Class XAOnlyDataSource

  extended by atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
      extended by atg.nucleus.GenericService
          extended by atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
All Implemented Interfaces:
NameContextBindingListener, NameContextElement, NameResolver, AdminableService, ApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender, atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging, VariableArgumentApplicationLogging, ComponentNameResolver, Service, ServiceListener, ConnectionStats, java.sql.Wrapper, java.util.EventListener, javax.sql.CommonDataSource, javax.sql.ConnectionEventListener, javax.sql.DataSource

public class XAOnlyDataSource
extends GenericService
implements javax.sql.DataSource, javax.sql.ConnectionEventListener, ConnectionStats

An application server tier DataSource that sits on top of an XADataSource and registers/unregisters XAConnections with the TransactionManager. This DataSource provides no pooling features of its own.

This DataSource is designed to only work on top of an XADataSource. Therefore, when used within the scope of a distributed transaction commit(), rollback(), and setAutoCommit() should never be called on Connections obtained from it. Those functions are executed by the TransactionManager. When used in local transaction mode, i.e. outside the scope of a distributed transaction, all of the Connections transactional methods are available for use.

Typical usage of this DataSource might look as follows:

   DataSource ds = ;
   Connection c = null;
   try {
     try {
       c = ds.getConnection();
       // Various work without calling c.commit() or c.rollback().
     } finally {
       // Closing of the Connection must always occur or else
       // Connections will not be returned to the pool properly!
       if (c != null)
   } catch (SQLException sqle) {
     // If something went wrong, we might want to rollback
     // the transaction.
Note this example assumes a distributed transaction is in place meaning transactioning is handled by JTA and no transactioning methods are called on the Connection itself.

All Connections produced by this DataSource are MonitoredConnections, i.e. they are normal Connections wrapped for the purpose of gathering statistics. Because of this, message logging is achievable at a finer granularity. The standard ApplicationLogging interface exists for messages generated by the DataSource proper and a variant of the interface is implemented for the logging of messages generated by Connections. Use the methods loggingSQLInfo(), loggingSQLDebug(), loggingSQLWarning(), and loggingSQLError() to turn off message logging for Connections created by this DataSource.

