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Release 4.6.2

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A Environment Variables and Registry Settings

This appendix describes the environment variables and registry settings that Oracle Clinical uses to condition the environment on compute servers, and to condition a user's interactive environment to point at a particular database and code environment. These variables are created as part of the Oracle Clinical installation process; most are also set to a default value. Information is provided here so that you can set them up and modify them, if necessary.

This section discusses and describes the following topics:

Summary of the Oracle Clinical Setup

The Oracle Clinical server environment definition and setup system, known as opa_setup, consists of a set of scripts (on UNIX systems) or command files (on Windows systems).

The four types of setup files are:

You can edit and maintain the Definition scripts for your installations. However, do not modify the Selection scripts, which call the definition script. The selection script is used in the following contexts:

Administrators are not required to create or modify users' installation scripts to enable users to submit back end jobs through the client interface. However, you must add entries to the initialization scripts of users who need to run opa_setup, SAS, or SQL*Plus from the back end command line. See "Setting Up Power Users" for details.

Editing opa_settings.bat

During installation of the server code, the Installer creates the file opa_settings.bat, located in the opapps\bin directory. File opa_settings.bat contains the commands to set environment variables at startup and execution of the PSUB process. Edit this file, and change the following assignments (in bold type), if necessary:


NLS_DATE_FORMAT determines the format in which client applications running on the Windows server transfer date information to and from the database. The format must specify the year as RRRR to be Year 2000 compliant.

set NLS_LANG=american_america.utf8

NLS_LANG determines which language settings Oracle uses when it reads and writes values into the database. The NLS_LANG entry in your registry for your iSuites Oracle Home must be consistent with the NLS_LANG setting in the Oracle Home and your databases.

opa_settings must have the following setting for PSUB to work correctly for a UTF8 character set database. (If you install more than one Oracle Health Sciences product, you should review information on choosing a character set for combined Oracle Health Sciences products in the Oracle Clinical Installation Guide.)

If you don't have a UTF8 character set database, you can use these character sets:




Do not create new databases with the default character set (AL32UTF8) by the Assistant.

Setting Up UNIX Environments

On UNIX systems, you run the selection script, which checks the arguments you provide to define a configuration against the settings file. If the arguments are valid, the script applies the appropriate values to the corresponding environment variables in the current shell. The syntax for calling the selection script depends on whether you use the C shell or Bourne/Korn shells. For all shells, the selection script accepts at least one argument and an optional second:

Argument Description
database Indicates the database to be used. This can be:
  • the Oracle SID of a database on the PSUB server

  • connect string of a database instance on a machine other than the PSUB server

  • - (minus sign). The script sets the code environment, but preserves the existing database context, if any.

code_env Optional. An Oracle Clinical code environment designator that must refer to a code environment defined in the opa_settings file on the PSUB server.

Note that using a - (minus) for the first argument neither updates nor creates a database context.

Arguments Specified Resulting Behavior
database   With no code_env specified, the script sets only Oracle-level environment variables needed for applications to access database.
- (minus) code_env With no database specified, the script sets only environment variables needed for jobs to run. That is, it sets PATH to include RXC_PSUB and RXC_BIN, and defines the RXC_* environment variables.
database code_env With both database and code_env specified, the script executes both sets of commands.

  • In Bourne and Korn shells:

    . opa_setup

    For example:

    $ p1=test
    $ p2=400
    $ . opa_setup
  • In C shell:

    copa_setup database code_env

    For example:

    %copa_setup test 46

Changing Configuration Settings on UNIX Database Servers

The configurations are defined in the opa_settings file. The Oracle Universal Installer creates all necessary entries in this file during installation of software and creation or upgrade of databases. The most common reason to modify the opa_settings file is to customize the values set for various environment variables during execution of back end jobs. You may also need to modify the file to delete databases that are no longer available and enable the use of additional code environments against a database.

Each line in the file defines a particular type of environment information:


Starting with an identifier of the type of information (record), the line also contains a colon (:) separator, followed by fields that contain the information for that record, each separated by colons. Table A-1 lists and describes each record type.

Table A-1 List and Description of the Records in the opa_settings File

Record Type Key Description Example


Location of the file oratab on the server

Field 1: Fully specified path to the OPA directory



Location of the file tnsnames.ora on this server. Ensure that this file has an entry for each connect string (that is, a reference to a remote database) that is required for OPA applications. The record provides information about accessing the database over the network.

