Class ATag

  extended by com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.tags.helper.ATagInfrastructure
      extended by com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.tags.ATag
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ATag
extends ATagInfrastructure

This is the base class that developers will use to write their own custom tags.

In order to implement a Tag, developers need to follow the steps below:

  1. Implement the DisplayTag() abstract method. If you want this tag to display the HTML and tags inside the tag, you must call ProcessTagBody() and return the resulting HTML.
  2. Implement the Create() abstract method to return a new instance of this Tag.
  3. Create exactly one public static final ITagMetaData member variable that provides the name and description of the Tag and initialize it in the static initializer.

    E.G. <pt:thistag/> would need
    public static final ITagMetaData TAG;
    static ThisTag() (or just static in c#)
    TAG = new TagMetaData("thistag", "This tag displays some HTML ...");

    Note that the TagMetaData class automatically converts the tag name to lowercase, which means that all references to the tag in HTML need to use the lowercase name.

  4. Create one public static final RequiredTagAttribute or OptionalTagAttribute member variable for every attribute that this tag supports and initialize them in the static initializer.

    E.G. <pt:thistag pt:firstattribute="foo" pt:secondattribute="bar"/> would need
    public static final RequiredTagAttribute FIRST_ATTRIBUTE;
    public static final OptionalTagAttribute SECOND_ATTRIBUTE;
    static ThisTag() (or just static in c#)
    FIRST_ATTRIBUTE = new RequiredTagAttribute( "firstattribute", "This attribute is used to ...");
    SECOND_ATTRIBUTE = new OptionalTagAttribute( "secondattribute", "This optional attribute is used to ...", AttributeType.STRING, "default value");

The ITagMetaData, RequiredTagAttribute, and OptionalTagAttribute objects are used for programmatic access to tag meta data, as well as to pre-process tag attributes (presence, correct type, and default values). If the required attributes are not correct, an error will be logged and the tag and its children will be skipped and not displayed. An HTML Comment describing the tag and error will be displayed instead.

A description of the valid formats for attributes can be found in the AttributeType class.

Optionally, a Tag developer can also:

  1. Override the DisplaySharedJavascript() method to include javascript once per page, rather than once per tag.
  2. Override the GetTagType() method to show that this tag is a different type of tag; e.g. LOOPING or NO_BODY.
  3. Override the SupportsAccessStyle() method to display this tag in non-standard access styles, such as 508 compliant. If a tag does not use javascript, this method should be overridden to always return true so the tag can be used in 508 and low-bandwidth modes.
  4. Override the ReleaseTag() method to release data stored on the tag. All tags that store custom data as member variables should override this method.
  5. Create a public static final RequiredParentTag member variable to require that this tag be used inside a particular tag and initialize it in the static initializer. If there are multiple RequiredParentTag members, then at least one parent tag must be present in order for the tag to function (but not all parent tags are required to be present).
  6. Create one public static final RequiredChildTag member variable for every tag that is required to be used inside this tag and initialize it in the static initializer.
  7. Create one public static final RelatedChildTag member variable for every tag that is designed to be used inside this tag, but is not required to be used inside this tag. Initialize the member variable in the static initializer.
All public static final metadata objects should be initialized together in a single static initializer so that the order of initialization can be properly controlled.

The ITagMetaData TAG member variable needs to be initialized first since it can be used in other tags (i.e. as a RequiredParentTag) that are referenced by member variables of this tag (i.e. as a RelatedChildTag). This is necessary for tags that have circular references such as a parent / child tag relationship.

The ATag methods are grouped into several different categories of methods.

Thread Safety

Each tag instance is guaranteed to be accessed by only a single thread at a time. However, there may be multiple threads accessing different instances of the same tag class at the same time, either from the same user or a different user. This means that any static fields will need to be accessed using synchronized methods. It is a best practice not to use static fields for data storage in tags.

Since there can be multiple instances of the same tag running at the same time, state variables set in shared Scopes (E.G. Scope.SESSION, Scope.PERSISTENT_SESSION, and Scope.APPLICATION) may change values during the execution of a single tag.