Nested Class Summary
 class XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
          A utility class which builds a separate logging interface for SQL logging to have access to.
Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Class version string
Fields inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Constructor Summary
          Constructs an uninitialized XAOnlyDataSource.
Method Summary
 void connectionClosed(javax.sql.ConnectionEvent pEvent)
          Invoked when the application calls close() on its representation of the connection.
 void connectionErrorOccurred(javax.sql.ConnectionEvent pEvent)
          Invoked when a fatal connection error occurs, just before an SQLException is thrown to the application.
 void doStartService()
          Things to do when the service starts up.
 int getCommitCount()
          Returns the number of times commit() has been called
 java.sql.Connection getConnection()
          Returns a Connection that is participating in the current Transaction using the default username and password.
 java.sql.Connection getConnection(java.lang.String pUsername, java.lang.String pPassword)
          Returns a Connection that is participating in the current Transaction using the given username and password.
 int getCreateStatementCount()
          Returns the number of times createStatement() has been called
 javax.sql.XADataSource getDataSource()
          Returns property dataSource.
 java.util.Properties getDataSourceJNDIEnvironment()
          Returns property dataSourceJNDIEnvironment.
 java.lang.String getDataSourceJNDIName()
          Returns property dataSourceJNDIName.
 int getErrorCount()
          Returns the number of times a SQLException resulted from calls.
 int getExecuteCount()
          Returns the number of times Statement.execute() has been called
 int getExecuteQueryCount()
          Returns the number of times Statement.executeQuery() has been called
 int getExecuteUpdateCount()
          Returns the number of times Statement.executeUpdate() has been called
 int getGetMoreResultsCount()
          Returns the number of times Statement.getMoreResults() has been called
 java.lang.String[] getInitializingSQL()
          Returns property initializingSQL.
 int getLoginTimeout()
          Returns property loginTimeout. getLogWriter()
          This property from the DataSource interface is ignored.
 java.lang.Integer getMaxFieldSize()
          Returns the size of the data that can be returned for any column.
 java.lang.Integer getMaxRows()
          Returns the maximum number of rows that can be returned for any query.
 int getPrepareCallCount()
          Returns the number of times prepareCall() has been called
 int getPrepareStatementCount()
          Returns the number of times prepareStatement() has been called
 java.lang.Integer getQueryTimeout()
          Returns the maximum number of seconds that the driver will wait for a Statement to execute.
 int getResultSetRowCount()
          Returns the number of times has been called
 int getRollbackCount()
          Returns the number of times rollback() has been called
 javax.transaction.TransactionManager getTransactionManager()
          Returns property transactionManager.
 void incrementCommitCount()
          Increments the number of times commit() has been called
 void incrementCreateStatementCount()
          Increments the number of times createStatement() has been called
 void incrementErrorCount()
          Increments the number of times a SQLException resulted from calls.
 void incrementExecuteCount()
          Increments the number of times Statement.execute() has been called
 void incrementExecuteQueryCount()
          Increments the number of times Statement.executeQuery() has been called
 void incrementExecuteUpdateCount()
          Increments the number of times Statement.executeUpdate() has been called
 void incrementGetMoreResultsCount()
          Increments the number of times Statement.getMoreResults() has been called
 void incrementPrepareCallCount()
          Increments the number of times prepareCall() has been called
 void incrementPrepareStatementCount()
          Increments the number of times prepareStatement() has been called
 void incrementResultSetRowCount()
          Increments the number of times has been called
 void incrementRollbackCount()
          Increments the number of times rollback() has been called
 boolean isAssociativeFakeXA()
          Returns property associativeFakeXA.
 boolean isEnlistBeforeGet()
          Returns property enlistBeforeGet.
 boolean isLoggingSQLDebug()
          This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast for MonitoredConnections.
 boolean isLoggingSQLError()
          This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast for MonitoredConnections.
 boolean isLoggingSQLInfo()
          This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast for MonitoredConnections.
 boolean isLoggingSQLWarning()
          This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast for MonitoredConnections.
 boolean isWrapperFor(java.lang.Class<?> pInterface)
          Returns true if this class implements the pInterface argument
 void setAssociativeFakeXA(boolean pAssociativeFakeXA)
          Sets property associativeFakeXA.
 void setDataSource(javax.sql.XADataSource pXADataSource)
          Sets the property dataSource.
 void setDataSourceJNDIEnvironment(java.util.Properties pDataSourceJNDIEnvironment)
          Sets property dataSourceJNDIEnvironment.
 void setDataSourceJNDIName(java.lang.String pDataSourceJNDIName)
          Sets property dataSourceJNDIName.
 void setEnlistBeforeGet(boolean pEnlistBeforeGet)
          Sets property enlistBeforeGet.
 void setInitializingSQL(java.lang.String[] pInitializingSQL)
          Sets property initializingSQL.
 void setLoggingSQLDebug(boolean pLogging)
          Sets whether or not error log events should be logged for MonitoredConnections.
 void setLoggingSQLError(boolean pLogging)
          Sets whether or not error log events should be logged for MonitoredConnections.
 void setLoggingSQLInfo(boolean pLogging)
          Sets whether or not info log events should be logged for MonitoredConnections.
 void setLoggingSQLWarning(boolean pLogging)
          Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged for MonitoredConnections.
 void setLoginTimeout(int pLoginTimeout)
          Sets property loginTimeout.
 void setLogWriter( pLogWriter)
          This property from the DataSource interface is ignored.
 void setMaxFieldSize(java.lang.Integer pMaxFieldSize)
          Sets the size of the data that can be returned for any column.
 void setMaxRows(java.lang.Integer pMaxRows)
          Sets the maximum number of rows that can be returned for any query.
 void setQueryTimeout(java.lang.Integer pQueryTimeout)
          Sets the maximum number of seconds that the driver will wait for a Statement to execute.
 void setTransactionManager(javax.transaction.TransactionManager pValue)
<T> T
unwrap(java.lang.Class<T> pInterface)
          Returns an object that implements the given interface
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
addLogListener, createAdminServlet, doStopService, getAbsoluteName, getAdminServlet, getLoggingForVlogging, getLogListenerCount, getLogListeners, getName, getNameContext, getNucleus, getRoot, getServiceConfiguration, getServiceInfo, isLoggingDebug, isLoggingError, isLoggingInfo, isLoggingTrace, isLoggingWarning, isRunning, logDebug, logDebug, logDebug, logError, logError, logError, logInfo, logInfo, logInfo, logTrace, logTrace, logTrace, logWarning, logWarning, logWarning, nameContextElementBound, nameContextElementUnbound, removeLogListener, reResolveThis, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, sendLogEvent, setLoggingDebug, setLoggingError, setLoggingInfo, setLoggingTrace, setLoggingWarning, setNucleus, setServiceInfo, startService, stopService
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Class version string

