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Oracle® Clinical Installation Guide
Release 4.6.2

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4 Creating an Oracle Clinical Database

This chapter describes how to create a new Oracle database for use with Oracle Clinical.

Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( Patch Set 1 and the Oracle Clinical Database Server installations must be complete before you can install the Oracle Clinical database. (See Chapter 2 and the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( Patch Set 1 documentation for instructions.)

This chapter includes the following topics:

4.1 Reviewing Database Requirements and Recommendations

Before you install the Oracle Clinical database component, review the requirements and recommendations — such as SID names, tablespace sizes, memory management, and initialization parameters — listed in this section.


Review these requirements for each new database you create.

4.1.1 Start with a New Database Instance

Oracle recommends that you set up a new database instance so that neither Oracle Clinical nor its installation process interferes with other applications. However, you can install Oracle Clinical on an existing database instance.

4.1.2 Decide on Lowercase or Uppercase SID Name for UNIX

On UNIX systems, when you define the Oracle Clinical SID name, consider these options:

  • If you define the Oracle Clinical SID name using lowercase letters only, there are no conflicts in the Oracle Clinical Data Extract module. Oracle recommends that you use all lowercase letters for the SID name.

  • If you define the Oracle Clinical SID name using uppercase letters, you must create symbolic links. These links are required so that the path to the SAS_VIEW directory is recognized. For information about creating these links, see the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide.

4.1.3 Check Required Tablespaces

Table 4-1 lists the tablespaces, along with their minimum size, required for Oracle Clinical. Make sure the database contains these tablespaces. The best practice is to create them with the Autoextend On option, to avoid running out of space.

In addition, you may need to increase the minimum sizes for your installation.

Table 4-1 Required Tablespaces and Sizes

Tablespace Minimum Size


900 MB


100 MB


700 MB


500 MB


600 MB

4.1.4 Use the Database Configuration Assistant

To create a new database, use the Database Configuration Assistant. For instructions about the Database Configuration Assistant, see the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 documentation, including online help and the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Installation Guide for the appropriate operating system.

4.1.5 Select Required Components

When you create an Oracle Clinical database, select the following mandatory components:

  • Oracle Text

  • Oracle JVM

  • Oracle XML DB

4.1.6 Use Automatic Memory Management

Oracle recommends that you use Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( Patch Set 1's Automatic Memory Management feature for a new or an upgraded Oracle Clinical database.

In addition, download the following White Paper from My Oracle Support for more information about memory management:

Title: Configuring Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture Onsite 4.6.2 for Performance and Scalability
Article ID: 1300850.1


4.1.7 Review Entries in the opa_settings File

Review the entries in the opa_settings file. Ensure that the default settings are applicable to the installation or create specific settings applicable to the specific database. See Section 2.6.3, "Review the opa_settings File" for more information.


The default settings for all databases or the specific settings, such as NLS_LANG, for a particular database must be correct in the opa_settings file.

4.1.8 Set Initialization Parameters

Table 4-2 lists the required and recommended initialization parameters in the init.ora file for Oracle Clinical. For those parameters that accept a value from within a range, the values in the table are the minimum values.


Table 4-2 arranges the parameters in alphabetical order. In the Database Configuration Assistant, you can select the Parameter column to sequence the parameters in the same order.


If you make any changes to the initialization parameters, be sure to stop and restart the database in order to acquire the new settings.

Table 4-2 Required and Recommended Initialization Values in the init.ora File

Parameter Value Comments


Specifies the release with which the Oracle server must maintain compatibility.


16384 bytes

You cannot change this value after you create the database.


150 MB

Recommended value for 50 to 60 concurrent users. Adjust this value according to your organization's needs.


Make this value the same as your company domain name.



Oracle adds needed space to the control files up to the number specified in the DB_FILES parameter.


31151 trace name context forever, level 0x100

Required for HTML generation.

NOTE: Do not include the EVENT parameter when you create the database. Once the database is created, you can add the EVENT parameter to the init.ora file.


50 MB

Recommended value for 50 to 60 concurrent users. You can change the value of this parameter after installation. (Set greater than 150 MB with Oracle AERS, minimum.)



Developer-specific parameter. You can change the value of this parameter after installation.


50 MB

Recommended value for 50 to 60 concurrent users.


1000 MB (minimum)

Adjust this value according to your organization's needs.


1000 MB (minimum)

Adjust this value according to your organization's needs.



DD-MON-RRRR (default value)

Determines the format in which client applications running on the Windows server transfer date information to and from the database. The format must specify the year as RRRR.



The CHAR value for this parameter is not supported.



