What's New in Oracle Identity Manager Connector for Oracle E-Business Suite User Management?

This chapter provides an overview of the updates made to the software and documentation for the Oracle E-Business Suite User Management connector in release

The updates discussed in this chapter are divided into the following categories:

Software Updates

The following section discusses software updates:

Software Updates in Release

This is the first release of the Oracle Identity Manager connector for Oracle E-Business Suite User Management on ICF architecture. Therefore, there are no software updates in this release.

Documentation-Specific Updates

The following section discusses documentation-specific updates:

Documentation-Specific Updates in Release

The following is a documentation-specific update in revision "10" of release

Additional prerequisite regarding EBS registration type added to Configuring the Connector for SSO

The following is a documentation-specific update in revision "9" of release

The "Target system" row in Table 1-1 has been updated for the following:
  • Oracle Database 19c has been added as one of the supported versions for running the target system.
  • The note about applying a patch if you are using target system versions 12.2.4 or later has been modified.
  • A note about applying an Oracle Database patch if your target system is running on Oracle Database release 19.x has been added.

The following is a documentation-specific update in revision "8" of release

The "Oracle Identity Governance or Oracle Identity Manager" row in Table 1-1 has been modified to include support for Oracle Identity Governance release 12c PS4 (

The following is a documentation-specific update in revision "7" of release

The sample value for parameter Latest Token in Table 3-12 and parameter Sync Token in Table 3-13 have been modified.

The following is a documentation-specific update in revision "6" of release

In Postupgrade Steps, step 8 has been modified.

The following are documentation-specific updates in revision "5" of release

  • The following updates are made to Table 1-1:
    • The "Target System" row has been modified to include support for target versions 12.2.5 and 12.2.6.
    • The "Connector server" row has been modified to include a note related to JDBC driver.
    • The "SSO system" row has been modified to include Oracle Unified Directory as an LDAP-based repository.
  • A note on Oracle Unified Directory has been added in Lookup.Objects.LDAP User.Oracle EBS User Management.CopyAttributesMap.

The following are documentation-specific updates in revision "4" of release

  • The "Oracle Identity Manager" row of Table 1-1 has been renamed as "Oracle Identity Governance or Oracle Identity Manager" and also updated for Oracle Identity Governance 12c ( certification

  • The "Target System" row of Table 1-1 has been modified to include exact target version from 12.2.x to 12.2.1 through 12.2.4.

  • In Privileges Granted to the User Account, the wrapper packages in "Execute privileges granted to the following wrapper packages created in APPS schema" have been modified.

The following are documentation-specific updates in revision "3" of release

  • The "Target System" row of Table 1-1 has been updated to include support for Oracle Database 12c.

  • Chapter 5, "Known Issues and Workarounds" has been removed as there are no known issues associated with this connector.

The following is a documentation-specific update in revision "2" of release

The "JDK" row of Table 1-1 has been renamed to "Connector Server JDK".