Constructor Detail


public XAOnlyDataSource()
Constructs an uninitialized XAOnlyDataSource.

Method Detail


public void setDataSourceJNDIName(java.lang.String pDataSourceJNDIName)
Sets property dataSourceJNDIName.
JNDI name of the XADataSource to get Connections from.

pDataSourceJNDIName - new value to set


public java.lang.String getDataSourceJNDIName()
Returns property dataSourceJNDIName.
JNDI name of the XADataSource to get Connections from.



public void setDataSourceJNDIEnvironment(java.util.Properties pDataSourceJNDIEnvironment)
Sets property dataSourceJNDIEnvironment.
An optional set of properties needed by JNDI to resolve the DataSource.

pDataSourceJNDIEnvironment - new value to set


public java.util.Properties getDataSourceJNDIEnvironment()
Returns property dataSourceJNDIEnvironment.
An optional set of properties needed by JNDI to resolve the DataSource.



public void setDataSource(javax.sql.XADataSource pXADataSource)
Sets the property dataSource.
The XADataSource to get new Connections for the pool from. This method is used to set the property directly. Alternatively, the properties dataSourceJNDIName and dataSourceJNDIEnvironment can be used.

pXADataSource - new value to set


public javax.sql.XADataSource getDataSource()
Returns property dataSource.
The XADataSource to get new Connections for the pool from. This property is either the DataSource set via the setDataSource() method or resolved via JNDI from the setDataSourceJNDIName property.



public void setTransactionManager(javax.transaction.TransactionManager pValue)


public javax.transaction.TransactionManager getTransactionManager()
Returns property transactionManager.
The TransactionManager handling distributed transactions.



public boolean isLoggingSQLInfo()
This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast for MonitoredConnections.

boolean true if info log events should be logged
false if info log events should not be logged


public void setLoggingSQLInfo(boolean pLogging)
Sets whether or not info log events should be logged for MonitoredConnections.


public boolean isLoggingSQLWarning()
This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast for MonitoredConnections.

boolean true if warning log events should be logged
false if warning log events should not be logged


public void setLoggingSQLWarning(boolean pLogging)
Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged for MonitoredConnections.


public boolean isLoggingSQLError()
This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast for MonitoredConnections.

boolean true if error log events should be logged
false if error log events should not be logged


public void setLoggingSQLError(boolean pLogging)
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged for MonitoredConnections.


public boolean isLoggingSQLDebug()
This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast for MonitoredConnections.

boolean true if debug log events should be logged
false if debug log events should not be logged


public void setLoggingSQLDebug(boolean pLogging)
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged for MonitoredConnections.


public java.lang.Integer getMaxFieldSize()
Returns the size of the data that can be returned for any column. Passed to every MonitoredConnection for use with MonitoredStatements


public void setMaxFieldSize(java.lang.Integer pMaxFieldSize)
Sets the size of the data that can be returned for any column. Setting this to a -1 value is equivalent to disabling it.