800 or greater

You can change the value of this parameter after installation.



Acts as an umbrella for enabling a series of optimizer features based on an Oracle release number. Oracle Clinical uses the optimizing features of Oracle9i.



If you run Oracle Clinical's statistics-gathering scripts, the CHOOSE value sets Oracle9i's Optimizer to apply the execution plan that best minimizes response time. See the Oracle9i Concepts Guide and the Oracle9i Tuning Guide for more information. (CHOOSE is the default value when you specify 9.2.0 as the value of OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE.)



Enter the double quotes symbol (").


200 MB

Recommended value for 50 to 60 concurrent users. You can change the value of this parameter after installation.



The database must be set up to use password file authentication.


TRUE if SAS is installed on a different computer from Oracle Clinical

FALSE if SAS is installed on the same computer as Oracle Clinical; if installed on UNIX, must also edit opa-setup; see Chapter 11, "Setting Up SAS".

NOTE: Do not include the REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT parameter when you create the database. After the database is created, you can add the REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT parameter to the init.ora file.

If you intend to use SAS with Oracle Clinical, you must add this parameter to the init.ora file; otherwise SAS Data Extract jobs fail. However, REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT is an obsolete parameter. When you start up a database that has this setting, Oracle Clinical displays the following warning:

ORA-32004: obsolete and/or deprecated parameter(s) specified. ORACLE instance started.

You can safely ignore this warning.



Lets you enter passwords without case sensitivity.


500 or greater

You can change the value of this parameter after installation.


600 MB (minimum)

Recommended value for 50 to 60 concurrent users. Adjust this value according to your organization's needs.


600 MB (minimum)

Recommended value for 50 to 60 concurrent users. Adjust this value according to your organization's needs.


150 MB (minimum)

Recommended value for 50 to 60 concurrent users. You can change the value of this parameter after installation.



Specifies which undo space management mode the system uses. When set to AUTO, the instance starts in Automatic Undo Management (AUM) mode.



Specifies each directory you access.

If this environment is exclusively an Oracle Thesaurus Management System environment, you do not have to set this parameter.

However, if you share this environment with Oracle Clinical or Oracle Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS), you must specify entries to support Oracle Clinical PDF layout generation and Oracle AERS.

For Windows environments, samples of the valid syntax are as follows:



In a UNIX environment, UTL_FILE_DIR requires an entry with two specified paths: one with and one without a trailing slash. Add these lines before any other UTL_FILE_DIR entries:



4.1.9 Modify the tnsnames.ora File

Add an entry to the tnsnames.ora file for the database. Add the tnsnames entry to the tnsnames.ora file on any existing Oracle Clinical Forms Servers or Reports Servers. The tnsnames.ora entry must match the Oracle SID.

4.2 Installing Oracle Clinical Database Objects

Follow the instructions in this section to add Oracle Clinical database objects to this database.

4.2.1 Transfer the Oracle Clinical UNIX Media

If you are installing on a UNIX computer and you have not yet transferred the Database Server software from the media pack to this computer, see Section 2.5.2, "Transfer the Oracle Clinical Database Server Software" for installation instructions.

4.2.2 Customize the Installation

Before you install database objects, you may want to modify some of the default SQL scripts used by the Installer. Edit the Tablespace Size Scripts

The Installer creates several new tablespaces with default sizes. To create larger databases, you can edit two scripts. You can either increase the size of the data files or remove the autoextend clause from the data files. The default value is an autoextend of 1MB and an unlimited maximum size.

UNIX To create larger databases in UNIX, edit the following scripts:



Windows To create larger databases in Windows, edit the following scripts:


OPA_HOME\oc\462\install\rxcdba2.sql Edit the User Account Creation Script

The Installer prompts to create accounts in this database. If you select Yes, the Installer runs a script that creates default guest accounts. Before running the Installer, edit the rxcdba4.sql script to customize the accounts that get created and their default settings:

UNIX OPA_HOME/oc/462/install/rxcdba4.sql

Windows OPA_HOME\oc\462\install\rxcdba4.sql

See the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide for more information about enrolling users.

4.2.3 Start Installing the Oracle Clinical Database

Follow the instructions appropriate for your operating system. Start the Installer on a UNIX Server

To start installing the Oracle Clinical database:

  1. Log in to the server computer as the opapps user.

  2. Change the primary group of the opapps account to the group that owns the Oracle Inventory:

    newgrp inst_group

    where inst_group is the name of the group that owns the Oracle Inventory. You specified the name during the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( Patch Set 1 installation. Typically, this user group is oinstall.