See Also:
AttributeType, ITagMetaData, TagMetaData, RequiredTagAttribute, OptionalTagAttribute, RequiredParentTag, RequiredChildTag, RelatedChildTag, ITagState

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void AddJavascript(HTMLScriptCollection _script)
          This method is used to add JavaScript for this tag.
abstract  ATag Create()
          This method is used to create new instance of managed (i.e.
 HTMLScriptCollection DisplaySharedJavascript()
          This method is used to display JavaScript that only needs to included on a page once, regardless of how many times a particular tag is used on that page (such as including JavaScript files).
abstract  HTMLElement DisplayTag()
          This is the main display method of the Tag.
static java.lang.String EncodeForTagDoc(java.lang.String tagdocString)
          Helper function to format a string with HTML, tags to properly display in Tag Docs.
 java.lang.Object GetAnyStateVariable(java.lang.String _strKey)
          Gets a variable from memory from all scopes.
 IEnvironment GetEnvironment()
          Gets the environment for the current tag and request.
 ITagState GetState()
          Gets the variable state helper object.
 java.lang.Object GetStateSharedVariable(java.lang.String _strKey, Scope _scope)
          Gets a shared variable from memory in the appropriate scope.
 java.lang.Object GetStateVariable(java.lang.String _strKey, Scope _scope)
          Gets a variable from memory in the appropriate scope.
 java.lang.String GetTagAttribute(java.lang.String _strAttribute)
          This method gets the value of the requested pt attribute.
 boolean GetTagAttributeAsBoolean(ATagAttribute _attribute)
          This method gets the requested attribute if it was present in the tag.
 char GetTagAttributeAsChar(ATagAttribute _attribute)
          This method gets the requested attribute if it was present in the tag.
 double GetTagAttributeAsDouble(ATagAttribute _attribute)
          This method gets the requested attribute if it was present in the tag.
 int GetTagAttributeAsInt(ATagAttribute _attribute)
          This method gets the requested attribute if it was present in the tag.
 long GetTagAttributeAsLong(ATagAttribute _attribute)
          This method gets the requested attribute if it was present in the tag.
 Scope GetTagAttributeAsScope(ATagAttribute _attribute)
          This method gets the requested attribute if it was present in the tag.
 java.lang.String GetTagAttributeAsString(ATagAttribute _attribute)
          This method gets the requested attribute if it was present in the tag.
 java.lang.Object GetTagAttributeAsTagVariable(ATagAttribute _attribute, Scope scope)
          This method gets the requested attribute if it was present in the tag.
 IXPEnumerator GetTagAttributeNames()
          Gets an enumeration of the names of all the pt attributes in this tag.
 TagType GetTagType()
          This method describes what kind of tag this is.
 java.lang.String GetUniqueID()
          Gets a unique ID for this instance of this tag.
 java.lang.String GetXMLTagAttribute(java.lang.String _strAttribute)
          This method gets the value of the requested non-pt attribute.
 IXPEnumerator GetXMLTagAttributeNames()
          Gets an enumeration of the names of all the non-pt attributes in this tag.
 java.lang.String GetXMLTagAttributesAsString()
          Calculates a string containing all of the non-pt attributes that can be inserted inside an XML tag to add all of the attributes to the tag.
 boolean HasChildTag(ITagMetaData _childTag)
          Check whether or not a particular Transformer Tag is nested inside the current Tag.
 boolean HasParentTag(ITagMetaData _parentTag)
          Check whether or not the current Tag is nested inside a given parent Tag.
 boolean HasTagAttribute(ATagAttribute _attribute)
          Check to see whether or not a specified attribute is present in the HTML for this tag.
 boolean HasXMLTagAttribute(java.lang.String _strAttribute)
          Check to see whether or not a specified non-pt attribute is present in the HTML for this tag.
 HTMLElement ProcessTagBody()
          This method displays the HTML and Transformer Tags that are inside this tag.
 void ReleaseTag()
          This method releases all data stored in this tag to prevent excess memory retention and to prepare the tag for reuse.
 void SetStateSharedVariable(java.lang.String _strKey, java.lang.Object _oValue, Scope _scope, boolean bOwnerEditOnly)
          Sets a variable in memory in the appropriate scope.
 void SetStateVariable(java.lang.String _strKey, java.lang.Object _oValue, Scope _scope)
          Sets a variable in memory in the appropriate scope.
 boolean SupportsAccessStyle(AccessStyles _style)
          This method is used to verify whether or not this tag supports the passed in access style.
Methods inherited from class com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.tags.helper.ATagInfrastructure
GetName, GetTagHelper, GetTagMetaDataHelper, InitForDisplay, Release, SetTagMetaDataHelper
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ATag()
Method Detail


public abstract HTMLElement DisplayTag()
This is the main display method of the Tag. This method is responsible for displaying all of the tag specific HTML, as well as displaying the inner HTML of the tag.