public java.lang.Integer getMaxRows()
Returns the maximum number of rows that can be returned for any query. Passed to every MonitoredConnection for use with MonitoredStatements


public void setMaxRows(java.lang.Integer pMaxRows)
Sets the maximum number of rows that can be returned for any query.


public java.lang.Integer getQueryTimeout()
Returns the maximum number of seconds that the driver will wait for a Statement to execute. Passed to every MonitoredConnection for use with MonitoredStatements


public void setQueryTimeout(java.lang.Integer pQueryTimeout)
Sets the maximum number of seconds that the driver will wait for a Statement to execute.


public void setInitializingSQL(java.lang.String[] pInitializingSQL)
Sets property initializingSQL.
An array of SQL commands to be executed on newly created Connections before inserted into the pool.

pInitializingSQL - new value to set


public java.lang.String[] getInitializingSQL()
Returns property initializingSQL.
An array of SQL commands to be executed on newly created Connections before inserted into the pool.



public void setEnlistBeforeGet(boolean pEnlistBeforeGet)
Sets property enlistBeforeGet.
Do resource enlistment before calling getConnection() on XAConnection. Unfortunately JDBC has a loose specification allowing vendors to do things differently from each other. This property addresses such a problem. Some drivers do not allow you to call XAConnection.getConnection() before enlisting the connection's XAResource with the TransactionManager. Some drivers do not allow the exact opposite. The default for this property accommodates Oracle and Sybase. Set this property to true for Merant drivers.

pEnlistBeforeGet - new value to set


public boolean isEnlistBeforeGet()
Returns property enlistBeforeGet.
Do resource enlistment before calling getConnection() on XAConnection. Unfortunately JDBC has a loose specification allowing vendors to do things differently from each other. This property addresses such a problem. Some drivers do not allow you to call XAConnection.getConnection() before enlisting the connection's XAResource with the TransactionManager. Some drivers do not allow the exact opposite. The default for this property accommodates Oracle and Sybase. Set this property to true for Merant drivers.



public void setAssociativeFakeXA(boolean pAssociativeFakeXA)
Sets property associativeFakeXA.
Whether or not to associate FakeXA connections with transactions.

pAssociativeFakeXA - new value to set


public boolean isAssociativeFakeXA()
Returns property associativeFakeXA.
Whether or not to associate FakeXA connections with transactions.



public void setLoginTimeout(int pLoginTimeout)
Sets property loginTimeout.
The maximum time in seconds to wait attempting to connect to a database. This DataSource property has been translated into ResourcePool.checkoutBlockTime. Setting loginTimeout will be the same as setting ResourcePool.checkoutBlockTime.

Specified by:
setLoginTimeout in interface javax.sql.CommonDataSource
pLoginTimeout - new value to set


public int getLoginTimeout()
Returns property loginTimeout.
The maximum time in seconds to wait attempting to connect to a database. This DataSource property has been translated into ResourcePool.checkoutBlockTime. Setting loginTimeout will be the same as setting ResourcePool.checkoutBlockTime.

Specified by:
getLoginTimeout in interface javax.sql.CommonDataSource


public void setLogWriter( pLogWriter)
This property from the DataSource interface is ignored. All of the pool and objects generated by the pool write log messages to the ApplicationLogging interfaces.

Specified by:
setLogWriter in interface javax.sql.CommonDataSource


public getLogWriter()
This property from the DataSource interface is ignored. All of the pool and objects generated by the pool write log messages to the ApplicationLogging interfaces.

Specified by:
getLogWriter in interface javax.sql.CommonDataSource


public void doStartService()
                    throws ServiceException
Things to do when the service starts up.

doStartService in class GenericService
ServiceException - if the Service had a problem starting up


public java.sql.Connection getConnection()
                                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns a Connection that is participating in the current Transaction using the default username and password.