    This temporary change is necessary so that the Installer can update the Oracle Inventory.

  3. Set the X Window display output to the IP address of your local computer. Use the standard format for IP addresses, and add ":0" to the end of the address. For example:

    setenv DISPLAY

  4. Navigate to this location in the folder where you extracted the server code:


  5. Change protections on files to 755.

    chmod 755 *

  6. Start the Oracle Universal Installer:


  7. Follow the instructions on the installation screens. For additional information about each screen, see Section 4.2.4, "Attend to the Oracle Clinical Database Installation Screens." Start the Installer on a Windows Server

To start installing the Oracle Clinical database:

  1. Log in to the server computer using an account with system administrator privileges.


    To avoid an error when you run the Installer, give this account read and write permissions on the opapps folder and its subfolders.
  2. Insert the Oracle Clinical and Oracle Thesaurus Management System 4.6.2 disk from the media pack.

  3. Locate and execute the setup.exe file:


    The Installer opens to the Welcome screen.

  4. Follow the instructions on the installation screens. For additional information on each screen, see Section 4.2.4, "Attend to the Oracle Clinical Database Installation Screens".

4.2.4 Attend to the Oracle Clinical Database Installation Screens

The Oracle Universal Installer guides you through the installation and configuration of an Oracle Clinical database.


Click Next to continue the installation.

Select a Product to Install

Select Oracle Clinical Database Install (where XX is the build number).

Click Next.

Specify Home Details

Select or enter the ORACLE_HOME location, which is where you installed Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( Patch Set 1.

Note that the value you enter here does not indicate the destination of the Oracle Clinical database that you are currently installing. You define the location of the installation directory in the "Choose Directory OPA Home" screen that follows.

Click Next.

Choose Directory OPA Home

Select or enter the directory that is the root installation directory of the Oracle Health Sciences products. This directory defines the destination of the Oracle Clinical database that you are currently installing. Typically, you respond with the path to the opapps login directory. For example:

UNIX /home/opapps

Windows C:\opapps

The Oracle Clinical documentation uses the variable OPA_HOME to refer to this location. The Oracle Health Sciences products were formerly known as Oracle Pharmaceutical Applications (OPA).

The default OPA_HOME directory is /home/opapps.

Click Next.

Choose Directory SAS view

Specify the directory to create for locating and storing SAS Data Extract files. (See Chapter 11, "Setting Up SAS" for more information.)

Click Next.

Choose Database Enter connect string for database to be installed

Enter the Oracle SID for the database; for example, prod.

Click Next.

Choose Directory for data tablespace datafiles

Enter the path for the directory where the Installer creates the data tablespace datafiles. The Installer validates that the specified directory exists on the server.

In addition, the Installer creates the tablespaces based on the default sizes defined in the following scripts:

  • opadba2.sql

  • rxcdba2.sql

To increase the size of the initial database, edit these scripts before running the Installer. For more information, see Section 4.2.2, "Customize the Installation."

Click Next.

Choose Directory for index tablespace datafiles

Enter the path for the directory where the Installer creates files to hold tablespaces for Oracle Clinical indexes. The Installer validates that the specified directory exists on the server.

In addition, the Installer creates the tablespaces based on the default sizes defined in the following scripts:

  • opadba2.sql

  • rxcdba2.sql

To increase the size of the initial database, edit these scripts before running the Installer. For more information, see Section 4.2.2, "Customize the Installation."

Click Next.

Enter Password for SYS

Enter and confirm the password for the SYS user to perform database administration activities during the installation. The Installer validates the password against the database before performing the install. Click Next.

Enter Password for SYSTEM

Enter and confirm the password for the SYSTEM user to perform database administration activities during the installation. The Installer validates the password against the database before performing the install. Click Next.


In the installation screens that follow, the Installer prompts for the passwords for many user accounts. Note that:
  • The Installer encrypts and stores the passwords in the database.

  • Passwords cannot contain the following characters: { } | ; @

  • Passwords cannot contain spaces.

Choose Password for RXC_MAA

Enter and confirm the password for the account that creates and maintains data access accounts during data extract. Click Next.

Choose Password for RXC_PD

Enter and confirm the password for the account that creates stored procedures during validation procedure definition. Click Next.

Choose Password for RXC_REP

Enter and confirm the password for the account that manages standard replication in a distributed study installation. Click Next.

Choose Password for RXC_DISC_REP

Enter and confirm the password for the account that manages disconnected replication in a distributed study installation. Click Next.

Choose Password for RXCLIN_MOD

Enter and confirm the password for the database role that controls write access to the Oracle Clinical database. Click Next.

