Interface ITaggingModel

All Known Implementing Classes:
DirModel, SearchResultModel

public interface ITaggingModel

This Interface Provides Methods to Handle getting, Adding/Removing Tags from Pathways

Ravi Tunuguntla

Method Summary
 void AddRemoveObjectTag(java.lang.String tag, java.lang.String id, int action, java.lang.String ptsource)
          Adds/Removes Tag specified for the Object with given ID based on Action specified.
 IXPList GetObjectTags(int id)
          Gets the List of Tags of that are attached to this Object by pathways.
 XPException GetPathwaysTaggingError()
          This method returns an error that happened when Add/Remove/Rename Tag request is sent to pathways.
 boolean IsTaggingEnabled()
          True if Pathways is enabled and user can tag items, else false.
 void RenameObjectTag(java.lang.String tag, java.lang.String id, java.lang.String ptsource, java.lang.String renamtTag)
          Renames Tag specified for the Object with given ID.
 void SetPathwaysTaggingError(XPException e)
          This method sets error that happened when tagging request is sent to pathways.

Method Detail


IXPList GetObjectTags(int id)
Gets the List of Tags of that are attached to this Object by pathways.

id - Object Id
List of Tags added to This Object


void AddRemoveObjectTag(java.lang.String tag,
                        java.lang.String id,
                        int action,
                        java.lang.String ptsource)
                        throws XPIllegalStateException
Adds/Removes Tag specified for the Object with given ID based on Action specified.

tag - Name of the Tag that needs to be Added or Removed
id - Concatenation of classid and Object Id PTCLASSID_PTOJECTID
action - Operation to perform on the Tag, 0 = Add, 1 = Delete, 2 = Edit (delete old tag and add new tag)
ptsource - source of the Object to be specified for Pathways it can be PTPORTAL or PTCOLLAB, for more sources see PathwaysConstants.
XPIllegalStateException - Throws this exception if pathways is unavailable and a request to Add/Remove Tags is sent.


void RenameObjectTag(java.lang.String tag,
                     java.lang.String id,
                     java.lang.String ptsource,
                     java.lang.String renamtTag)
                     throws XPIllegalStateException
Renames Tag specified for the Object with given ID.

tag - the Source Tag Name to be used for renaming
id - Concatenation of classid and Object Id PTCLASSID_PTOJECTID
ptsource - source of the Object to be specified for Pathways it can be PTPORTAL or PTCOLLAB, for more sources see PathwaysConstants.
renameTag - the Target Tag Name to be used for renaming
XPIllegalStateException - Throws this exception if pathways is unavailable and a request to Add/Remove Tags is sent.


boolean IsTaggingEnabled()
True if Pathways is enabled and user can tag items, else false.



XPException GetPathwaysTaggingError()
This method returns an error that happened when Add/Remove/Rename Tag request is sent to pathways. This returns null if there is no error.

XPException that contains the error, if Tagging was success then it returns null.


void SetPathwaysTaggingError(XPException e)
This method sets error that happened when tagging request is sent to pathways.

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