Field 1: Fully specified path to the file tnsnames.ora



Location of Oracle Health Sciences (formerly known as Oracle Pharmaceutical Applications) products on the server.

Field 1: Fully specified path to the OPA directory.



Location of an available remote database, to which ORACLE_HOME should be set.

Field 1: Net8 connect string of the remote database.

Field 2: ORACLE_HOME value that is used while accessing the current database



Location of the code for a version of an OPA application.

Field 1: A code environment designator, for example, OC462 for the Oracle Clinical 4.6.2 code

Field 2: The fully specified path to the root directory for the version of the application software

code_env: oc462:/pharm/home/opapps/462


Indicates that a particular code environment can be used with a particular database.

Field 1: The system identifier (SID) of a local database instance, or the connect string of a remote database instance.

Field 2: A code environment designator



Provides either a default or database-specific setting for an environment variable. The following environment variables must have at least default settings:


These settings are assigned default values at install time.

Field 1: The database SID, or connect string, if this is a database-specific setting for the environment variable; or _DEFAULT_, if this is a default setting across databases for this environment variable.

Field 2: Name of an environment variable

Field 3: Value to be assigned to the environment variable



Defaulting, Adding, and Customizing Values

Use db_env_setting entries to define the value you want environment variables to assume during execution of back end jobs. You can add an entry for any environment variable you want to define; the definition will be in effect for any database if you set field 1 to _DEFAULT_. If you want to limit the environment variable setting so that it affects only those jobs associated with a particular database, use the database's SID as the value for field 1.

The environment variable settings in opa_settings affect all users. If you want to set a value for an environment variable for just one user, place a statement in that user's .oclrc script—for example, RXC_DEBUG=TRUE; export RXC_DEBUG.

If you want an environment variable setting to affect all jobs that run against a particular database, add or modify a database-specific entry in opa_settings—for example, db_env_setting:test:SQL_TRACE:TRUE.

Finally, if you want the setting to affect all jobs run against any database, add or modify a _DEFAULT_ entry for that environment variable—for example, db_env_setting:_DEFAULT_:RXC_SAS_BATCH_QUEUE:b

The last example in Table A-1 shows how to override a system-wide default setting with a database-specific setting.


The default settings for all databases or the specific settings for a particular database, such as NLS_LANG, must be correct in the opa_settings file.

Constraints on the opa_settings File

Oracle recommends that you use the defaults where possible, and add overrides only as needed. In addition, note the following constraints if you edit this file.

  • In the opa_settings file, there should be exactly one each of these record types:

    • opa_home

    • oratab_filespec

    • tnsnames_filespec

  • For each database instance appearing in a db_code_pair record, a value must be defined for each of the database environment settings (record type key db_env_setting). The setting may be made either through a generic _DEFAULT_ record, or through a database-specific record.

Checking for Errors in the opa_settings File

If you modify the opa_settings file, run the script ~opapps/bin/ to check the settings file for errors. The syntax is: [-nowarn] settings-file-name

The script generates an error message if it finds any duplicate record_type key values. These would cause an error if present when opa_setup is run. (In fact, opa_setup calls to preclude this. However, opa_setup does not check for warnings. See below).

Unless the -nowarn argument is provided, will also generate a warning for multiple db_code_pair entries for a single database. While multiple db_code_pair entries are not invalid, they may represent a condition you do not want to allow. For instance, if you upgrade database 'x' from 4.5 to 4.6, opa_settings would include:


In this case, warns you. Remove the line enabling the 3.2 code environment against the 4.0 database, so you don't mistakenly start up a PSUB process in that configuration.

You might also want to disregard other warnings. For example, if you had a code tree for testing patches, as well as a production code tree. Then opa_settings might have:


You would disregard the warning would give, since both pairs are valid.

Changing Environment Variables on Windows

On Windows, the values to which you want environment variables to be set during back end job execution are maintained in opa_setup.bat. Below is a list of the Oracle Clinical environment variables that must be defined in opa_settings.bat.

