Class SearchFriendlyURLParser

  extended by com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.friendlyurl.FriendlyURLParser
      extended by com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.friendlyurl.SearchFriendlyURLParser
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SearchFriendlyURLParser
extends FriendlyURLParser

This class handles friendly url requests for Search in ALI Portal. Currently it only supports banner search.

Ravi Tunuguntla

Field Summary
static java.lang.String SEARCH_FRIENDLY_URL_KEYWORD
          The Search friendly URL keyword
static java.lang.String SEARCH_QS
          Friendly URL Search query string parameter name.
static java.lang.String SORT_QS
          Friendly URL Search sort string parameter name.
static java.lang.String TAG_SEARCH_QS
          Friendly URL Tag Search query string parameter name.
Fields inherited from class com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.friendlyurl.FriendlyURLParser
m_nChildId, m_nObjectId, m_strChildName, m_strClassId, m_strKeyword, m_strObjectName
Constructor Summary
SearchFriendlyURLParser(java.lang.String strKeyword, java.lang.String strClassId, XPStringTokenizer stURLTokens)
          Public constructor that is initialized to parse friendly URL with search keyword.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.friendlyurl.FriendlyURLParser
GetChildId, GetChildName, GetClassId, GetKeyword, GetObjectId, GetObjectName, SetClassId, URLDecode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String SEARCH_QS
Friendly URL Search query string parameter name.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SORT_QS
Friendly URL Search sort string parameter name.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String TAG_SEARCH_QS
Friendly URL Tag Search query string parameter name.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SEARCH_FRIENDLY_URL_KEYWORD
The Search friendly URL keyword

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public SearchFriendlyURLParser(java.lang.String strKeyword,
                               java.lang.String strClassId,
                               XPStringTokenizer stURLTokens)
Public constructor that is initialized to parse friendly URL with search keyword.

strKeyword - This is friendly URL for search keyword defined in friendlyURLs.xml
strClassId - This is the classid of friendly URL for search defined in FriendlyURLs.xml and FriendlyURLConstants.
stURLTokens - The tokens here are resource type, resource name to identify in which resource the search has to take place. This is to support rest style url syntax. if no resources are defined in url searching will be done in all the resources.

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