19.13. N




A set of names in which a specified ID must be unique.


See network address translation.


Technically, the hardware connecting various computer systems enabling them to communicate. Informally, the systems so connected.

network address

The IP address used to specify a network.

network address translation

NAT. Network address translation typically involves the mapping of port numbers to allow multiple machines (Sun Ray Clients in this case, but not Sun Ray servers) to share a single IP address.

network interface

An access point to a computer system on a network. Each interface is associated with a physical device. However, a physical device can have multiple network interfaces.

network interface card

NIC. The hardware that links a workstation or server to a network device.

network latency

The time delay associated with moving information through a network. Interactive applications such as voice, video displays and multimedia applications are sensitive to these delays.

network mask

A number used by software to separate the local subnet address from the rest of a given Internet protocol address. An example of a network mask for a class C network is

network protocol stack

A network suite of protocols organized in a hierarchy of layers called a stack. TCP/IP is an example of a Sun Ray protocol stack.


Network interface card.

non-smart card mobility

A mobile session on a Sun Ray Client that does not rely on a smart card. NSCM requires a policy that allows pseudo-token.


See non-smart card mobility.