To change or add environment variable settings active during back end job execution, edit the opa_settings.bat file with a text editor. Each line must be in the following format:

set variable_name=value

Settings that Affect Back-End Job Execution

This section lists environment variables that affect execution of jobs on back end servers. You can define values for the environment variables that apply to all back end jobs by defining their settings in opa_settings (UNIX) or in opa_settings.bat (Windows). On UNIX you can limit the scope of the environment variable setting to a single instance or to a single user. See "Defaulting, Adding, and Customizing Values" for details.


This variable specifies the format used for displaying dates and converting characters to dates. This is a Windows registry setting that the Installer sets.

The default value is "DD-MON-RRRR".

You can modify this variable using db_env_setting records in the opa_settings file.


This variable specifies the language setting used by Oracle RDBMS to read from and write to the database. Set NLS_LANG to the appropriate language and character set.

The default value for this variable is:


You can modify this variable using db_env_setting records in the opa_settings file.


The default settings for all databases or the specific settings for a particular database, such as NLS_LANG, must be correct in the opa_settings file.


This the batch queue for nonblocking PSUB jobs, on UNIX only.

If you want PSUB to use a batch queue other than the default for running user requests, redefine the setting for rxc_batch_queue. You can define it globally for all users, or individually by placing the command in the user's login script.

Default is a.


This is the spool directory for batch data load.

When a user requests Prepare to Completion for a given data file group, and does not specify otherwise in the submission form, any resulting reloadable data files are written to the directory specified by RXC_BDL_DIR. If there are no reloadable files, the completed files are placed in RXC_LOG.


This sets the output buffer size for executing procedures.

RXC_DEBUG_BUFFER_SIZE controls the size of the buffer space used for running a Validation or Derivation Procedure in debug mode. The installed default value is 200000; you may want to increase it to 1000000.


Batch queue for blocking PSUB jobs, on UNIX only

If you want PSUB to use a batch queue other than the default to process user requests for blocking jobs (such as default layout and generate procedure), redefine the setting for RXC_IMMED_QUEUE. It may be necessary to send blocking jobs to another batch queue so that they are not held up by other system activity, such as long-running reports.

Set this variable through db_env_setting records in the opa_settings file.


The directory where the system saves the log files of various processes.


Oracle Clinical's Data Extract functionality requires a privileged Oracle user so that Oracle schemas can be created to hold Data Extract Views. The Oracle account for this purpose is RXC_MAA (Maintain Access Accounts).

RXC_MAA_TAB_SPACE specifies the name of the Oracle tablespace defined by RXC_MAA as the temporary tablespace when these schemas are created. During installation RXC_MAA_TAB_SPACE is set to TEMP1 with a size of 10Mb.

Set through db_env_setting records in the opa_settings file.


Defines the string for "now" that is used by the at command in the local language environment. This is effective only for 3GL and PL/SQL jobs submitted in immediate mode to run on UNIX back end servers. Default value is "now". To see your current "now" string, enter:

% echo $LANG

If LANG is undefined or is equal to "C", you have finished. The RXC_NOW_STRING is simply "now". Otherwise, do this:

% cd /usr/lib/nls/$LANG

The string for "now" is the third item in the third set of output.

Set through db_env_setting records in the opa_settings file.


This is the environment variable to which PSUB refers when the user chooses RXC_PRINTER from the list of values for printing a PSUB job. It refers to the default printer for Oracle Clinical.


This references to the default PSUB batch queue for SAS job, on UNIX only.

If you want PSUB to use a batch queue other than the default for running users' SAS requests, redefine the setting for RXC_SAS_BATCH_QUEUE, globally for all users, or individually by placing the command in the user's initialization file.


RXC_SAS_CONNECT defines the Oracle connect string to connect SAS to an Oracle database. The following examples assume an environment pre-set for a particular database.

For more information on connect strings, see your operating system-specific installation manual for SQL*Net.

The example below assumes SAS connects though the pipe driver. This is only possible when SAS and Oracle are installed on the same computer.

Sites using TCP/IP to connect from SAS to Oracle would replace the @p with an @t.

UNIX Bourne shell

RXC_SAS_CONNECT='oracle(path='"'"'@p:'"'"')'; \

UNIX C shell

setenv RXC_SAS_CONNECT 'oracle(path='"'"'@p:'"'"')'


In Windows, make sure that the following statement is in opa_settings.bat:

set RXC_SAS_CONNECT=oracle(path='%database%')


This is the root directory for creating SAS files during data extract. For example, if RXC_USER is defined as /u01/oc, and ORACLE_SID is prod, then the data extract files go in /u01/oc/prod/… directory.


