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Oracle® Clinical Installation Guide
Release 4.6.2

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3 Installing the Oracle Clinical Database Server on Windows

This chapter describes how to set up a new Oracle Clinical Database Server on a Windows computer.


The Oracle Clinical 4.6.2 database tier is supported on Windows only with Patch Set 4.6.4 or its successor.

Installing the Oracle Clinical Database Server on a Windows computer requires you to complete the following tasks:

If you are installing the Oracle Clinical Database Server on a UNIX computer, see Chapter 2 for the installation instructions.

If you are upgrading to Oracle Clinical 4.6.2, see Chapter 12.

3.1 Installing and Patching Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( Patch Set 1

To support Oracle Clinical Database Server, a Windows computer requires the following version of Oracle Database software:

Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( Patch Set 1Enterprise Edition

However, this requirement might change during the life of this document. Before you begin, check My Oracle Support for the latest requirement.

This section describes the following tasks:

3.1.1 Install Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( Patch Set 1

To install Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( Patch Set 1:

  1. Locate the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( Patch Set 1 software for your operating system on the Oracle Clinical and Oracle Thesaurus Management System 4.6.2 Windows Tech Stack Patches disk in the media pack.

  2. Follow the included instructions for installing Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( Patch Set 1.

  3. Choose to install the Enterprise Edition option.

3.1.2 Install Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( Patch Set 1 Examples

Oracle Database Examples, which is required for Oracle Clinical 4.6.2, includes the following items:

  • Oracle JDBC Development Drivers

  • Oracle Database Examples

  • Oracle Product Demonstrations (optional)


You do not need to install any of the sample schemas. They are not required for either Oracle Clinical or Oracle Thesaurus Management System. You can add them later if you change your mind.

To install Oracle Database Examples:

  1. Locate the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( Patch Set 1 Examples software for Windows on the same disk of the media pack:

    Path:   \patches File:

  2. Install the software according to the Oracle Database Examples Installation Guide, which is also included on the media pack.

  3. Accept all the default values during the installation.

3.1.3 Apply Patch Bundle 12767726

To apply Patch Bundle 12767726 to the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( Patch Set 1 installation:

  1. Locate the Patch Bundle 12767726 software for Windows on the media pack:

    Path:   \patches File:

  2. Extract the patch zip file to a location that is accessible to the Database Server.

  3. Follow the instructions in the ReadMe file to apply the patch bundle to the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( Patch Set 1 installation. The ReadMe file is located at the top level of the patch set extraction location.

3.2 Setting Up User Accounts and User Groups

Before you install the Oracle Clinical Database Server on a Windows computer, you must create the following user accounts and user groups:

  • The RXCPROD user account, which is the dedicated PSUB account

  • The oclsascr user group, which controls access to the files Oracle Clinical generates on the database server

3.2.1 Create the RXCPROD Account

Oracle Clinical processes most batch requests from clients on the server with the Parameterized Submission (PSUB) process. The RXCPROD user account starts the PSUB service for Oracle Clinical databases on this server.

To create and configure the RXCPROD account:

  1. Use Windows Administrative Tools to create a local user account named RXCPROD.

  2. Add RXCPROD to the Power Users and Remote Desktop Users local groups.

  3. In the Start menu, navigate to Administrative Tools.

  4. Open Administrative Tools, and then Local Security Policy.

  5. Expand the Local Policies folder, and then select User Rights Assignment.

  6. Give RXCPROD these user rights:

    • Act as part of the operating system

    • Adjust memory quotas for a process

    • Log in as a service

    • Replace a process level token


      The next task is also required in the Local Security Policy user interface.

3.2.2 Create the oclsascr User Group

The oclsascr user group controls access to the files Oracle Clinical generates on the database server, including data extract files, which contain patient data.

To create and configure the oclsascr user group:

  1. Use Windows Administrative Tools to create a new Global Group in your Domain with the name oclsascr.

  2. Add to the oclsascr user group each account to which you grant access to the server files generated by Oracle Clinical, including the SAS programs and SAS Pass Through Views.

  3. Define a method to control access to the server files generated by Oracle Clinical, including the SAS programs and SAS Pass Through Views.

