11.4. How to Enable and Disable the Configuration GUI on All Sun Ray Clients

This procedure describes how to enable the Configuration GUI on all Sun Ray Clients, so users can locally configure how the clients initialize and boot. Enabling the Configuration GUI essentially enables the client to use its local configuration values first (if any) when initializing.

In previous versions of the Sun Ray Software 5.2 release, two versions of firmware were shipped: one firmware with GUI capability and another firmware without GUI capability. Enabling the firmware with GUI capability was accomplished by loading that firmware onto a Sun Ray Client.

In Sun Ray Software 5.2 and later, the two firmware versions are combined into a single version, and additional control mechanisms are provided to enable or disable the Configuration GUI. In order to provide a reasonable migration path from the previous configuration, the Configuration GUI will be enabled automatically if there is any local configuration defined on the Sun Ray Client. The new control mechanisms provide a way for you to force the Configuration GUI on or off, or provide a way for each user to enable the Configuration GUI through the use of a password you define.

Enabling or disabling the Configuration GUI is managed using two new keywords in the .parms files, enablegui and disablegui. In order to provide some security, there are also two new control files, SunRay.enableGUI and SunRay.disableGUI, that act like keys to unlock enabling or disabling the Configuration GUI. These control files must be installed along with the firmware and .parms files, and they must be readable by the managed Sun Ray clients. The utfwadm command has options to set these keywords and automatically install the control files, as needed.

See Section 11.5, “How to Modify a Sun Ray Client's Local Configuration (Configuration GUI)” for more information.

  1. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server.

  2. Enable the Configuration GUI on Sun Ray Clients in a shared network (LAN) configuration with external DHCP support (configured network using utadm -L on):

    # utfwadm -AaV -G GUI-control

    The options for GUI-control are:


    The Configuration GUI cannot be enabled. This is the default option.


    Enables the Configuration GUI after using Stop-M or Stop-C on the client. No password is required.


    Enables the Configuration GUI.


    The hashed password that the user must enter to enable the Configuration GUI. This option requires you to get the generated hashed password from the uthashpwd command, which takes a password from standard input and prints the hashed result.


    Prompts you to enter the password that the user must enter to enable the Configuration GUI. The password is processed by the uthashpwd command and the resulting value is assigned to the enablegui value.

    This command updates the enablegui keyword in the .parms file. For more details, see the utfwadm man page.


    The -g option disables the Configuration GUI and accepts the same options.

  3. Power-cycle the clients to put the new firmware mode into effect.

  4. Repeat these steps on each Sun Ray server in a failover group.


To enable the Configuration GUI for a specific client, use the -e MAC_address option.

11.4.1. Alternate Network Configuration Examples

Use the following utfwadm command examples for alternate network configurations:

  • On a shared network (LAN) with Sun Ray server DHCP support (configured network using utadm -A subnet):

    # utfwadm -Aa -N all -G GUI-control
  • On a private network (configured network using utadm -a intf):

    # utfwadm -Aa -n all -G GUI-control