It is possible to set a different value for RXC_USER for each database, if you wish, overriding this default.


When SAS is installed on a UNIX database, this environment variable must be defined when you run SAS Access against an Oracle database. The default value shipped in opa_settings is V9.

When PSUB and the SAS server are both on Windows, you must comment out the setting of SASORA in opa_settings.bat:

rem set SASORA=V9


This is the default temporary directory for SFTP and FTP processes.


This environment variable specifies the name and location of a user-defined script to be executed as the last step of batch validation.

For example:

UNIX (in .oclrc): 

export USER_BV_JOB

The full pathname of the file must be specified.

At batch validation run time, the environment variable is evaluated and the corresponding script is submitted for execution via PSUB. The script is called with two arguments: clinical_study_id and clinical_study_version_id.

Windows Registry Settings

This section lists the Windows registry settings used by Oracle Clinical. It describes the settings for the each of the following:

OPA Front End

These registry variables apply across products and are located on the SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE branch of the registry. Each value is set by the Installer.

Table A-2 OPA Front End Registry Variables and Example Values

Registry Variable Example Value Description



The path that is searched to find forms.



The amount of time in elapsed minutes before the Form Services process is terminated when there is no client communication with the Form Services. To prevent the forms session's timing out due to inactivity, set the heartbeat value(defined in the formsweb.cfg file ) to less than the forms_timeout value. See article ID 549735.1 'Description List For Parameters Affect Timeout In Webforms' on My Oracle Support; see "Finding Information on My Oracle Support" for more information.



The OPA configuration name.



The URL for the Reports Queue Manager.



The top-level OPA products directory.



The Oracle Health Sciences product directory.



The full server name.



This should be set to NULL, that is, "blank", to facilitate either HTTP or HTTPS operations.


f60all_jinit.jar, opaicons.jar

The names of the OPA jar files to be downloaded to the client. This is used by the OUI to coordinate between product changes to the opa46 config section in the formsweb.cfg file.



The physical mapping to the repout directory.



The virtual mapping to the repout directory.



The version of Developer.

Online Help

These registry variables are located on the SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE branch of the registry. Each value is set by the Installer.

Table A-3 Xhelp Registry Variables and Example Values

Registry Variable Example Value Description



The URL for standard online help and documentation location



The URL for custom online help and documentation



The location of the online help directories

Oracle Clinical Front End

These registry variables are located on the SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE branch of the registry. Each value is set by the Installer.

Table A-4 Oracle Clinical Front End Registry Variables and Example Values

Registry Variable Example Value Description



The Forms60 path that is searched to find forms





c:\opapps46\oc\f60xtb.dll; c:\oc\rxcde1.dll

User Exits referenced from Oracle Clinical/RDC


MS Sans Serif 1.0

Oracle Clinical default font



The Oracle Clinical top level directory



The default font for data entry field prompts and boilerplate text



The default font for response fields in data entry


f60all_jinit.jar, opaicons.jar,oclicons.jar, pharmaocjle.jar, pharmaocgle.jar, xmlcomp.jar, xmlparserv2.jar, jle2-0-3.jar

The names of the OPA JAR files



The URL to access the xmltemp directory



\\appserver\rdc\temp or c:\opapps46\html\rdc\temp

The value that is passed to the report server that informs it how to access xmltemp.

If the forms and reports servers are on the same computer, the value is a directory.

If the forms and reports servers are on different computers, the value will be a UNC

RDC Front End

These registry variables are located on the SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE branch of the registry on the application tier server where RDC is installed.

Table A-5 RDC Front End Registry Variables and Example Values

Registry Variable Example Value Description



The path that is searched to find forms



The location of the RDC directory


\\appserver\rdc\dcif_images or c:\opapps46\html\rdc\dcif_images

The location of the RDC directory images


If the RDC installation is used by client computers other than the application server, use the fully qualified application server name.

If you plan to run the client locally on the application server computer, you can use the machine name e.g., oclw2k16.



e.g.: c:\opapps46\temp

This is a folder where temporary files are created at runtime and deleted at the end. This can be anywhere. During installation, this is set to its default value: OPA_HOME/temp.