3.2.3 Setting Up Local Policy Security Options

  1. In the Start menu, navigate to Administrative Tools.

  2. Open Administrative Tools, and then Local Security Policy.

  3. Expand the Local Policies folder and then select Security Options.

  4. Set the following values:

    Set Network security: Restrict NTLM: Outgoing NTLM traffic to remote servers to Allow All.

    Set Network security: Restrict NTLM: Incoming NTLM traffic to Allow All.

    Set Network Security:Allow Local System to use Computer identity for NTLM to Enabled.

    Set Network Security:Allow Local System NULL session feedback to Enabled.

  5. Enforce the policy by opening a command prompt and entering: gpupdate/force

3.3 Installing the Oracle Clinical 4.6.2 Database Server

This section describes how to install and set up the Oracle Clinical 4.6.2 Database Server on one computer. Perform this task once for each Oracle Clinical Database Server computer.


Read this section completely before you begin. The Installer prompts you for information you should know before you start.

The Oracle Universal Installer performs the following operations:

  • Creates the Oracle Clinical directory structure (see Section 3.3.1 for details)

  • Installs the Oracle Clinical Database Server application

  • Sets permissions on the directories

  • Creates the environment setup files

  • Modifies the environment setup files

  • Creates the directory for storing the SAS files

3.3.1 Oracle Clinical 4.6.2 Database Server Directory Structure for Windows

The Installer creates the following directory structure:

            \bin      (Symbolic links to the executables)
            \dcd      (Data Collection Definition)
            \des      (Design)
            \dm       (Data Management)
            \dx       (Data Extract)
            \glib     (Global Library)
            \install  (Install and upgrade scripts)
            \log      (PSUB log files)
            \lr       (Lab Ranges)
            \patch    (Patches to Oracle Clinical)
            \pd       (Procedure Definition)
            \psub     (Parameterized Submission process)
            \release  (Server code release marker)
            \tools    (Miscellaneous tools)

Note that OPA_HOME refers to the root installation directory of the Oracle Health Sciences products, which were formerly known as Oracle Pharmaceutical Applications (OPA). You specify the root installation directory when you install the Oracle Clinical Database Server. Typically, you specify the path to the opapps login directory, for example, drive:\opapps.

3.3.2 Start the Oracle Clinical 4.6.2 Database Server Installation for Windows

You can install the Oracle Clinical 4.6.2 Database Server component for Windows directly from the Oracle Clinical and Oracle Thesaurus Management System 4.6.2 Media Pack.

To begin the installation:

  1. Log in to the server computer using an account with system administrator privileges.

  2. Insert the Oracle Clinical and Oracle Thesaurus Management System 4.6.2 disk from the media pack.

  3. Locate and execute the setup.exe file:


    The Installer opens to the Welcome screen.

  4. Proceed with the installation steps in Section 3.3.3, "Attend to the Oracle Clinical 4.6.2 Database Server Installation Screens."

3.3.3 Attend to the Oracle Clinical 4.6.2 Database Server Installation Screens

The Installer acts in two phases. In the first phase, the Installer collects information about your system. During this phase, you can move backward and forward through the screens, revising your entries. During the second phase, the Installer runs the scripts to set up the Oracle Clinical 4.6.2 software according to the information you provided in the first phase. Attend to the installer's screens as described below.


Click Next to continue the installation. Alternatively, you can click Installed Products to review a list of installed Oracle products.

File Locations

Enter the ORACLE_HOME location, which is where you installed Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( Patch Set 1, in the Destination field.

Note that the value you enter here does not indicate the destination of the Oracle Clinical Database Server software that you are currently installing. You define the location of the installation directory in the "Choose Directory" screen that follows.

Click Next.

Available Products

Select OC Server for Windows 4.6.2 and then click Next.

Choose Directory

Specify the directory that is the root installation directory of the Oracle Health Sciences products. Typically, you respond with the path to the opapps login directory. For example:


where drive is the disk's letter designation and opapps is the directory name.

The Oracle Clinical documentation uses the variable OPA_HOME to refer to this location. The Oracle Health Sciences products were formerly known as Oracle Pharmaceutical Applications (OPA).