Specified by:
getConnection in interface javax.sql.DataSource


public java.sql.Connection getConnection(java.lang.String pUsername,
                                         java.lang.String pPassword)
                                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns a Connection that is participating in the current Transaction using the given username and password.

Specified by:
getConnection in interface javax.sql.DataSource


public void connectionClosed(javax.sql.ConnectionEvent pEvent)
Invoked when the application calls close() on its representation of the connection.

Specified by:
connectionClosed in interface javax.sql.ConnectionEventListener
pEvent - an event object describing the source of the event


public void connectionErrorOccurred(javax.sql.ConnectionEvent pEvent)
Invoked when a fatal connection error occurs, just before an SQLException is thrown to the application.

Specified by:
connectionErrorOccurred in interface javax.sql.ConnectionEventListener
pEvent - an event object describing the source of the event


public void incrementErrorCount()
Increments the number of times a SQLException resulted from calls.

Specified by:
incrementErrorCount in interface ConnectionStats


public int getErrorCount()
Returns the number of times a SQLException resulted from calls.


public void incrementCommitCount()
Increments the number of times commit() has been called

Specified by:
incrementCommitCount in interface ConnectionStats


public int getCommitCount()
Returns the number of times commit() has been called


public void incrementRollbackCount()
Increments the number of times rollback() has been called

Specified by:
incrementRollbackCount in interface ConnectionStats


public int getRollbackCount()
Returns the number of times rollback() has been called


public void incrementCreateStatementCount()
Increments the number of times createStatement() has been called

Specified by:
incrementCreateStatementCount in interface ConnectionStats


public int getCreateStatementCount()
Returns the number of times createStatement() has been called


public void incrementPrepareStatementCount()
Increments the number of times prepareStatement() has been called

Specified by:
incrementPrepareStatementCount in interface ConnectionStats


public int getPrepareStatementCount()
Returns the number of times prepareStatement() has been called


public void incrementPrepareCallCount()
Increments the number of times prepareCall() has been called

Specified by:
incrementPrepareCallCount in interface ConnectionStats


public int getPrepareCallCount()
Returns the number of times prepareCall() has been called


public void incrementExecuteQueryCount()
Increments the number of times Statement.executeQuery() has been called

Specified by:
incrementExecuteQueryCount in interface ConnectionStats


public int getExecuteQueryCount()
Returns the number of times Statement.executeQuery() has been called


public void incrementExecuteUpdateCount()
Increments the number of times Statement.executeUpdate() has been called

Specified by:
incrementExecuteUpdateCount in interface ConnectionStats


public int getExecuteUpdateCount()
Returns the number of times Statement.executeUpdate() has been called


public void incrementExecuteCount()
Increments the number of times Statement.execute() has been called

Specified by:
incrementExecuteCount in interface ConnectionStats


public int getExecuteCount()
Returns the number of times Statement.execute() has been called


public void incrementGetMoreResultsCount()
Increments the number of times Statement.getMoreResults() has been called

Specified by:
incrementGetMoreResultsCount in interface ConnectionStats


public int getGetMoreResultsCount()
Returns the number of times Statement.getMoreResults() has been called


public void incrementResultSetRowCount()
Increments the number of times has been called

Specified by:
incrementResultSetRowCount in interface ConnectionStats


public int getResultSetRowCount()
Returns the number of times has been called


public <T> T unwrap(java.lang.Class<T> pInterface)
         throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns an object that implements the given interface

Specified by:
unwrap in interface java.sql.Wrapper
pInterface - the interface of the object to return
java.sql.SQLException - if no object is found that implements the given interface


public boolean isWrapperFor(java.lang.Class<?> pInterface)
                     throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns true if this class implements the pInterface argument

Specified by:
isWrapperFor in interface java.sql.Wrapper
pInterface - the interface to test
true of this instance implements the interface, false otherwise
java.sql.SQLException - if there's an error determining whether this is a wrapper for the interface