11.5. How to Modify a Sun Ray Client's Local Configuration (Configuration GUI)

Sun Ray Software provides optional functionality to modify a Sun Ray Client's local configuration through a Graphical User Interface (GUI) tool. A Sun Ray Client's local configuration is checked first before using the configuration from the Sun Ray server, so this enables you to individually configure a Sun Ray Client's behavior at the local level.

Most of the firmware values are stored in the Sun Ray Client's flash memory. Certain control key combinations are used to invoke the Configuration GUI, which enables you to examine and set the local configuration values.

The Configuration GUI enables several features that require the ability to set and store configuration information on the Sun Ray Client itself, including:

To protect the use of stored authentication information, the VPN configuration includes a PIN entry. This feature enables two-factor authentication for Sun Ray at Home VPN deployments.


By default, the firmware server specified in the local configuration is the default server used for loading other files that can be downloaded, including certificate files, .pcf files, .parms file, and configuration files.

11.5.1. Configuration GUI Menu Descriptions

Table 11.1, “Configuration GUI Main Menu Items” and Table 11.2, “Configuration GUI Advanced Menu Items” provide descriptions for the Configuration GUI menu items.

  • Press one of the following key combinations on a Sun Ray Client to open the Configuration GUI and display the main menu:

    • Stop-S or Ctrl-Pause-S

    • Stop-M or Ctrl-Pause-M

Table 11.1. Configuration GUI Main Menu Items

Main Menu Item


VPN Setup

Cisco EzVPN authentication model

  • Enable - On/Off

  • Import profile - Profile name

  • Peer type - Cisco or Netscreen (Juniper Networks)

  • Auth method - Xauth, Preshared, or Hybrid

  • Peer - Gateway peer (name or IP address)

  • Group - Group name

  • Set Group Key

  • Username - Xauth user name (if static)

  • Set Password - Xauth password (if static)

  • Set PIN - If the PIN has been set, the user is prompted for it before a locally stored Xauth user name and password are used.

  • Advanced

    • DH Group - Diffie-Hellman group

    • PFS Group

    • IKE Lifetime - IKE Phase 1 lifetime

    • IPsec Lifetime

    • Dead Peer Detection

    • Session timeout - Idle timeout, after which VPN connection is dropped

  • Save - Save the VPN configuration.

VPN Profiles

  • Download Profile File

  • Remove Profile File

  • Show Profiles

  • Clear All Profile Files



  • Download Certificate File

  • Remove Certificate File

  • Show Certificates



  • Server list - A list of comma-separated server names or IP addresses

  • Firmware server - Name or IP address


    TFTP is the default transport and this value is the default server used for loading other files that can be downloaded, including certificate files, .pcf files, .parms file, firmware, and configuration files.

  • Log host - IP address of syslog host



  • Network configuration - IPv4 or IPv6



  • Auto (available for IPv6)

  • DHCP - MTU (available for IPv4)

  • Static - IP address, netmask, router, broadcast address, MTU



  • Domain name - One only

  • DNS server list - List of IP addresses



For HTTP authentication

  • Enable/Disable switch

  • Port number



Set password (lock configuration under password control)



Version (equivalent to Stop-V)



See below.


Clear Configuration

Equivalent to Stop-C.



Exit the Configuration GUI.


Table 11.2. Configuration GUI Advanced Menu Items

Main Menu Item


Download Configuration

Prompts for a server name and the file name of a configuration file to be downloaded from the server, in the form:


The default transport used is TFTP and the default port is the corresponding port for the transport, 69 for TFTP and 80 for HTTP. The default server is the firmware server value, if defined, and the default file name is config.MAC, where MAC is the unit's MAC address in upper-case hexadecimal.

This field can be overwritten when selected. Pressing Return causes the corresponding file to be read and the configuration values parsed and set. For configuration values, see Table 11.3, “Configuration GUI Menu Configuration Values”.

On success, the user is prompted to save the values. Otherwise, the previous menu is displayed. No other error indications are given.

Some of the menus have an Exit entry, but the Escape key always invokes one level higher than the current menu. Escape at the top level prompts for any changes to be saved or discarded. If changes have been written to the flash memory, the Escape key resets the Sun Ray Client.

Keyboard Country Code

A keyboard country code (keyboard map) that is applied to a keyboard that returns a country code of 0, for use with non-U.S. USB keyboards that do not report a country code. Here are the valid keyboard country code values:

  • 1 Arabic

  • 2 Belgian

  • 3 Canada_Bi

  • 4 French-Canadian

  • 5 Czech

  • 6 Denmark

  • 7 Finnish

  • 8 France

  • 9 Germany

  • 10 Greek

  • 12 Hungarian

  • 14 Italy

  • 15 Japan

  • 16 Korea

  • 17 Latin-American

  • 18 Netherland

  • 19 Norway

  • 21 Polish

  • 22 Portugal

  • 23 Russia

  • 24 Slovakian

  • 25 Spain

  • 26 Sweden

  • 27 Switzerland

  • 28 Switzerland_Ge

  • 30 Taiwan

  • 31 TurkeyQ

  • 32 UK-English

  • 33 US-English

  • 35 TurkeyF

Bandwidth Limit

The maximum amount of network bandwidth in bits per second that a given client will use.

