOutOfMemoryDetected(boolean pOutOfMemoryDetected)
Was an out of memory exception detected?


public RequestServerHandler[] getRequestHandlers()
Returns an array of the RequestHandler objects running in the server. This list is obtained by finding all of the Threads running in the RequestServer's ThreadGroup that are of type RequestHandler.


protected createServerSocket(int pPort,
                                                   int pBacklog,
Create a ServerSocket used by the RequestServer. The ServerSocket may be created by a ServerSocketFactory if one is supplied by the serverSocketFactory property. Otherwise a new ServerSocket is created. ServerSockets are created by with the parameters supplied by pPort, pBackLog and pHostAddr.

pPort - port number on which to listen
pBacklog - the backlog of pending connection before rejection of connections
pHostAddr - host address of network interface where connections accepted
a ServerSocket to be used by the RequestServer
Throws: - is an erro occured while creating the ServerSocket


public void startServer()
This will start the server running, and create the minimum number of handlers.


public void doStartService()
                    throws ServiceException
If the server is enabled this will start the server running, and create the minimum number of clients.

doStartService in class GenericService
ServiceException - if there was a problem


public void doStopService()
                   throws ServiceException
This will stop the server from running by shutting down the server socket. Any handlers already handling requests will be allowed to finish.

doStopService in class GenericService
ServiceException - if an error occurred during the operation


public void setSocketReadTimeout( pSocket)
Attempt to set the read timeout for the specified socket.

Socket - -- the socket whose read timeout to set