Package com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.condition

Class Summary
AConditionType Condition Type interface.
AGuestConditionType There are two things to consider before deciding whether to extend the AGuestConditionType or the ARegularConditionType: 1) Will conditions of this type be used to determine which subportal with a particular guest to use when there is no valid session available? The reason is that certain condition types does not make sense during the Guest/Login Phase.
ARegularConditionType There are two things to consider before deciding whether to extend the AGuestConditionType or the ARegularConditionType: 1) Will conditions of this type be used to determine which subportal with a particular guest to use when there is no valid session available? The reason is that certain condition types does not make sense during the Guest/Login Phase.
ValidationFailedException An Exception used by ConditionType objects.
XPLimitedRequest Wrapper class for the XPRequest in the openfoundation jar.

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