E.G. <pt:thistag><span><pt:innertag/></span></pt:thistag> This method is responsible for displaying the thistag UI and displaying the inner HTML (<span><pt:innertag/></span>) by calling ProcessTagBody and including the results in the HTMLElement returned by this method.

This method is also responsible for displaying any instances of JavaScript need by this tag through the AddJavascript method. The DisplaySharedJavascript method will be called automatically by the framework and does not need to be called by this method.

If there are errors in the tag and it cannot be displayed properly, the tag should throw an XPException with the error message, and the tag framework will log the error and add the message and stack trace to the HTML as an HTML comment. The message contents will be HTML encoded before being added to the comment.

Abstract Tag Method

HTMLElement The result of displaying this Tag and all the HTML and Transformer Tags within it. May be null.
XPException - if there are any errors in the tag.


public abstract ATag Create()
This method is used to create new instance of managed (i.e. dynamically discovered) tags.

Tag methods will not be functional during execution of this method (E.G. tag.SetStateVariable, etc... will not work).

ATag A new instance of the tag class (e.g. return new FooTag();).


public HTMLScriptCollection DisplaySharedJavascript()
This method is used to display JavaScript that only needs to included on a page once, regardless of how many times a particular tag is used on that page (such as including JavaScript files).

Tags that need to include javascript once per page should override this method and include the javascript here.

This method is called automatically by the framework and does not need to be called in the DisplayTag() method.

This method will not be called in Section 508 compliance mode, as 508 screen readers do not allow JavaScript.

If there are errors in the tag and the JavaScript cannot be displayed properly, the tag should throw an XPException with the error message, and the tag framework will log the error and add the message and stack trace to the HTML as an HTML comment. The message contents will be HTML encoded before being added to the comment.

Default Tag Method

HTMLScriptCollection The JavaScript to be displayed. May be null.


public TagType GetTagType()
This method describes what kind of tag this is. The default is a simple tag (i.e. displays some HTML, displays the body, and then displays some more HTML). Tags that display the tag body more than once (e.g. looping tags) should override this method and return TagType.LOOPING. Tags that will never display the tag body should override this method and return TagType.NO_BODY to allow for performance optimizations.

The TagType data is used for performance optimizations.

Default Tag Method

TagType The type of this tag


public boolean SupportsAccessStyle(AccessStyles _style)
This method is used to verify whether or not this tag supports the passed in access style.
By default we only support the standard access style. To support 508 access, the tag must be certified as not containing any javascript (onClick, etc...)
If a tag does not support the current access style, an HTML comment saying that will be displayed in its place.

Default Tag Method

_style - The access style to check.
boolean True implies the passed in access style is supported.


public void ReleaseTag()
This method releases all data stored in this tag to prevent excess memory retention and to prepare the tag for reuse. This method should return the tag to the state it was in immediately after the Create() method was called. After this method is called, the tag should be able to be re-initialized and used again.

All tags that store custom data as member variables should override this method and release the data here. If a tag does not store custom data as member variables, then there is no need to override this method.

Tag methods will not be functional during execution of this method (E.G. tag.GetEnvironment, etc... will not work). Default Tag Method

Specified by:
ReleaseTag in class ATagInfrastructure


public IEnvironment GetEnvironment()
Gets the environment for the current tag and request.

Tag Utility Method

IEnvironment The current environment


public ITagState GetState()
Gets the variable state helper object. This object allows you to get and set variables for various contexts (session, request, tag, etc...).

Tag Utility Method

ITagState The tag state helper object


public HTMLElement ProcessTagBody()
This method displays the HTML and Transformer Tags that are inside this tag.

This method may be called zero times, once, or multiple times during the lifecycle of a tag. Tags that call this method multiple times should return TagType.LOOPING from the GetTagType method. Tags that never call this method should return TagType.NO_BODY from the GetTagType method.

Tag Utility Method

HTMLElement The result of displaying the HTML and Transformer Tags inside this tag.
XPException - if tags of type NO_BODY call this method.


public void AddJavascript(HTMLScriptCollection _script)
This method is used to add JavaScript for this tag.

