
Class Summary
ArgumentBoundsException ArgumentBoundsException indicates that an argument to a get() accessor method was out of range, e.g.
CacheFlushedException CacheFlushedException indicates that a search session has been flushed from the ActivitySpace cache and could not be reconstructed from the arguments in the submitted URL
EmptyQueryException EmptyQueryException indicates that the user did not supply a query string
EndsInOperatorsException EndsInOperatorsException indicates that a query ends with ', and' or ', or', etc.
Error6321Exception Error6321Exception indicates that an exception occured for which there is no internationalized message.
InappropriateOperatorException InappropriateOperatorException indicates that the query could not be parsed; it started with something other than a NOT, search term, or left parenthesis
InsufficientWildcardCharactersException InsufficientWildcardCharactersException indicates that the user did not supply a query string
InvalidArgumentException InvalidArgumentException indicates that a method on ISearchResultModel was passed an invalid argument.
InvalidStateException InvalidStateException indicates that a method on ISearchResultModel was called with a key, but the key was not found in the SearchResultModel cache.
NoSearchServerException NoSearchServerException indicates that the search server could not be contacted
NotAdvancedSearchException NotAdvancedSearchException indicates that one of the get() accessor methods that applies only to advanced search was called following a basic search
NotInitializedException NotInitializedException indicates that one of the get() accessor methods was called on a search result before any search was run.
PartialQueryWarning WildcardExpansionWarning indicates that the user's query expanded out to too many terms.
QueryParseException QueryParseException usually indicates that a date or numeric property had an invalid format
QueryTimeoutWarning QueryTimeoutWarning indicates that the user's query took too long and was truncated with an incomplete result set.
SearchSaveFailed SearchSaveFailed indicates that we could not save a search
SocketTimeoutException SocketTimeoutException indicates that the connection to the Search Server timed out.
TooManyRightParensException TooManyRightParensException
TwoOperatorsException TwoOperatorsException usually indicates that a property contains ', and' or ', or'
WildcardExpansionWarning WildcardExpansionWarning indicates that the user's query expanded out to too many terms.

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