Class KnowledgeDirectoryPreferencesPlumtreeUtilities

  extended by com.plumtree.portalpages.admin.ptutilities.settings.KnowledgeDirectoryPreferencesPlumtreeUtilities
All Implemented Interfaces:
IPlumtreeUtilities, ISettings

public class KnowledgeDirectoryPreferencesPlumtreeUtilities
extends java.lang.Object
implements IPlumtreeUtilities


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int GetActivityRightRestriction()
          Activity rights now restrict certain utility menu items; this method allows access to the restricting activity right The following table outlines the utility security menu access: Utility Activity Right or Group Required for Access Activity Manager Create Activities Approve Documents Access Utilities Approve Objects for Migration Administrators Group Only Audit Manager Administrators Group Only Automation Server Administrators Group Only Default Profiles Create User Global ACL Sync Map Administrators Group Only Global Document Property Map Administrators Group Only Global Document Type Map Administrators Group Only Global Object Properties Map Administrators Group Only Knowledge Directory Preferences Administrators Group Only Localization Manager Administrators Group Only Object Migration Status Access Utilities Portal Resources - Export Administrators Group Only Portal Resources - Import Administrators Group Only Portal Server Settings Administrators Group Only Release Item Locks Administrators Group Only Release User Locks Administrators Group Only Search Server Manager Administrators Group Only Smart Sort Create Taxonomists Subportal Manager Create Subportals Tag Libraries Manager Administrators Group Only User Profile Manager Edit User Info Map Custom Read access to the Custom Utilities Web Service
 java.lang.String GetASControlName()
          The name of the control to use
 java.lang.String GetASDPName()
          The name of the display page to view (null means default)
 java.lang.String GetASName()
          The name of the activity space to go to
 java.lang.String GetASQueryString()
          the rest of the query string for the URL (starting with &...)
 java.lang.String GetLinkText(java.lang.String _strLangID)
          Use public static Object GetPersonalSettingValue(String sSettingName, ISessionManager sessionManager, IPTSession ptSession) to get the language ID "en"
 boolean IsStandardPortalOption()
          Describes whether the setting comes with the standard portal
 boolean IsViewable()
          Describes whether the setting is currently viewable
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public KnowledgeDirectoryPreferencesPlumtreeUtilities()
Method Detail


public java.lang.String GetASControlName()
Description copied from interface: ISettings
The name of the control to use

Specified by:
GetASControlName in interface ISettings


public java.lang.String GetASDPName()
Description copied from interface: ISettings
The name of the display page to view (null means default)

Specified by:
GetASDPName in interface ISettings


public java.lang.String GetASName()
Description copied from interface: ISettings
The name of the activity space to go to

Specified by:
GetASName in interface ISettings


public java.lang.String GetASQueryString()
Description copied from interface: ISettings
the rest of the query string for the URL (starting with &...)

Specified by:
GetASQueryString in interface ISettings


public java.lang.String GetLinkText(java.lang.String _strLangID)
Description copied from interface: ISettings
Use public static Object GetPersonalSettingValue(String sSettingName, ISessionManager sessionManager, IPTSession ptSession) to get the language ID "en"

Specified by:
GetLinkText in interface ISettings


public boolean IsStandardPortalOption()
Description copied from interface: ISettings
Describes whether the setting comes with the standard portal

Specified by:
IsStandardPortalOption in interface ISettings


public boolean IsViewable()
Description copied from interface: ISettings
Describes whether the setting is currently viewable

Specified by:
IsViewable in interface ISettings


public int GetActivityRightRestriction()
Description copied from interface: IPlumtreeUtilities
Activity rights now restrict certain utility menu items; this method allows access to the restricting activity right The following table outlines the utility security menu access: Utility Activity Right or Group Required for Access Activity Manager Create Activities Approve Documents Access Utilities Approve Objects for Migration Administrators Group Only Audit Manager Administrators Group Only Automation Server Administrators Group Only Default Profiles Create User Global ACL Sync Map Administrators Group Only Global Document Property Map Administrators Group Only Global Document Type Map Administrators Group Only Global Object Properties Map Administrators Group Only Knowledge Directory Preferences Administrators Group Only Localization Manager Administrators Group Only Object Migration Status Access Utilities Portal Resources - Export Administrators Group Only Portal Resources - Import Administrators Group Only Portal Server Settings Administrators Group Only Release Item Locks Administrators Group Only Release User Locks Administrators Group Only Search Server Manager Administrators Group Only Smart Sort Create Taxonomists Subportal Manager Create Subportals Tag Libraries Manager Administrators Group Only User Profile Manager Edit User Info Map Custom Read access to the Custom Utilities Web Service

Specified by:
GetActivityRightRestriction in interface IPlumtreeUtilities
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS value which restricts the access to this utility

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