Class MigrationHistoryModel

  extended by com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.editor.EditorModel
      extended by com.plumtree.portalpages.admin.migrationhistory.MigrationHistoryModel
All Implemented Interfaces:
IMigrationHistoryModel, IMigrationHistoryModelRO, IManagedObject, IModel, IModelRO, IMVCObject, IEditorModelRO, IRepostModel

public class MigrationHistoryModel
extends EditorModel
implements IMigrationHistoryModel, IMigrationHistoryModelRO

Model for the migration history of a single PTObject.


Field Summary
static java.lang.String STR_MVC_CLASS_NAME
Fields inherited from class com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.editor.EditorModel
isReadAccessAvailable, m_asOwner, m_bCloseOnDone, m_bDeleteOnCancel, m_bEnableApplyButton, m_bEnableCancelButton, m_bHideLeftNav, m_bIsEditorReadOnly, m_bUserHasAccessToEditor, m_nEditorType
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void ActionOnRepost()
          Modifies the object name on repost.
 boolean CheckEditorAccessAndStart(XPHashtable _htFormData)
          Implements some actions to perform on start.
 void CleanupTempData()
          This method is called at the end of every HTTP request by the Interpreter.
 java.lang.Object Create()
          This method is used by the ASManager to return new instances of managed objects.
 void Finish()
          Implement some code to execute when the user clicks on "Finish".
 int GetCurrentMigrationStatus()
          Retrieves the current migration status of the underlying PTObject.
 MigrationHistoryItem GetHistoryItem(int _nIndex)
          Retrieves the history item at the index specified by _nIndex
 java.lang.String GetName()
          Returns the Class name.
 int GetNumHistoryItems()
          Returns the number of items in the history for the underlying PTObject.
 boolean IsMigrationCheckboxChecked()
          Retrieves the flag indicating whether the checkbox has been checked in this editor session.
 boolean IsStandalone()
          Retrieves the flag indicating whether or not we are being hosted by another activity space, or our own.
protected  void SaveMainPage(XPHashtable _htFormData)
          Saves the data on the Main page.
 int SavePage(java.lang.String _sPageName, XPHashtable _htFormData)
          Calls the right save function according to the page name passed in argument.
 void SetApprovedForMigration(boolean bApproved)
          Sets the flag indicating this object has been approved for migration
 boolean ShouldDisplayApproval()
          Retrieves the flag indicating whether or not to display the approval checkbox (currently only for full sysadmins)
 void StoreMigrationStatus(int nClassID, int nObjectID)
          Helper method to Store the migration status on the object.
Methods inherited from class com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.editor.EditorModel
Cancel, CleanupAllData, DoTaskAfterStore, DoTaskBeforeStore, DoTaskOnChangePage, DoTaskOnComeBackFromSubEditor, DoTaskOnStartEditor, GetAccessToEditorPriviledges, GetCloseOnDone, GetCurrentRepostAction, GetDeleteOnCancel, GetEditorType, GetEnableApplyButton, GetEnableCancelButton, GetHideLeftNav, GetIsEditorReadOnly, GetRedirectAfterFinish, GetUserHasAccessToEditor, Init, SetCloseOnDone, SetDeleteOnCancel, SetEditorType, SetEnableApplyButton, SetHideLeftNav, SetPageStatus, SetUserHasAccessToEditor
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.activityspace.IModel
CleanupAllData, Init

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String STR_MVC_CLASS_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public MigrationHistoryModel()
Method Detail


public void ActionOnRepost()
Modifies the object name on repost.


public boolean CheckEditorAccessAndStart(XPHashtable _htFormData)
Implements some actions to perform on start.

Specified by:
CheckEditorAccessAndStart in class EditorModel
_htFormData -
boolean Is true if the current user has the rights to access this Editor.


public void CleanupTempData()
Description copied from interface: IModel
This method is called at the end of every HTTP request by the Interpreter. The Interpreter calls AActivitySpace.CleanupTempData(), which calls this method on all IModels registered using AActivitySpace.RegisterModel(). This method is intended for cleaning up temporary data that is only used for the lifetime of a single request, like DB query results.

Specified by:
CleanupTempData in interface IModel
CleanupTempData in class EditorModel
See Also:


public java.lang.Object Create()
Description copied from class: EditorModel
This method is used by the ASManager to return new instances of managed objects.

Specified by:
Create in interface IManagedObject
Specified by:
Create in class EditorModel
A new instance of the managed class (i.e. return new Foo();)
See Also:


public void Finish()
Implement some code to execute when the user clicks on "Finish".

Specified by:
Finish in interface IRepostModel
Specified by:
Finish in class EditorModel


public int GetCurrentMigrationStatus()
Description copied from interface: IMigrationHistoryModel
Retrieves the current migration status of the underlying PTObject.

Specified by:
GetCurrentMigrationStatus in interface IMigrationHistoryModel
Specified by:
GetCurrentMigrationStatus in interface IMigrationHistoryModelRO


public MigrationHistoryItem GetHistoryItem(int _nIndex)
Description copied from interface: IMigrationHistoryModel
Retrieves the history item at the index specified by _nIndex

Specified by:
GetHistoryItem in interface IMigrationHistoryModel
Specified by:
GetHistoryItem in interface IMigrationHistoryModelRO
_nIndex -


public java.lang.String GetName()
Description copied from class: EditorModel
Returns the Class name.

Specified by:
GetName in interface IMVCObject
Specified by:
GetName in class EditorModel
See Also:


public int GetNumHistoryItems()
Description copied from interface: IMigrationHistoryModel
Returns the number of items in the history for the underlying PTObject.

Specified by:
GetNumHistoryItems in interface IMigrationHistoryModel
Specified by:
GetNumHistoryItems in interface IMigrationHistoryModelRO


public boolean IsStandalone()
Retrieves the flag indicating whether or not we are being hosted by another activity space, or our own.

Specified by:
IsStandalone in interface IMigrationHistoryModel
Specified by:
IsStandalone in interface IMigrationHistoryModelRO


public boolean ShouldDisplayApproval()
Retrieves the flag indicating whether or not to display the approval checkbox (currently only for full sysadmins)

Specified by:
ShouldDisplayApproval in interface IMigrationHistoryModel
Specified by:
ShouldDisplayApproval in interface IMigrationHistoryModelRO


public void SetApprovedForMigration(boolean bApproved)
Sets the flag indicating this object has been approved for migration

Specified by:
SetApprovedForMigration in interface IMigrationHistoryModel


public boolean IsMigrationCheckboxChecked()
Retrieves the flag indicating whether the checkbox has been checked in this editor session.

Specified by:
IsMigrationCheckboxChecked in interface IMigrationHistoryModelRO


public void StoreMigrationStatus(int nClassID,
                                 int nObjectID)
Helper method to Store the migration status on the object.

Specified by:
StoreMigrationStatus in interface IMigrationHistoryModel


public int SavePage(java.lang.String _sPageName,
                    XPHashtable _htFormData)
Calls the right save function according to the page name passed in argument.

Specified by:
SavePage in interface IRepostModel
Specified by:
SavePage in class EditorModel
_sPageName -
_htFormData -
int Page status for server side validation


protected void SaveMainPage(XPHashtable _htFormData)
Saves the data on the Main page.

_htFormData -

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