Session Disconnect (Stop-Q)

Enables or disables the ability to terminate a session by pressing Stop-Q. This feature is useful when you want to terminate a VPN connection and leave the Sun Ray in an inactive state. Pressing the Escape key after the session has terminated reboots the Sun Ray Client.

Force Compression

Sets a tag sent from the Sun Ray Client to the Xserver telling it to enable compression regardless of available bandwidth.

Lossless Compression

Disables the use of lossy compression for image data.

Disallow utload

Disables the ability to explicitly force a firmware load into a Sun Ray Client. In this way, firmware can be tightly controlled using .parms files or DHCP parameters.

Force Full Duplex

Allows the Sun Ray Client to operate correctly when the network port that it is connected to does not auto-negotiate. In that case, the auto-negotiation results in the Sun Ray running at half duplex, which significantly impacts network performance. This setting allows the Sun Ray to operate with better performance in this situation.

Enable Fast Download

If set, the Sun Ray Client uses the maximum TFTP transfer size if the TFTP server supports it. Over a high latency connection, this setting typically doubles the speed of firmware downloads. There are no disadvantages to enabling fast downloads on low latency LANs.

This parameter is disabled by default and the transfer size is set at 512-byte packets. It is disabled by default for backwards compatibility with TFTP servers that might not support the more advanced protocol. If this parameter were on by default and a firmware download were to fail, there would be no way to recover.

Power Off Timer

Energy star power off feature for Sun Ray 3 Series Clients. The value for the power off feature is in minutes. The default power off time is 30 minutes. A value of 0 disables the power off feature.

Enter Alternate STOP modifiers

Specifies an alternative combination of modifier keys to perform the same function as the Stop key on the Sun keyboard or the Ctrl-Pause key sequence on non-Sun keyboards. By default, this alternative combination is Ctrl-Shift-Alt-Meta. See Section 10.1, “Sun Ray Client Hot Keys” for details.

You can change Ctrl-Shift-Alt-Meta to any other combination of the same keys, but at least two of the keys must be used. For example, you can set this value to Ctrl-Alt or Meta-Ctrl-Shift.

If this parameter is set to none, the alternative key combination is disabled.

Note that the Meta key has different names on different keyboards: on a PC keyboard, it is the "Windows" key, and on a Mac keyboard, it is the "Command" key.

Command Cache Size

Specifies the size, in Kbytes, of the command cache look-back buffer. This area is used to store a list of recent commands used by the firmware, and the commands are replayed from the cache if used again. The default value is 512 Kbytes, maximum value is 8192 Kbytes, and a zero value disables the command cache.


Specifies the blanking timeout, which is the time until the screen is put to sleep, in minutes. Specify 0 to disable.

Video Input Disable

Sun Ray 270 Client only. If set, turns off the input selector on the front of the client and locks the monitor so that it displays only the Sun Ray output. This feature prevents users from connecting a PC to the VGA video input connector on a client and using it as a monitor.

11.5.2. How to Load Remote Configuration Files

To help avoid error-prone manual entry of local configuration data or to help configure a lot of Sun Ray Clients more quickly, you can use the Download Configuration menu item to download a pre-defined configuration file from a server via TFTP or HTTP.

The keywords shown in Table 11.3, “Configuration GUI Menu Configuration Values” correspond to configuration values that can be set from the Configuration GUI menus. To group items that are logically related, some of the keywords take the form family.field.

Table 11.3. Configuration GUI Menu Configuration Values



VPN/IPsec Submenu


Enable toggle


Remote gateway name/IP address


VPN group


VPN key


Xauth user


Xauth password


PIN lock for use of user/passwd


Cisco or Netscreen


Xauth, Preshared, or Hybrid


Diffie-Hellman group to use


PFS group to use


Lifetime of IKE connection


Lifetime of IPsec connection


Dead peer detection


Idle timeout value to drop VPN connection.

DNS Submenu


Domain name


Server list (comma-separated IP addresses)

Servers Submenu


Sun Ray server


Firmware (TFTP) server


Syslog host

Security Submenu


Set administrator password

Network Submenu


Type of network (IPv4 or IPv6)

TCP/IP Submenu


Static IP


Static netmask


Static broadcast address


Static router




IP address source (DHCP or Static)

TCP/IPv6 Submenu


Static IPv6 address


Static IPv6 prefix


Static router




IP address source (Auto or Static)

Advanced Submenu


Keyboard country code


Bandwidth limit in bits per second.


Enable (1) or Disable (0) Stop-Q for disconnect


Force compression on when 1


Force use of lossless compression when 1


Disallow use of utload to force firmware download when 1


Force maximum TFTP transfer rate when 1


Force full-duplex when 1


Poweroff time in minutes


Change combination of Stop keys


Command cache size


Disable input selector of Sun Ray 270 Client when 1

The format of the file is a set of key=value lines, each terminated by a newline character, which are parsed and the corresponding configuration items set (see the sample file below). No whitespace is permitted. Key values are case-sensitive and should be always lower case, as listed above. Setting a keyword to have a null value results in the configuration value being cleared in the local configuration. Sample VPN Configuration File
