Interface INewEditObjectActions

public interface INewEditObjectActions

This interface was created to allow developers the ability to create functions that can be dynamically discovered by the Plumtree application for the purposes of performing some functionality when a particular object creation or modification based event occurs.

NOTE: Should this interface be implemented more than once within the Dynamic Discovery process, the implementations will be processed in the order that they are displayed within the representative XML file. All implementations will be called.

NOTE: The implementation of these particular functions should be held to a minimum and done very carefully as these functions will be called every single time that a Create, Edit and Store of a object is called and this could seriously hurt performance on the Administration or Portal Servers.

NOTE: In the case where multiple implementations return a String object, all the valid Strings (not null and not empty) will be appended together (separated by a blank space) and the final String will be the error message displayed on the page.

Method Summary
 void OnAfterStoreObject(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace, IPTSession _ptUserSession, IPTObject _ptObject)
          This will perform some functionality just after the object has been stored in the database.
 IPTObject OnBeforeStoreObject(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace, IPTSession _ptUserSession, IPTObject _ptObject)
          This will perform some functionality just before the object is stored to the database.
 java.lang.String OnCreateObject(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace, IPTSession _ptUserSession, int _nFolderID, int _nClassID)
          This function will perform some functionality just as we launch an Editor to create a new PTObject.
 java.lang.String OnEditObject(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace, IPTSession _ptUserSession, int _nClassID, int _nObjectID)
          This function will perform some functionality just as we launch an Editor to edit and an existing PTObject.

Method Detail


void OnAfterStoreObject(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace,
                        IPTSession _ptUserSession,
                        IPTObject _ptObject)
This will perform some functionality just after the object has been stored in the database.

_asCurrentSpace - - Provides access to the current MVC classes as well as the Application and the HTTP Session
_ptUserSession - - Plumtree session object for the current user
_ptObject - - The actual object that has been stored along with all of its property information.


IPTObject OnBeforeStoreObject(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace,
                              IPTSession _ptUserSession,
                              IPTObject _ptObject)
This will perform some functionality just before the object is stored to the database. The function will return a valid IPTObject that has possible been modified to then be stored.

NOTE: Be very careful in implementing this so that invalid properties are not stored with the object.

_asCurrentSpace - - Provides access to the current MVC classes as well as the Application and the HTTP Session
_ptUserSession - - Plumtree session object for the current user
_ptObject - - The actual object that is trying to be stored along with all of its property information.
IPTObject - The returned object after possible modifications have been made.


java.lang.String OnCreateObject(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace,
                                IPTSession _ptUserSession,
                                int _nFolderID,
                                int _nClassID)
This function will perform some functionality just as we launch an Editor to create a new PTObject. The function will return a String containing an error message if this should not occur.

_asCurrentSpace - - Provides access to the current MVC classes as well as the Application and the HTTP Session
_ptUserSession - - Plumtree session object for the current user
_nFolderID - - Admin Folder ID of where the object will be created.
_nClassID - - Class ID of the object that is being created.
String - Error message if the creation should not continue, empty string or null if it should.


java.lang.String OnEditObject(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace,
                              IPTSession _ptUserSession,
                              int _nClassID,
                              int _nObjectID)
This function will perform some functionality just as we launch an Editor to edit and an existing PTObject. The function will return a String containing a error message if this should not occur.

_asCurrentSpace - - Provides access to the current MVC classes as well as the Application and the HTTP Session
_ptUserSession - - Plumtree session object for the current user
_nClassID - - Class ID of the object that is being edited.
_nObjectID - - Object ID of the object that is being edited.
String - Error message if the action should not continue, empty string or null if it should.

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