Interface IObjectActions

public interface IObjectActions

This interface was created to allow developers the ability to create functions that can be dynamically discovered by the Plumtree application for the purposes of performing some functionality when a particular object management based event occurs.

NOTE: Should this interface be implemented more than once within the Dynamic Discovery process, the implementations will be processed in the order that they are displayed within the representative XML file. All implementations will be called.

NOTE: Developers should be very careful implementing either of these functions as these will be called every single time that a Move, Delete, Copy, or Migrate is performed and it could hurt performance.

NOTE: In the case where multiple implementations return a String object, all the valid Strings (not null and not empty) will be appended together (separated by a blank space) and the final String will be the error message displayed on the page.

Method Summary
 void OnAfterCreateABOJob(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace, IPTSession _ptUserSession, int _nJobID, int _nClassID, int _nObjectID)
          This function will perform some functionality after an ABO Job is created to delete an Object.
 java.lang.String OnBeforeCopyAdminFolder(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace, IPTSession _ptUserSession, int _nCopiedFolderID, int _nTargetFolderID)
          This function will perform some functionality before an Admin Folder is copied.
 java.lang.String OnBeforeCopyObject(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace, IPTSession _ptUserSession, int _nClassID, int _nObjectID, int _nFolderID)
          This function will perform some functionality before an Object is copied from a folder to another.
 java.lang.String OnBeforeCreateABOJob(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace, IPTSession _ptUserSession, int _nClassID, int _nObjectID)
          This function will perform some functionality before an ABO Job is created to delete an Object.
 java.lang.String[] OnBeforeCreateAdminFolder(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace, IPTSession _ptUserSession, java.lang.String _strFolderName, java.lang.String _strFolderDesc)
          This function will perform some functionality before the creation process of a Admin Folder
 java.lang.String OnBeforeDeleteAdminFolder(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace, IPTSession _ptUserSession, int _nFolderID)
          This function will perform some functionality before the deletion process of a Admin Folder.
 java.lang.String OnBeforeDeleteObject(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace, IPTSession _ptUserSession, int _nClassID, int _nObjectID)
          This function will perform some functionality before the deletion process of a set of objects.
 java.lang.String OnBeforeMigrateObject(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace, IPTSession _ptUserSession, int _nClassID, int[] _arrObjectIDs)
          This function will perform some functionality during the Migration process of a set of objects.
 java.lang.String OnBeforeMoveObject(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace, IPTSession _ptUserSession, int _nClassID, int _nObjectID, int _nFolderID)
          This function will perform some functionality or validation before the move process of a object.

Method Detail


void OnAfterCreateABOJob(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace,
                         IPTSession _ptUserSession,
                         int _nJobID,
                         int _nClassID,
                         int _nObjectID)
This function will perform some functionality after an ABO Job is created to delete an Object.

More info on ABO Jobs and when this PEI is called:
When the user deletes an Admin Folder (including Community folders), since this action might require a lot of processing time, he will have the choice between deleting the folder now or scheduling an ABO Job to do it later and minimize the impact on the Portal's performance. If he decides to do it now, the OnDeleteAdminFolder PEI is called, if he decides to have it done later by a Job, the OnBeforeCreateABOJob and OnAfterCreateABOJob PEIs are called.

_asCurrentSpace - - Provides access to the current MVC classes as well as the Application and the HTTP Session
_ptUserSession - - Plumtree session object for the current user
_nJobID - - ID of the ABO Job created
_nClassID - - Class ID of the Object that the Job will delete
_nObjectID - - ID of the Object that the Job will delete


java.lang.String OnBeforeCopyAdminFolder(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace,
                                         IPTSession _ptUserSession,
                                         int _nCopiedFolderID,
                                         int _nTargetFolderID)
This function will perform some functionality before an Admin Folder is copied.

_asCurrentSpace - - Provides access to the current MVC classes as well as the Application and the HTTP Session
_ptUserSession - - Plumtree session object for the current user
_nCopiedFolderID - - ID of the folder being copied
_nTargetFolderID - - ID of the new folder
String - Error message if the action should not continue, empty string or null if it should.


java.lang.String OnBeforeCopyObject(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace,
                                    IPTSession _ptUserSession,
                                    int _nClassID,
                                    int _nObjectID,
                                    int _nFolderID)
This function will perform some functionality before an Object is copied from a folder to another.

