19.18. T

thin client

Thin clients remotely access some resources of a computer server such as compute power and large memory capacity. The Sun Ray Clients rely on the server for all computing power and storage.


The time interval since a specified network event. Early versions of SRSS defined a tick as 1/50th of a second. It is now defined as 1/100th of a second, which is the usual SNMP convention.

timeout value

The maximum allowed time interval between communications from a client to the Authentication Manager.


The Sun Ray system requires each user to present a token that the Authentication Manager uses to allow or deny access to the system and to sessions. A token consists of a type and an ID. If the user uses a smart card, the smart card's type and ID are used as the token. If the user is not using a smart card, the client's built-in type and ID (the unit's Ethernet, or MAC, address) are used instead as a pseudo-token. If mobile sessions are enabled, a user can log into an existing session from different locations without a smart card, in which case the user name is associated with the session. A pseudo-token used for mobile sessions is called a mobile token. Alias tokens can also be created to enable users to access the same session with more than one physical token.

token reader

A Sun Ray Client that is dedicated to reading smart cards and returning their identifiers, which can be associated with card owners (that is, with users).

trusted server

Servers in the same failover group that "trust" one another through a common group signature.