Interface IDisplayElement

All Known Implementing Classes:
CompositeDisplayElement, HTMLDisplayElement, TagDisplayElement

public interface IDisplayElement

This is the base class for the different kinds of display elements that are used when processing tags. This is a framework only class and should not be used by external developers.


Method Summary
 HTMLElement Display(TagVisitor _tagVisitor)
          Displays this element and it's child elements and returns the result.
 boolean HasChildElements(ITagMetaData[] _childTags, java.lang.Object[] _results, TagLibraryMetaData _library, int _nCurrentDepth)
          This method searches for child tags of the current tag and fills in the results array with an Object if the tag has been found.
 int HasParentElement(ITagMetaData _parentTag, TagLibraryMetaData _library)
          This method searches for a parent tag of the current tag.
 void Release()
          This method is called to release any data that needs special handling before being allowed to go out of scope.

Method Detail


HTMLElement Display(TagVisitor _tagVisitor)
Displays this element and it's child elements and returns the result.

_tagVisitor -
HTMLElement The result of displaying this element


void Release()
This method is called to release any data that needs special handling before being allowed to go out of scope.


boolean HasChildElements(ITagMetaData[] _childTags,
                         java.lang.Object[] _results,
                         TagLibraryMetaData _library,
                         int _nCurrentDepth)
This method searches for child tags of the current tag and fills in the results array with an Object if the tag has been found. This method will not work if _results is not an array of null objects of the same length as _childTags.

_childTags - An array of ITagMetaData objects for each child tag to search for.
_results - An array of null Objects. On execution, when a child tag is found, the location in the _results array that corresponds to the location of the tag in the _ChildTags array will be filled in with an Integer containing the positive depth of the child tag.
_library - The Tag Library of the tags to look for.
_nCurrentDepth - The depth of the current tag.
boolean implies that all of the Child Tags have been found.


int HasParentElement(ITagMetaData _parentTag,
                     TagLibraryMetaData _library)
This method searches for a parent tag of the current tag.

_ParentTag - The ITagMetaData of the tag to look for.
_library - The Tag Library of the tag to look for.
int 0 implies the parent tag was not found and a positive integer implies that the parent tag was found n levels above the current tag.

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