Sets the debug level for the Pluggable Java Component (PJC). There are three options for the value:

  1. 0: no debug

  2. 1: Low debug level

  3. 2: High debug level

By default, it is set to "1" during installation.



The port number at which the PJC communicates with the PDF Data Entry Form. This is typically set to a random value of "5567".



The number of attempt the PJC will make to open a listener port. With each attempt, the PJC increases the port number by one and continues until it has attempted to open the port a number equal to this value.



The setting that specifies whether the PDF files will be served from the application server computer or from the cache location on the client computer.

The valid values are 'CLIENT' or 'SERVER'. The default value will be 'SERVER'. You change this value to allow users to cache PDF files locally.

OCN Front End

These registry variables are located on the SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE branch of the registry. Each value is set by the Installer.

Table A-6 OCN Front End Registry Variables and Example Values

Registry Variable Example Value Description



The path that is searched to find forms



The OCN Home directory

Reports Server

These registry variables are located on the SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE \HOME branch of the registry for the Reports Server installation. Each value is set by the Installer.

Table A-7 Report Server Registry Variables and Example Values

Registry Variable Example Value Description


c:\opapps46\opa, c:\opapps46\oc, c:\winnt\fonts

The path the system searches to find reports


c:\opapps46\lib\pdfappend.jar, c:\opapps46\lib\pdrgenerator.jar

The path Reports uses to find classes



The date format when running reports for Oracle Clinical/RDC with the NLS option



The Reports Server directory



The NLS language that is used when running Reports; supported values are: UTF8, US7ASCII, WE8IS08859P1, or any single byte character set



The temporary directory that the system uses when you run reports.



The default grid width for the report



The top level Oracle Health Sciences products directory. This is written to both the default and the specific branches of the registry.



Instructs Oracle Reports to include Acrobat form fields in DCI Form PDFs that include such instructions.



The default font for response fields in data entry. "Arial.8" is the default value.



The default font for data entry field prompts and boilerplate text. "Arial.8" is the default value.



The font for response field data in the Patient Data Report. This variable is not created by the Installer. If you need to differentiate the field font used for the PDR from the one used for data entry, add this registry variable and set it. If not specified, the system uses the value for OC_DE_FIELDFONT.



The font for CRF header field prompts, question prompts, and boilerplate text in the Patient Data Report. This variable is not created by the Installer. If you need to differentiate the text font used for the PDR from the one used for data entry, add this registry variable and set it. If not specified, the system uses the value for OC_DE_TEXTFONT.



The location of images that are used for DCI Forms and PDR generation.


"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 5.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe" /t

The path to the Adobe Acrobat or Reader application on the Report Server. Path must be in double-quotation marks and the "/t" must be included in the value.

Registry Keys

This section provides details about some registry keys. Use this information if it becomes necessary to modify the value of a registry key due to configuration or hardware changes.

In general, the values assigned to the keys are set by the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI), during the installation of various Oracle Health Sciences (formerly known as Oracle Pharmaceutical Application—OPA) components, based on answers you provide during the information-collection phase of the installation.

These registry keys are described in the following sections:


The value that is assigned to this key is based on the Oracle Health Sciences products that are installed on the computer. As each component is installed, the OUI appends product-specific values to the existing value. For example, if the Thesaurus Management System (TMS) is installed on a system where Oracle Clinical and RDC are installed, the FORMS_PATH value would be:


Table A-8, "Product-Specific Registry Values for the FORMS_PATH Key" lists the path string that each component contributes to the FORMS_PATH key value.

Table A-8 Product-Specific Registry Values for the FORMS_PATH Key

Product Addition to the FORMS60_PATH value

OPA Front End


Oracle Clinical Front End


RDC Front End


TMS Front End


AERS Front End



The value that is assigned to this key is based on the OPA products that are installed on the computer. As each component is installed, the OUI appends product-specific values to the existing value.


The value that is assigned to this key is the directory on the application server that Oracle Clinical uses to write temporary files during the DCI form generation process. When the Oracle Clinical client is installed, the Oracle Univeral Installer sets this value to:


The Oracle Reports server also writes files to this directory during DCI form generation. If any reports server used for this task is located on a different computer than the application server, the directory must be shared, with read/write privileges, to the domain/account on the report server; see the Oracle Clinical Installation Guide. Also, the path specified in the value must use the Microsoft Universal Naming Convention (UNC) format.