Click Next.

Choose Directory SAS view

Select a location for storing SAS files. The default value is OPA_HOME\sas_view. (For more information, see Chapter 11, "Setting Up SAS.")


Review the destination settings before proceeding. To make changes to the settings, click Back. Otherwise, click Next to continue.


This screen lists the target directories. Note that the Installer only displays ORACLE_HOME in the Destination field. It might differ from your actual directory path.

Click Install.


The Installer copies the files onto the server computer.

End of Installation

This screen displays the location of the OPA_HOME\bin directory. Make note of this location because you need it to complete the installation.

In addition, this screen displays the location of the log file, which records the results of the installation activities. Note the location of this log file so that you can review it when the installation finishes. If there are any errors in the log file, contact Oracle Support.

3.4 Performing Post-installation Tasks

This section describes the tasks you perform to complete the installation of Oracle Clinical Database Server on a Windows computer.

3.4.1 Limit Permissions on the XMLTEMP Folder

By default, a Windows installation grants read and write privileges to the XMLTEMP database folder to everyone. To reduce security risks, you should limit permissions on the XMLTEMP folder for all Windows Database Server installations.

To limit permissions on the XMLTEMP folder:

  1. Use Windows Explorer to locate the XMLTEMP folder in the OPA_HOME directory.

  2. Right-click on the XMLTEMP folder, and then select Properties from the menu.

  3. Click the Sharing tab, then click Advanced Sharing.

  4. Select the Share this folder check box to enable sharing with other users on your network.

  5. Click Permissions.

  6. Give Read and Write (Change) permissions to user oracle.

  7. Click OK to save your changes and close the Permissions dialog box.

  8. Click OK to save your changes and close the Advanced Sharing dialog box.

  9. Click Close to close the Properties dialog box.

3.4.2 Create the PSUB Root Directory for File Viewing

The PSUB root directory is the common directory for all Oracle Clinical users' PSUB log directories. For example, if user vsmith's log directory is:

d:\users\vsmith\log then d:\users is the PSUB root directory.

Create a PSUB root directory on the database server or create a new directory to hold user log directories, and make it shareable. (For more information, see the chapter titled "File Viewing" in the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide.)

3.4.3 Edit the opa_settings.bat File

On Windows systems, configurations are defined in the opa_settings.bat file. This file contains the commands to set environment variables at startup and execution of the PSUB process.

During installation of the server code, the Installer creates the opa_settings.bat file in the following directory:


Edit this file, and change the following assignments, if necessary.


NLS_DATE_FORMAT determines the format in which client applications running on the Windows server transfer date information to and from the database. The format must specify the year as RRRR to be Year 2000 compliant.

set NLS_LANG=american_america.utf8

NLS_LANG determines which language setting Oracle uses when it reads and writes values into the database. The NLS_LANG entry for your Oracle AS10gR2 home must be consistent with the NLS_LANG entry for the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( Patch Set 1 home and your databases.

In addition, for PSUB to work correctly for a UTF8 character set database, the opa_settings.bat file must have the following setting:

set NLS_LANG=american_america.utf8

If you do not have a UTF8 character set database, you can use these character sets:



If you install more than one Oracle Health Sciences product, review Section 1.4, "Choosing a Character Set" for valid character sets with combined products.


Do not create new databases with the default character set (AL32UTF8) by the Assistant.

3.4.4 Apply the Latest CPU Security Update and Any New Patch Sets and Patches

Every quarter, Oracle provides Critical Patch Updates (CPUs) to address security vulnerabilities. Install these patches on every computer with an Oracle Home. Check My Oracle Support for information about the latest patch tested with Oracle Health Sciences applications. Article ID 180430.1, Oracle Health Sciences Supported Technology Stacks, lists the latest CPUs supported and contains a link to the separate article about each one.

In addition, check My Oracle Support to determine if Oracle has released any new patch sets or any individual patches since the publication of this guide.


When you have finished installing Oracle Clinical 4.6.2, you must apply the latest Oracle Clinical patch set. Oracle Clinical is not supported on Windows without Patch Set 4.6.4 or later.