Class PTDocTypes

  extended by com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.classtypedescriptors.APTClassTypeDesc
      extended by com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.classtypedescriptors.APTNonExtClassTypeDesc
          extended by com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.classtypedescriptors.classtypes.PTDocTypes
All Implemented Interfaces:
IPTClassTypeDesc, IClassTypeDesc

public class PTDocTypes
extends APTNonExtClassTypeDesc

Common Opener Mode Description: 1) Create - Doc type editor in create mode (APTNonExtClassTypeDesc). 2) Edit - Doc type editor in edit mode (APTNonExtClassTypeDesc). 3) View - Redirect to Edit (APTClassTypeDesc). 4) Meta - View object properties page (APTClassTypeDesc).

John Osborne

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.classtypedescriptors.APTClassTypeDesc
hasObjectLockManager, objectLockManagerMsgFileName, objectLockManagerMsgID
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean AppearsInMainCreateNewClassMenu()
          Returns a boolean that tells the client if this class type should appear in the main create new object menu.
 java.lang.String GetASNameForEditor()
          Returns the name of the Activity Space that is used to edit this class type.
 int GetClassID()
          Returns the class ID of the class type.
 java.lang.String GetClassTypeLocalizedName(java.lang.String _strLangID)
          Returns the localized name for the class type.
 int GetCreateActivityID()
          This method returns the Activity Rights ID that the user needs to have in order to have access to make changes to this class type.
 HTMLImg GetDefaultIcon()
          Returns the default icon for items of this class type.
 int[] GetRelatedClassTypeIDs()
          This method lets you associate the class ID for this PTClassType with other class IDs.
 boolean HasGlobalClassTypeMap()
          Returns a boolean that tells the client if this class type is on the global class type map.
Methods inherited from class com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.classtypedescriptors.APTNonExtClassTypeDesc
GetRedirectCreateNew, GetRedirectOpenObject, IsExtensible
Methods inherited from class com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.classtypedescriptors.APTClassTypeDesc
AppearsInGlobalObjPropMap, ConstructFriendlyURL, GetClassKey, GetClassType, GetDefaultOpenerMode, GetDependentClassTypeIDs, GetObjectLockManagerLocalizedName, GetRedirectSearchBrowse, GetRedirectSearchEdit, GetRedirectViewObject, GetRedirectViewObjectMetaData, HasCreateActivityRight, HasObjectLockManager
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PTDocTypes()
Method Detail


public boolean AppearsInMainCreateNewClassMenu()
Description copied from interface: IPTClassTypeDesc
Returns a boolean that tells the client if this class type should appear in the main create new object menu.

Specified by:
AppearsInMainCreateNewClassMenu in interface IPTClassTypeDesc
Specified by:
AppearsInMainCreateNewClassMenu in class APTClassTypeDesc
A boolean that tells the client if this class type should appear in the main create new object menu.


public java.lang.String GetASNameForEditor()
Description copied from class: APTNonExtClassTypeDesc
Returns the name of the Activity Space that is used to edit this class type.

Specified by:
GetASNameForEditor in class APTNonExtClassTypeDesc
The name of the Activity Space that is used to edit this class type.


public int GetClassID()
Description copied from interface: IPTClassTypeDesc
Returns the class ID of the class type. Use the PT_CLASSIDS constant to determine/reference IDs.

Specified by:
GetClassID in interface IPTClassTypeDesc
Specified by:
GetClassID in class APTClassTypeDesc
The class ID of the class type.


public java.lang.String GetClassTypeLocalizedName(java.lang.String _strLangID)
Description copied from interface: IPTClassTypeDesc
Returns the localized name for the class type. For example, the name for users is "User" in English.

Specified by:
GetClassTypeLocalizedName in interface IPTClassTypeDesc
Specified by:
GetClassTypeLocalizedName in class APTClassTypeDesc
_strLangID - The language to retrieve the name for.
The localized name for the class type.


public int GetCreateActivityID()
Description copied from class: APTClassTypeDesc
This method returns the Activity Rights ID that the user needs to have in order to have access to make changes to this class type. Use the PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS constant to specify/compare rights.

Specified by:
GetCreateActivityID in class APTClassTypeDesc
The Activity Rights ID necessary for changes to this class type.


public HTMLImg GetDefaultIcon()
Description copied from interface: IPTClassTypeDesc
Returns the default icon for items of this class type.

Specified by:
GetDefaultIcon in interface IPTClassTypeDesc
Specified by:
GetDefaultIcon in class APTClassTypeDesc
The default icon for items of this class type.


public int[] GetRelatedClassTypeIDs()
Description copied from interface: IPTClassTypeDesc
This method lets you associate the class ID for this PTClassType with other class IDs. One application for this is at the end of the editor creation wizard, it provides shortcut links to create related objets. Return NULL if there are no related class types.

Specified by:
GetRelatedClassTypeIDs in interface IPTClassTypeDesc
Specified by:
GetRelatedClassTypeIDs in class APTClassTypeDesc
An array of related class IDs. May be NULL.


public boolean HasGlobalClassTypeMap()
Description copied from interface: IPTClassTypeDesc
Returns a boolean that tells the client if this class type is on the global class type map.

Specified by:
HasGlobalClassTypeMap in interface IPTClassTypeDesc
Specified by:
HasGlobalClassTypeMap in class APTClassTypeDesc
A boolean that tells the client if this class type is on the global class type map.

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