For example, if, during initial installation, you reply to the Oracle Univeral Installer that there is a standalone report server, the Installer sets this the value of this key to:


and requires that you share drive:\opapps46\html\rdc with the share name "rdc".

If the only report server that you use to generate DCI forms co-exists on the same computer with the application server, there is no need to share the xmltemp directory and the path specification can be a simple local directory name, such as, c:\opapps46\html\rdc\temp.


The value that is assigned to this key must be a valid URL that points to the forms server directory to which Oracle Clinical writes temporary files during DCI form generation. When the Oracle Clinical client is installed, the OUI sets this value to:


This is the same directory specified by the OPA_XMLTEMP_UNC key.

In order for the system to use this directory, it must be supported by an HTTP virtual directory that can serve files from it.

For example, if the temp directory is c:\opapps46\html\rdc\temp on myOCSever, then a virtual directory must be associated with c:\opapps46\html:

alias /opa46/ "c:\opappas46\html\"

This allows a URL of http://myOCServer/opa46/rdc/temp/MYFILE.pdf to resolve and serve the file, c:\opapps46\html\rdc\temp\MYFILE.pdf.


The value that is assigned to this key must be the path specification of the directory in which image files that are referenced in DCI forms are found; see "Setting Up Image Viewing for DCI and DCM Form Layouts HTML Preview". However, the Patient Data Report generation subsystem uses its own registry variable to locate the path to the directory.

When the Oracle Clinical client is installed, the Installer sets this value to:


In a manner similar to OPA_XMLTEMP_UNC, the dcif_images directory specification must be one that can be resolved by any reports server that generates DCI forms.

If the only report server that you use to generate DCI forms co-exists on the same computer with the forms server, there is no need to share the images directory and the path specification can be a simple local directory name, such as, c:\opapps46\html\rdc\dcif_images.

If any reports server used for DCI forms generation is located on a different computer than the forms server, then:

  • The path specification used for the value of RDC_DCIF_IMAGES must use the UNC format.

  • The forms server images directory must be shared, so it can be accessed from other computers.

  • The domain/account_used_to_set_up_the_Reports_Server must have read/write privileges on the shared forms server directory.

For example, if, during initial installation, you reply to the Installer that there is a standalone report server, the Installer sets this the value of this key to:


and requires that you share drive:\opapps46\html\rdc with the share name "rdc".


If the Patient Data Report generation process cannot locate the path to the dcif_images directory, each CRF that contains an image in its layout is not printed in the report.


The value assigned to this key regulates the font size of response values that are typed in response fields and displayed in data entry windows. This registry key is set as part of the Oracle Clinical Front End installation and the Oracle Clinical Report Server installation in the SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE\ORACLE_AS10gR2_KEY\ branch.


The value assigned to this key regulates the font size of the question prompts and boilerplate text in data entry windows. This registry key is present in:

  • the SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE branch, where it is set as part of the Oracle Clinical Front End installation

  • the SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE\9i_DatabaseServer branch, where it is set as part of the Oracle Clinical Report Server installation

The default value in both locations is Arial.8. If you change the value in one location, change it in the other too.


The value assigned to this key regulates the font size of response value that are typed in response fields and displayed in the Patient Data Report (PDR). This registry key is present in:

  • the SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE branch

  • the SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE\9i_DatabaseServer branch

If you do not enter a value in these locations, the system uses the value for OC_DE_FIELDFONT.


The value assigned to this key regulates the font size of the question prompts and boilerplate text in the Patient Data Report (PDR). This registry key is present in:

  • the SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE branch,

  • the SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE\9i_DatabaseServer branch

If you do not enter a value in these locations, the system uses the value for OC_DE_TEXTFONT.


The value assigned to this key determines the location of the Adobe Acrobat or Reader executable, which allows users to run PDF patient data reports with "PRINTER" specified as the output type. This value must be in the form:

"<acrobat-reader_path>" /t

Note that the double-quotation marks around the path and the "/t" switch are required. A typical example of a value is:

"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe" /t 

In addition to setting this key correctly, ensure that the Adobe Acrobat or Reader application is running on the Reports Server prior to users initiating this type of report job, that is, a job that specifies the output type as "PRINTER".