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Oracle® Clinical Administrator's Guide
Release 4.6.2

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B SAS_VIEW Directory Tree

All Oracle Clinical data not stored in the database, such as SAS Views created with the Data Extract facility, is stored in the SAS_VIEW directory on the Back end server computer. The access restrictions enforced in the database must also be enforced at the file-system level. The structure of the SAS_VIEW directory tree is shown below, together with the associated permissions. Owner is not relevant; in fact, the owner is the user who created the file or directory through the use of the application.

The top-level directory, opapps, is set by the installer. Entries are indented to show the relative subdirectory nesting level.

File Protections
Directory UNIX Windows
opapps (0775)  
  sas_view (2775, oclsascr) (oclsascr, FULL Control)
    db_name (2775, oclsascr) (oclsascr, FULL Control)
      study (0775, oclsascr) (oclsascr, FULL Control)
        account_type (0775, oclsascr) (oclsascr, FULL Control)
        *.sas (0664, oclsascr)  
        *.log (0664, oclsascr)  
        *.com (0775, oclsascr)  

Where db_name is the name of the database instance, study is the study code in Oracle Clinical, and account_type is the data extract view account type (TEST, CURRENT, STABLE or SNAPSHOTn).

For example:





To change the location of the SAS_VIEW storage, change the appropriate environment settings for your platform, as shown below:




set RXC_SAS_ROOT=%oui_sas_root%\%database%

To set the protections on your directory structure, run the appropriate script:





(These scripts are run automatically by the Installer.)

On UNIX Systems Only:

The path to the SAS_VIEW directory must not contain uppercase characters (PSUB changes all path specifications to lowercase for UNIX). If your standard naming conventions require uppercase characters in the path, you can provide lowercase and uppercase versions of paths with symbolic links as needed. For example, if the standard path to the SAS_VIEW directory is


you could create this link:

% cd /usr1/home
% ln -s Clinical clinical 

References to


would also work.