This method should not be used for common JavaScript for a tag (such as JavaScript includes) that only needs to be displayed once per page, regardless of how many instances of this tag there are on the page. DisplaySharedJavaScript() should be used instead.

JavaScript added using this method will not be displayed in Section 508 compliance mode, as 508 screen readers do not allow JavaScript.

Tag Utility Method

HTMLScriptCollection - _script The JavaScript to be displayed


public boolean HasParentTag(ITagMetaData _parentTag)
Check whether or not the current Tag is nested inside a given parent Tag. The parent tag must be in the same library as the current tag.

E.G. <pt:parenttag><pt:thistag/></pt:parenttag> would return true for "parenttag".

Tag Utility Method

ITagMetaData - _parentTag The Tag Meta Data of the requested parent tag
boolean True implies that the parent tag was found.


public boolean HasChildTag(ITagMetaData _childTag)
Check whether or not a particular Transformer Tag is nested inside the current Tag. The child tag must be in the same library as the current tag.

E.G. <pt:thistag><span><pt:firstchildtag><pt:subsubchildtag/></pt:firstchildtag> <pt:secondchildtag/><span></pt:thistag> would return true for "firstchildtag", "secondchildtag", and "subsubchildtag", but not "span", since it is an HTML Tag, not a Transformer Tag.

Tag Utility Method

ITagMetaData - _childTag A Tag Meta Data objects of the requested child tag
boolean True implies that the child tag was found.


public java.lang.String GetUniqueID()
Gets a unique ID for this instance of this tag.

This ID is unique across all tags on all portlets on a given page.

This ID cannot be re-used across multiple pages and needs to be regenerated.

Tag Utility Method

String A unique ID for this instance of this tag.


public void SetStateVariable(java.lang.String _strKey,
                             java.lang.Object _oValue,
                             Scope _scope)
Sets a variable in memory in the appropriate scope.

The scope determines who can see this variable and how long it stays in memory.

For instance, a variable stored in Tag Scope can only be seen by children of the current tag and will be removed from memory when the tag is finished.

A variable stored in Portlet Request Scope will be visible to all tags in the same portlet as the current tag, and will be removed from memory when the portlet is finished displaying. Tags in other portlets on the same page will not be able to see the variable.

Standard variables (as opposed to shared variables) can only be accessed by tags from the same tag library as the tag that originally stored the variable.

Note: Displaying an HTMLElement in a tag and then caching it so that another tag can add more HTML to the original tag later is not supported. HTMLElement trees can be generated and stored for later use, as long as they are self-contained trees and used in a read only way. It is safest to make clones of a cached HTMLElement tree before trying to display it again to make sure there are no threading problems.

Tag State Variable Method

String - _strKey The key used to store the data. The key cannot contain the reserved character '.'.
Object - _oValue The data to be stored. Note: setting the value to null is the same as never having set the variable.
Scope - _scope The scope to store the data in
XPIllegalArgumentException - if the key is null or contains the reserved character '.', or if the scope is null or unknown.


public void SetStateSharedVariable(java.lang.String _strKey,
                                   java.lang.Object _oValue,
                                   Scope _scope,
                                   boolean bOwnerEditOnly)
Sets a variable in memory in the appropriate scope.

The scope determines who can see this variable and how long it stays in memory.

For instance, a variable stored in Tag Scope can only be seen by children of the current tag and will be removed from memory when the tag is finished.

A variable stored in Portlet Request Scope will be visible to all tags in the same portlet as the current tag, and will be removed from memory when the portlet is finished displaying. Tags in other portlets on the same page will not be able to see the variable.

Shared variables (as opposed to standard variables) can be accessed by tags from any library. If bOwnerEditOnly is set to true when a shared variable is first stored, then any tag can read the variable, but only tags from the same library as the tag that originally stored the variable can edit it (and replace the value in memory).

Note: Displaying an HTMLElement in a tag and then caching it so that another tag can add more HTML to the original tag later is not supported. HTMLElement trees can be generated and stored for later use, as long as they are self-contained trees and used in a read only way. It is safest to make clones of a cached HTMLElement tree before trying to display it again to make sure there are no threading problems.

