Class GatewayUtils

  extended by com.plumtree.portalpages.browsing.gateway.GatewayUtils

public class GatewayUtils
extends java.lang.Object

josephs, daniilk

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static int AddHeadersToResponse(java.lang.String strRawHeaders, IWebData webData)
static int AddHeadersToResponse(java.lang.String strRawHeaders, IWebData webData, boolean bStreaming)
static HTMLElement AddMarkupToElement(AActivitySpace _asOwner, java.lang.Object[][] _objArrMarkup)
          The "UI Transformer", see Transformers and Markup DSD in IWS This function converts a markup array as returned by the HTTP GP into HTML elements and converts PT XML tags into HTML -jas This method is designed to be used when there are multiple elements that need markup transformed.
static void AddMarkupToElement(AActivitySpace _asOwner, java.lang.Object[][] _objArrMarkup, HTMLElement _result)
          The "UI Transformer", see Transformers and Markup DSD in IWS This function converts a markup array as returned by the HTTP GP into HTML elements and converts PT XML tags into HTML -jas This method outputs the shared JavaScript in the resulting markup, and the GetSharedJavaScriptFromMarkup method should not be called when this method is used.
static HTMLElement AddMarkupToSingleElement(AActivitySpace _asOwner, java.lang.Object[][] _objArrMarkup)
          The "UI Transformer", see Transformers and Markup DSD in IWS This function converts a markup array as returned by the HTTP GP into HTML elements and converts PT XML tags into HTML -jas This method returns the shared JavaScript in its output, and the GetSharedJavaScriptFromMarkup method should not be called when this method is used.
static boolean ExceptionStackReceived(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)
static java.lang.String GetEffectivePortletTimeout(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)
static int GetErrorCode(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)
static java.lang.String GetErrorMessage(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)
static java.lang.String GetExcepionStackTrace(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)
static boolean GetPortletSupportsPersonalization(int nPortletID, int nPersonalizationType, IPTSession ptSession)
          Check to see whether the given gadget has a particular kind of preferences.
static java.lang.String GetPortletTimeout(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)
static java.lang.String GetResponseBody(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)
static java.lang.String GetResponseStatus(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)
static java.lang.String GetSavedPortletName()
static HTMLElement GetSharedJavaScriptFromMarkup(AActivitySpace _asOwner)
          This method returns a single shared JavaScript collection for all of the transformed markup elements on a page.
static java.lang.String GetShorterPortletTimeout(java.lang.String portletTimeout, int pageTimeout)
static boolean GetWebServiceSupportsPersonalization(int nWebServiceID, int nPersonalizationType, IPTSession ptSession)
          Check to see whether the given web service has a particular kind of preferences.
static boolean IsErrorContentArray(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)
static boolean ResponseReceivedForErrors(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)
static boolean SetRedirectToLastHostedPage(AActivitySpace asOwner, IGatewayModel gwModel)
static boolean TimeoutErrorReceived(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GatewayUtils()
Method Detail


public static int AddHeadersToResponse(java.lang.String strRawHeaders,
                                       IWebData webData)


public static int AddHeadersToResponse(java.lang.String strRawHeaders,
                                       IWebData webData,
                                       boolean bStreaming)
strRawHeaders -
webData -


public static boolean SetRedirectToLastHostedPage(AActivitySpace asOwner,
                                                  IGatewayModel gwModel)


public static void AddMarkupToElement(AActivitySpace _asOwner,
                                      java.lang.Object[][] _objArrMarkup,
                                      HTMLElement _result)
The "UI Transformer", see Transformers and Markup DSD in IWS This function converts a markup array as returned by the HTTP GP into HTML elements and converts PT XML tags into HTML -jas This method outputs the shared JavaScript in the resulting markup, and the GetSharedJavaScriptFromMarkup method should not be called when this method is used.

_asOwner - Activity Space
_objArrMarkup - markup array in PT_MARKUP_ARRAY_COLS format
_result - markup is added to this element


public static HTMLElement AddMarkupToSingleElement(AActivitySpace _asOwner,
                                                   java.lang.Object[][] _objArrMarkup)
The "UI Transformer", see Transformers and Markup DSD in IWS This function converts a markup array as returned by the HTTP GP into HTML elements and converts PT XML tags into HTML -jas This method returns the shared JavaScript in its output, and the GetSharedJavaScriptFromMarkup method should not be called when this method is used.

_asOwner - Activity Space
_objArrMarkup - markup array in PT_MARKUP_ARRAY_COLS format
HTMLElement The transformed markup.


public static HTMLElement AddMarkupToElement(AActivitySpace _asOwner,
                                             java.lang.Object[][] _objArrMarkup)
The "UI Transformer", see Transformers and Markup DSD in IWS This function converts a markup array as returned by the HTTP GP into HTML elements and converts PT XML tags into HTML -jas This method is designed to be used when there are multiple elements that need markup transformed. All of these elements share a single JavaScript collection for shared JavaScript. This collection must be displayed in the page before the first markup element is displayed, otherwise there may be JavaScript errors. When using this method to transform markup the oiutput of the GetSharedJavaScriptFromMarkup method must be displayed prior to the transformed elements.

_asOwner - Activity Space
_objArrMarkup - markup array in PT_MARKUP_ARRAY_COLS format
HTMLElement The transformed markup.


public static HTMLElement GetSharedJavaScriptFromMarkup(AActivitySpace _asOwner)
This method returns a single shared JavaScript collection for all of the transformed markup elements on a page. This collection must be displayed in the page before the first markup element is displayed, otherwise there may be JavaScript errors. This method should only be used in conjunction with AddMarkupToElement(). It is not needed when using AddMarkupToSingleElement().

_asOwner - Activity Space
HTMLElement The shared JavaScript collection.


public static boolean IsErrorContentArray(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)


public static boolean ResponseReceivedForErrors(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)


public static boolean TimeoutErrorReceived(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)


public static boolean ExceptionStackReceived(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)


public static int GetErrorCode(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)


public static java.lang.String GetErrorMessage(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)


public static java.lang.String GetResponseBody(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)


public static java.lang.String GetResponseStatus(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)


public static java.lang.String GetPortletTimeout(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)


public static java.lang.String GetEffectivePortletTimeout(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)


public static java.lang.String GetShorterPortletTimeout(java.lang.String portletTimeout,
                                                        int pageTimeout)


public static java.lang.String GetExcepionStackTrace(java.lang.Object[][] objArrMarkup)


public static boolean GetPortletSupportsPersonalization(int nPortletID,
                                                        int nPersonalizationType,
                                                        IPTSession ptSession)
Check to see whether the given gadget has a particular kind of preferences.

ID - of Portlet
PersonalizationType -
IPTSession -
True if the portlet has prefs, false if it does not, or if there was a problem opening the web service.


public static java.lang.String GetSavedPortletName()


public static boolean GetWebServiceSupportsPersonalization(int nWebServiceID,
                                                           int nPersonalizationType,
                                                           IPTSession ptSession)
Check to see whether the given web service has a particular kind of preferences.

ID - of WebService
PersonalizationType -
IPTSession -
True if the portlet has prefs, false if it does not, or if there was a problem opening the web service.

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