D Changing Default Message Versions

This appendix describes the following procedures:

D.1 Activating a Message Version

To activate a message version:

  1. In PeopleSoft Internet Architecture, expand PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, and then click Service Operations.
  2. Click the Find Services Operation tab and enter the Service Operation name, such as PERSON_BASIC_FULLSYNC, in the Service Operation field. Then, click Search.
  3. The following screenshot displays INTERNAL message set as active and default. To set VERSION_3 as Default and Active, click the VERSION_3 link.
    INTERNAL message set as active and default
  4. Select the Default and Active checkboxes highlighted in the following screenshot and click Save.
    Service Operation Version

    Then, the VESRION_3 message is activated and set as default.

    VESRION_3 message

D.2 Deactivating a Message Version

To deactivate a message version:

  1. In PeopleSoft Internet Architecture, expand PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, and then click Service Operations.
  2. Click the Find Services Operation tab and enter the Service Operation name, such as PERSON_BASIC_FULLSYNC, in the Service Operation field. Then, click Search.
  3. The following screenshot displays INTERNAL message set as active and default. To deactivate the non-default VERSION_5 message, click the VERSION_5 link in the Non-Default Versions region.
    INTERNAL message
  4. Deselect the Default and Active checkboxes highlighted in the following screenshot and click Save.
    Service Operation Version

    Then, the VESRION_5 message is deactivated.

    VESRION_5 message