Tag State Variable Method

String - _strKey The key used to store the data. The key cannot contain the reserved character '.'.
Object - _oValue The data to be stored. Note: setting the value to null is the same as never having set the variable.
Scope - _scope The scope to store the data in.
bOwnerEditOnly - True implies that only tags from the same tag library should be able to store the value for this tag. If this variable has already been saved, then the original bOwnerEditOnly value will be retained and this argument will be ignored.
XPIllegalArgumentException - if the key is null or contains the reserved character '.', or if the scope is null or unknown.
XPIllegalAccessException - if the variable is being set by a tag from a different library than the original tag that stored the variable with bOwnerEditOnly set to true.


public java.lang.Object GetStateVariable(java.lang.String _strKey,
                                         Scope _scope)
Gets a variable from memory in the appropriate scope.

The scope determines who can see this variable and how long it stays in memory.

For instance, a variable can only be retrieved from Tag Scope if a tag that includes the current tag added the variable to Tag Scope.

A variable can only be retrieved from Portlet Request Scope if another tag in the portlet stored the variable in memory.

Standard variables (as opposed to shared variables) can only be accessed by tags from the same tag library as the tag that originally stored the variable.

Note: Retrieving an HTMLElement from memory that has already been displayed in another tag and then adding more HTML to the original tag is not supported. HTMLElement trees can be retrieved from memory and re-used, as long as they are not modified. The safest way to do this is to make a clone of the cached HTMLElement tree before trying to display it again to make sure there are no threading problems.

Tag State Variable Method

String - _strKey The key used to store the data. The key cannot contain the reserved character '.'.
Scope - _scope The scope used to store the data.
Object The requested data. Null if the variable has never been set.
XPIllegalArgumentException - if the key is null or contains the reserved character '.', or if the scope is null or unknown.


public java.lang.Object GetAnyStateVariable(java.lang.String _strKey)
Gets a variable from memory from all scopes.

The scope determines who can see this variable and how long it stays in memory.

For instance, a variable can only be retrieved from Tag Scope if a tag that includes the current tag added the variable to Tag Scope.

A variable can only be retrieved from Portlet Request Scope if another tag in the portlet stored the variable in memory.

Standard variables (as opposed to shared variables) can only be accessed by tags from the same tag library as the tag that originally stored the variable.

This method will first look for standard variables, and if not found will then look for shared variables.

Note: Retrieving an HTMLElement from memory that has already been displayed in another tag and then adding more HTML to the original tag is not supported. HTMLElement trees can be retrieved from memory and re-used, as long as they are not modified. The safest way to do this is to make a clone of the cached HTMLElement tree before trying to display it again to make sure there are no threading problems.

Tag State Variable Method

String - _strKey The key used to store the data.
Object The requested data. Null if the variable has never been set.
XPIllegalArgumentException - if the key is null.


public java.lang.Object GetStateSharedVariable(java.lang.String _strKey,
                                               Scope _scope)
Gets a shared variable from memory in the appropriate scope.

The scope determines who can see this variable and how long it stays in memory.

For instance, a variable can only be retrieved from Tag Scope if a tag that includes the current tag added the variable to Tag Scope.

A variable can only be retrieved from Portlet Request Scope if another tag in the portlet stored the variable in memory.

Shared variables can be accessed by tags from any tag library (as opposed to standard variables, which can only be accessed by tags from the same tag library).

Note: Retrieving an HTMLElement from memory that has already been displayed in another tag and then adding more HTML to the original tag is not supported. HTMLElement trees can be retrieved from memory and re-used, as long as they are not modified. The safest way to do this is to make a clone of the cached HTMLElement tree before trying to display it again to make sure there are no threading problems.

Tag State Variable Method

String - _strKey The key used to store the data. The key cannot contain the reserved character '.'.
Scope - _scope The scope used to store the data.
Object The requested data. Null if the variable has never been set.
XPIllegalArgumentException - if the key is null or contains the reserved character '.', or if the scope is null or unknown.


public java.lang.Object GetTagAttributeAsTagVariable(ATagAttribute _attribute,
                                                     Scope scope)
This method gets the requested attribute if it was present in the tag. Otherwise it returns the default value for the attribute, if there is one.

This is a helper method to get retrieve tag variable from tag variable id

PT Tag Attribute Method

ATagAttribute - The requested attribute.
Scope - The scope to retrieve the tag variable from
Value of the tag attribute or the default value if none was found.


public Scope GetTagAttributeAsScope(ATagAttribute _attribute)
This method gets the requested attribute if it was present in the tag. Otherwise it returns the default value for the attribute, if there is one.