_asCurrentSpace - - Provides access to the current MVC classes as well as the Application and the HTTP Session
_ptUserSession - - Plumtree session object for the current user
_nClassID - - The type of object being copied
_nObjectID - - The specific object being copied
_nFolderID - - The Folder for which the objects will be moving to.
String - Error message if the action should not continue, empty string or null if it should.


java.lang.String OnBeforeCreateABOJob(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace,
                                      IPTSession _ptUserSession,
                                      int _nClassID,
                                      int _nObjectID)
This function will perform some functionality before an ABO Job is created to delete an Object.

More info on ABO Jobs and when this PEI is called:
When the user deletes an Admin Folder (including Community folders), since this action might require a lot of processing time, he will have the choice between deleting the folder now or scheduling an ABO Job to do it later and minimize the impact on the Portal's performance. If he decides to do it now, the OnDeleteAdminFolder PEI is called, if he decides to have it done later by a Job, the OnBeforeCreateABOJob and OnAfterCreateABOJob PEIs are called.

_asCurrentSpace - - Provides access to the current MVC classes as well as the Application and the HTTP Session
_ptUserSession - - Plumtree session object for the current user
_nClassID - - Class ID of the Object that the Job will delete
_nObjectID - - ID of the Object that the Job will delete
String - Error message if the creation of the ABO Job should not continue, empty string or null if it should.


java.lang.String[] OnBeforeCreateAdminFolder(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace,
                                             IPTSession _ptUserSession,
                                             java.lang.String _strFolderName,
                                             java.lang.String _strFolderDesc)
This function will perform some functionality before the creation process of a Admin Folder

_asCurrentSpace - - Provides access to the current MVC classes as well as the Application and the HTTP Session
_ptUserSession - - Plumtree session object for the current user
_strFolderName - - The name for the specified Admin Folder
_strFolderDesc - - Description of the specified Admin Folder
String[] - String array containing new versions of the name and description. Name should be in the 0 position and Desc should be in the 1 position of the array. If nulls are returned for either or both positions, then the original values will take precedence.


java.lang.String OnBeforeDeleteAdminFolder(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace,
                                           IPTSession _ptUserSession,
                                           int _nFolderID)
This function will perform some functionality before the deletion process of a Admin Folder.

_asCurrentSpace - - Provides access to the current MVC classes as well as the Application and the HTTP Session
_ptUserSession - - Plumtree session object for the current user
_nFolderID - - The specific admin folder being deleted
String - Error message if the deletion should not continue, empty string or null if it should.


java.lang.String OnBeforeDeleteObject(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace,
                                      IPTSession _ptUserSession,
                                      int _nClassID,
                                      int _nObjectID)
This function will perform some functionality before the deletion process of a set of objects.

_asCurrentSpace - - Provides access to the current MVC classes as well as the Application and the HTTP Session
_ptUserSession - - Plumtree session object for the current user
_nClassID - - The type of object being deleted
_nObjectID - - The specific object being deleted
String - Error message if the deletion should not continue, empty string or null if it should.


java.lang.String OnBeforeMigrateObject(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace,
                                       IPTSession _ptUserSession,
                                       int _nClassID,
                                       int[] _arrObjectIDs)
This function will perform some functionality during the Migration process of a set of objects.

_asCurrentSpace - - Provides access to the current MVC classes as well as the Application and the HTTP Session
_ptUserSession - - Plumtree session object for the current user
_nClassID - - The type of object being migrated
_arrObjectIDs - - The specific set of objects being migrated.
String - Error message if the migration should not continue, empty string or null if it should.


java.lang.String OnBeforeMoveObject(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace,
                                    IPTSession _ptUserSession,
                                    int _nClassID,
                                    int _nObjectID,
                                    int _nFolderID)
This function will perform some functionality or validation before the move process of a object.

_asCurrentSpace - - Provides access to the current MVC classes as well as the Application and the HTTP Session
_ptUserSession - - Plumtree session object for the current user
_nClassID - - The type of object being moved.
_nObjectID - - The specific objects being moved
_nFolderID - - The Folder for which the objects will be moving to.
String - Error message if the move should not continue, empty string or null if it should.

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