Choose Password for BC4J_INTERNAL

Enter and confirm the password for the account that stores product objects. Click Next.

Choose Password for OPA

Enter and confirm the password for the account that stores product objects. Click Next.

Choose Password for RXC

Enter and confirm the password for the account that stores product objects. Click Next.

Choose Password for TMS

Enter and confirm the password for the account that stores product objects. Click Next.

Choose Password for RXA_DES

Enter and confirm the password for the account that stores product objects. Click Next.

Choose Password for RXA_LR

Enter and confirm the password for the account that stores product objects. Click Next.

Choose Password for RXA_SERVLETSP

Enter and confirm the password for the account that controls ancillary data for RDC Onsite data entry in Production mode. Click Next.

Choose Password for RXA_SERVLETST

Enter and confirm the password for the account that controls ancillary data for RDC Onsite data entry in Test mode. Click Next.

Choose Password for RXA_WS

Enter and confirm the password for the account that controls AIA Web services. Click Next.

Choose Password for RXA_READ

Enter and confirm the password for the account that provides read-only access to design tables. In addition, Oracle Clinical uses this account during design replication. Click Next.

Choose Password for RXA_RAND

Enter and confirm the password for the account used for randomization. Click Next.

Choose Password for RXA_ACCESS

Enter and confirm the password for the account used for randomization. Click Next.

Choose Password for OPS$OPAPPS

Enter and confirm the password for the account used to access the Oracle Clinical application. Click Next.

Enter Value Database Seed Number

Each database in an Oracle Clinical installation (or group of databases that are replicating with each other) must have a unique seed starting number. The seed number must be an integer between 1 and 99. Click Next.

Enter Database Configuration Parameters

Enter the full name of the host where the database is located, and enter the SQL*Net port used to connect to this database. The port number is specified in the tnsnames.ora file for this database. Click Next.

Enter Location a unique code for this location

Enter a unique code for the location of this database. The location code cannot exceed 15 characters, and is converted to all uppercase characters.

The default value is the value of ORACLE_SID. Click Next.

Enter Global Library Location a unique code for the Global Library location

Enter a unique code for the location that owns the Global Library. The location code cannot exceed 15 characters, and is converted to all uppercase characters.

The default value is the location code entered in the previous screen. Click Next.

Yes/No Do you want to create accounts in this database?

This setting controls whether the Installer runs the rxcdba4.sql script and creates the user accounts defined in the script. Before running the Installer, you can edit the script to customize the accounts that get created and their default settings. See Section 4.2.2, "Customize the Installation" for more information.

You can also create user accounts after the installation. Click Next.

Yes/No Ignore Tablespace Creation Errors

This setting controls whether the Installer ignores errors that occur when creating the tablespaces. Tablespace creation can fail for several reasons.

The default value is No. In general, you do not want the Installer to ignore tablespace creation errors. For example, you want the Installer to report an error if there is not enough space to create the tablespace.

On the other hand, if you are reinstalling into an existing Oracle Clinical database, the tablespace creation fails because the tablespace already exists. In this case, you do not need to know about the error.

Click Next.


The Information screen reports that the Installer will start a SQL*Plus session to complete the database installation. The screen confirms the name of the database installation, the location of the scripts used for the installation, and the location of the log file that you can view for the progress of the installation. Click Next.

Summary Oracle Clinical Database Install (Note: XX is the build number.)

The Summary screen provides information about the global settings, languages, space requirements, and products for this installation.

Click Install. The Installer starts an SQL*Plus session to complete the installation.


The Install screen displays the progress of the installation. The Installer configures the installed database to work with the Oracle Clinical Database Server code by adding an entry to the following file:

UNIX OPA_HOME/bin/opa_settings

Windows  OPA_HOME\bin\opa_settings.bat

End of Installation

The End of Installation screen provides information about the installation, including whether the processes completed without errors and the location of the log file for your review.

When you have finished reviewing the installation information, click Exit. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes to exit from Oracle Universal Installer.


You may need to modify or create some additional default entries in the opa_settings file for this database. See the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide for more information.

4.2.5 Remove Group Privileges from this Session (UNIX Only)

Recall that before you started this installation on UNIX, you changed the primary group of the opapps account to the group that owns the Oracle Inventory (see Section 4.2.3, "Start Installing the Oracle Clinical Database"). This temporary change was necessary so that the Installer could update the Oracle Inventory.

To reset the privileges for the opapps account, enter the following command:

newgrp group

where group is the name of your original primary group for the opapps account.

