7 Known Issues and Workarounds

These are the known issues and workarounds associated with this release of the connector.

7.1 Multicharacter Delimiters Are Not Supported

If a delimiter containing more than one character (for example, $#) is specified in the flat file and in the main configuration lookup definition, then this error is encountered.

Only single character delimiters are supported with the exception of "tab" and "space".

This is an issue associated with the connector.

Workaround: The connector supports only single character delimiters. You must either provide a file delimited by a single character or use a preprocess task to parse the file and replace all multicharacter delimiters into a valid character.

7.2 Ignore Event API is Not Called

Suppose a target resource or trusted source reconciliation run is performed to reconcile ten accounts or users from a flat file, the reconciliation run is successful. However, if a target resource or trusted source reconciliation run is performed after copying the same file, then the same number of events is created again, and the Ignore Event API is not called.

This is an issue associated with Oracle Identity Manager.


  1. Log in to the Design Console.

  2. Expand Administration, and then double-click Lookup Definition.

  3. Search for and open one of the following lookup definitions:

    • If you performed a target resource reconciliation run:


    • If you performed a trusted source reconciliation run:


  4. Click Add.

  5. In the newly added row, enter the following values:

    • Code Key: Ignore Event Disabled

    • Decode: true

  6. Click Save.

7.3 StartDate and EndDate Values Not Populated in Child Form

If a child form contains fields such as Startdate and Enddate, then after a reconciliation run, data for these fields is not displayed in the UI. However, data is populated correctly in the Oracle Identity Manager database.

This is an issue associated with Oracle Identity Manager.

Workaround: Rename the Startdate and Enddate child attributes so as to not match (case insensitive) the parent attribute names. For example, rename the Startdate and Enddate attributes to From and To, respectively.

7.4 Error Encountered When Process Recon Event Batch Size is Set to a Smaller Value

This error is encountered when the multithreading configuration entry "Process Recon Event Batch Size" is set to smaller values.


java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-00001: unique

constraint (XXXXXX.PK_RECON_JOBS) violated

This is an issue associated with Oracle Identity Manager.

Workaround: Reduce the value of the Process Recon Event Thread Pool Size entry (default value) and increase the value of the Process Recon Event Batch Size entry.

Process Recon Event Thread Pool Size and Process Recon Event Batch Size are the entries in the main configuration lookup definitions such as Lookup.FlatFile.Configuration and Lookup.FlatFile.Configuration.Trusted. See Setting up the Configuration Lookup Definition for more information about these entries.