4.8. How to Remove Sun Ray Software

The following procedure is not required for installation or upgrade.

To remove Sun Ray Software in its entirety, follow this procedure.

  1. Log in as the superuser of the Sun Ray server.

  2. Open a shell window and change to the /opt/SUNWut/sbin directory.

    # cd /opt/SUNWut/sbin
  3. If you are removing Sun Ray Software from a server in a failover group, disable Sun Ray Client firmware downloads.

    For a Private Network

    # ./utfwadm -D -a -n all

    For a Shared Network

    # ./utfwadm -D -a -N all
  4. Remove the replication configuration.

    # ./utreplica -u
  5. Remove the Sun Ray network interfaces.

    # ./utadm -r
  6. Unconfigure Sun Ray Software.

    # ./utconfig -u

    Answer y to all of the prompts.

  7. Uninstall Sun Ray Software.

    # cd /
    # /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utinstall -u

    Answer y to all of the prompts.

  8. Repeat the steps in this procedure for all remaining Sun Ray servers.