4.3 Reviewing the Log Files for Installation Errors

The Installer generates numerous log files and saves the files to the following location:

UNIX OPA_HOME/oc/462/install

Windows OPA_HOME\oc\462\install

Check the following log files (where database is the database SID) for error messages and invalid objects:

  • oclinst_database.log

  • reall_database.log

  • oclconfig_database.log

  • flt_seeddata_database_timestamp.log

  • html_dialg_templ_database_timestamp.log

  • html_blob_seeddata_database_timestamp.log

  • xmlp_clob_seeddata_database_timestamp.log

  • xml_clob_seeddata_database_timestamp.log

  • compile_all_invalid_database.log

  • load_olsardcstatemachine_jar_database.log

  • install_database_timestamp.log

  • opaconnectcheck_system_database.log

4.4 Performing Post-Installation Database Tasks

This section describes the following tasks for completing the installation of your Oracle Clinical database:

4.4.1 Change Default Passwords for Schemas and Roles

To improve security and to protect system access:

  • Change the default passwords of all schemas and roles

  • Use the set_pwd utility to encrypt the passwords in the database

See the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide for details about setting up user accounts and roles, changing passwords, and encrypting passwords.

4.4.2 Enroll Users

See the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide for information about enrolling users.

4.4.3 Set the Database Time Zone

The Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture Onsite (RDC Onsite) application uses the dbtimezone value for internal calculations when the Display timestamps in local timezone preference is set.

To set the time zone in the database:

  1. Connect to the database as any user that has ALTER DATABASE privileges.

  2. Enter the following command:

    alter database set time_zone='GMT_offset'


    GMT_offset is the offset hours from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) to the time zone of the database location.

    • Set the offset to 0 for the GMT time zone.

    • Set the offset to a positive number if the database is in a time zone east of Greenwich, England.

    • Set the offset to a negative number if the database is in a time zone west of Greenwich, England

    For example, to set the database time zone to Eastern Standard Time (EST), enter the following command:

    alter database set time_zone='-05:00'

4.4.4 Pin Database Packages

To improve performance, some of Oracle Clinical's packages are pin-able packages. Pinning allocates a stable memory location so that a package cannot be subjected to being swapped out of memory. Oracle Clinical provides the rxcdbinit.sql script to pin the database packages.


Oracle Clinical pins additional packages. The new packages are included in the updated rxcdbinit.sql script. Pin UNIX Database Packages

To pin the database packages located on a UNIX server:

  1. Log in to the UNIX server computer as the opapps user.

  2. Set the UNIX environment:

    opa_setup database_name code_environment

  3. Change to the RXC_INSTALL directory:


  4. Connect to SQL*Plus as the rxc user:

    sqlplus rxc/password

  5. Run the rxcdbinit.sql script:

    start rxcdbinit.sql

    The script pins the database packages and exits upon completion.


    You must rerun this script each time you restart the database. Consider creating an entry in the database startup script that runs rxcdbinit.sql automatically. Pin Windows Database Packages

To pin the database packages located on a Windows server:

  1. Set the Windows environment:

    set p1=database

    set p2=46


    where database is the name of this database instance, and 46 is the alias for the version of Oracle Clinical.

  2. Change to the drive where Oracle Clincal is installed. For example:


  3. Start an SQL*Plus session, and connect to the database in the RXC account:

    sqlplus rxc/password

  4. Run the rxcdbinit.sql script to pin the database packages:

    start %RXC_INSTALL%\rxcdbinit.sql

If you are continuing the installation, note that you perform the next task in this environment.

4.4.5 Check Disconnected Replication Tablespace

If you implement disconnected replication, you might need to increase the size of the DISC_REP_DATA tablespace to fit the amount of replicated data. Installing Oracle Clinical creates the RXC_DISC_REP user account to manage disconnected replication. DISC_REP_DATA is the default tablespace for RXC_DISC_REP. For more information about disconnected replication, see the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide.

4.4.6 Review Optimization Statistics

Oracle Clinical provides scripts that analyze the storage characteristics of tables and indexes of computed statistics. As you accumulate statistics for this database, run these scripts periodically. See the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide, Appendix E, "Collecting Statistics for Optimization" for more information.

4.4.7 Consider Implementing Partitioning

Oracle Clinical supports partitioning of the responses data entry table. Before implementing partitioning to responses data for your Oracle Clinical installation, consider your requirements and options in migrating from a non-partitioned, pre-Oracle Clinical 4.0 responses table to Oracle Clinical 4.6.2.

Before you migrate your data from a non-partitioned responses table into a partitioned one, back up your existing responses table, indexes, and data.