19.15. P




Pluggable Authentication Module. A set of dynamically loadable objects that gives system administrators the flexibility of choosing among available user authentication services.

PAM session

A single PAM handle and runtime state associated with all PAM items, data, and the like.


A collection of files and directories that replaces or updates existing files and directories that prevent proper execution of the software on a computer system. The patch software is derived from a specified package format and can only be installed if the package it fixes is already present.


Pulse Code Modulation.


See authentication policy.

Pop-up GUI

See Configuration GUI.


(1) A location for passing data in and out of a computer system. (2) The abstraction used by Internet transport protocols to distinguish among multiple simultaneous connections to a single destination host.


Power-on self test.

power cycling

Using the power cord to restart a client.

private network

A network configuration where Sun Ray Clients are directly connected to the Sun Ray server, that is, the server has a network interface connected to the subnet and the server is devoted entirely to carrying Sun Ray traffic. Also known as directly-connected dedicated interconnect or private interconnect.


A Sun Ray session associated with a pseudo-token rather than a smart card token.


A user accessing a Sun Ray session without a smart card is identified by the client's built-in type and MAC address, known as a pseudo-token. See token.