This is a helper method to get retrieve the Scope object from a attribute that takes a scope name

PT Tag Attribute Method

ATagAttribute - The requested attribute.
Value of the tag attribute or the default value if none was found.


public java.lang.String GetTagAttributeAsString(ATagAttribute _attribute)
This method gets the requested attribute if it was present in the tag. Otherwise it returns the default value for the attribute, if there is one.

E.G. <pt:tag pt:ptattr="test" width="10"/> would get the ptattr attribute, but not the width attribute.

A description of the valid formats for attributes can be found in the AttributeType class.

PT Tag Attribute Method

ATagAttribute - The requested attribute.
String The value of the attribute.
See Also:


public int GetTagAttributeAsInt(ATagAttribute _attribute)
This method gets the requested attribute if it was present in the tag. Otherwise it returns the default value for the attribute.

E.G. <pt:tag pt:ptattr="12" width="10"/> would get the ptattr attribute, but not the width attribute.

A description of the valid formats for attributes can be found in the AttributeType class.

PT Tag Attribute Method

ATagAttribute - The requested attribute
int The value of the attribute.
XPFormatException - if the attribute value cannot be converted to an int
See Also:


public boolean GetTagAttributeAsBoolean(ATagAttribute _attribute)
This method gets the requested attribute if it was present in the tag. Otherwise it returns the default value for the attribute.

E.G. <pt:tag pt:ptattr="false" width="10"/> would get the ptattr attribute, but not the width attribute.

A description of the valid formats for attributes can be found in the AttributeType class.

PT Tag Attribute Method

ATagAttribute - The requested attribute
boolean The value of the attribute.
XPFormatException - if the attribute value cannot be converted to a boolean
See Also:


public char GetTagAttributeAsChar(ATagAttribute _attribute)
This method gets the requested attribute if it was present in the tag. Otherwise it returns the default value for the attribute.

E.G. <pt:tag pt:ptattr="t" width="10"/> would get the ptattr attribute, but not the width attribute.

A description of the valid formats for attributes can be found in the AttributeType class.

PT Tag Attribute Method

ATagAttribute - The requested attribute
char The value of the attribute.
XPFormatException - if the attribute value cannot be converted to a char
See Also:


public double GetTagAttributeAsDouble(ATagAttribute _attribute)
This method gets the requested attribute if it was present in the tag. Otherwise it returns the default value for the attribute.

E.G. <pt:tag pt:ptattr="1.5" width="10"/> would get the ptattr attribute, but not the width attribute.

A description of the valid formats for attributes can be found in the AttributeType class.

PT Tag Attribute Method

ATagAttribute - The requested attribute
double The value of the attribute.
XPFormatException - if the attribute value cannot be converted to a double
See Also:


public long GetTagAttributeAsLong(ATagAttribute _attribute)
This method gets the requested attribute if it was present in the tag. Otherwise it returns the default value for the attribute.

E.G. <pt:tag pt:ptattr="100" width="10"/> would get the ptattr attribute, but not the width attribute.

A description of the valid formats for attributes can be found in the AttributeType class.

PT Tag Attribute Method

ATagAttribute - The requested attribute
long The value of the attribute.
XPFormatException - if the attribute value cannot be converted to a long
See Also:


public boolean HasTagAttribute(ATagAttribute _attribute)
Check to see whether or not a specified attribute is present in the HTML for this tag. This will always return true for required tags.

E.G. <pt:tag pt:ptattr="test" width="10"/> would return true for ptattr, but not for width.

Note: Even though the tag may be present, it may produce an error when trying to process the tag.

PT Tag Attribute Method

_attribute - ATagAttribute The attribute to check
boolean True if the attribute is present in the HTML


public IXPEnumerator GetTagAttributeNames()
Gets an enumeration of the names of all the pt attributes in this tag.

E.G. <pt:tag pt:ptattr="test" width="10"/> would return the ptattr attribute, but not the width attribute.

PT attributes are designed to specify the logic of the tag, while non-pt attributes specify the behavior of the resulting HTML tag.

In general, PT Attributes should have a corresponding ATagAttribute class and should be retrieved using the GetTagAttributeAs* methods. These methods handle default attribute values and attribute type conversion.

This method is present for backwards compatibility with the standard Transformer tags and should not be used if at all possible.

PT Tag Attribute Method

IXPEnumerator All of the pt attribute names of this tag


public java.lang.String GetTagAttribute(java.lang.String _strAttribute)
This method gets the value of the requested pt attribute.

E.G. <pt:tag pt:ptattr="test" width="10"/> would get the ptattr attribute, but not the width attribute.

PT attributes are designed to specify the logic of the tag, while non-pt attributes specify the behavior of the resulting HTML tag.

In general, PT Attributes should have a corresponding ATagAttribute class and should be retrieved using the GetTagAttributeAs* methods. These methods handle default attribute values and attribute type conversion.

This method does not handle default attribute values if the attribute is not present, or if there is an error processing the attribute.

This method is present for backwards compatibility with the standard Transformer tags and should not be used if at all possible.

PT Tag Attribute Method

_strAttribute - The requested attribute name
The value of the requested attribute, or null if it is not present in the tag or there was an error processing the attribute.


public java.lang.String GetXMLTagAttribute(java.lang.String _strAttribute)
This method gets the value of the requested non-pt attribute.

E.G. <pt:tag pt:ptattr="test" width="10"/> would get the width attribute, but not the ptattr attribute.

XML attributes are designed to let a web designer specify standard HTML attributes for a tag without the tag author having to handle them individually. PT attributes specify the logic of the tag, while non-pt attributes specify the behavior of the resulting HTML tag.

This is only appropriate for tags that output a simple HTML tag.

This method does not handle default attribute values.

XML Tag Attribute Method

_strAttribute - The requested attribute name
The value of the requested attribute, or null if it is not present in the tag. The empty string can be returned for various reasons, including if there was an error processing the attribute.


public boolean HasXMLTagAttribute(java.lang.String _strAttribute)
Check to see whether or not a specified non-pt attribute is present in the HTML for this tag. This will always return true for required tags.

E.G. <pt:tag pt:ptattr="test" width="10"/> would return true for the width attribute, but not for the ptattr attribute.

XML attributes are designed to let a web designer specify standard HTML attributes for a tag without the tag author having to handle them individually. PT attributes specify the logic of the tag, while non-pt attributes specify the behavior of the resulting HTML tag.

This is only appropriate for tags that output a simple HTML tag.

Note: Even though the tag may be present, it may produce an error when trying to process the tag.

XML Tag Attribute Method

String - _strAttribute The name of the non-pt attribute to check
boolean True if the attribute is present in the HTML


public IXPEnumerator GetXMLTagAttributeNames()
Gets an enumeration of the names of all the non-pt attributes in this tag.

E.G. <pt:tag pt:ptattr="test" width="10"/> would return the width attribute, but not the ptattr attribute.

XML attributes are designed to let a web designer specify standard HTML attributes for a tag without the tag author having to handle them individually. PT attributes specify the logic of the tag, while non-pt attributes specify the behavior of the resulting HTML tag.

XML Tag Attribute Method

This is only appropriate for tags that output a simple HTML tag.

IXPEnumerator All of the non-pt attribute names of this tag


public java.lang.String GetXMLTagAttributesAsString()
Calculates a string containing all of the non-pt attributes that can be inserted inside an XML tag to add all of the attributes to the tag.

E.G. <pt:tag pt:ptattr="test" width="10" length="20"/> would return the following string: width="10" length="20"

XML attributes are designed to let a web designer specify standard HTML attributes for a tag without the tag author having to handle them individually. PT attributes specify the logic of the tag, while non-pt attributes specify the behavior of the resulting HTML tag.

XML Tag Attribute Method

This is only appropriate for tags that output a simple HTML tag.

String All of the non-pt attributes of this tag.


public static java.lang.String EncodeForTagDoc(java.lang.String tagdocString)
Helper function to format a string with HTML, tags to properly display in Tag Docs. The main use case is for example strings where any special HTML characters (<, >, &) need to be surrounded with CDATA tags and special XML characters encoded, in effect, double encode tags to display properly in the tag docs. To create a line-break in the tag docs, add the
tag in the string. Example: String s = "This is line 1
This is line 2"; To show code in a fixed width font in the tag docs, add the tag in the string. Example: String s = "Use the EncodeForTagDoc() call to encode your documentation"; Lists of items can be shown in the tag docs using the
  • tags. Example: String s = "The output contains 3 items:
    • One
    • Two, and
    • 3
    "; NOTE: This only encodes certain HTML elements (br, ul, li, and code), and only if they are lower case.

    tagdocString -
    The HTML string properly escaped for use in tag docs.

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