Interface IObjectTreeModel

All Superinterfaces:
IModelRO, IMVCObject, IObjectTreeModelRO, ITreeModelRO
All Known Implementing Classes:
AdminTreeModel, AObjectTreeModel, DirectoryTreeModel, TemplateTreeModel

public interface IObjectTreeModel
extends IObjectTreeModelRO

Don Hayler

Method Summary
 int GetFilterClassID()
          This method returns the class ID to be filtered.
 void ResetToBrowsingMode()
          This method resets the tree view to display the browsing tree rather than the search tree.
 void SelectNode(int nID, boolean bSelect)
          This method de/selects the specified tree node
 void SetAccessLevel(int nLevel)
          This method sets the access level that the user needs to have to view items in the tree (default is SELECT).
 void SetCommunityMode(int nMode, int nID)
          This method sets the community mode for this tree.
 void SetQueryFilter(int nClassID, int nPropID, int[] nValues)
          This method sets a filter on a specific class.
 void SetQueryFilter(int nClassID, int nPropID, java.lang.String[] sValues)
          This method sets a filter on a specific class.
 void SetRootFolderID(int nID)
          This method sets the root id for object type trees
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.tree.IObjectTreeModelRO
GetAccessLevel, GetDisplayedClassIDs, GetDisplayingSearchResults, GetFilterCLSID, GetFilterCLSIDPropID, GetFolderClassID, GetItemDisplayed, GetItemSelected, GetPortletAlignment, GetPortletType, GetPortletWebServiceID, GetSearchEnabled, GetSearchStarted, GetUserTypeFilter
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.tree.ITreeModelRO
GetActionSubTitle, GetAllChecked, GetAllowEmptySubmission, GetDisplayingFlatList, GetHelpEnabled, GetLastExpandedNodeID, GetMultipleSelect, GetOnClickFunction, GetParentFormName, GetParentFormSpaceID, GetParentFormSubmitFunction, GetRootTreeIterator, GetSelectedItems, GetSelectMode, GetSelectOptions, GetShowRoot, GetSubmitMode, GetTitle, GetTreeIsEmpty
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.activityspace.IMVCObject

Method Detail


void SetAccessLevel(int nLevel)
This method sets the access level that the user needs to have to view items in the tree (default is SELECT). This must be called before SetQueryFilter().

int - the instance of PT_ACCESS_LEVELS to use This should be either ADMIN, EDIT, SELECT, or READ otherwise it will log an error


void SetCommunityMode(int nMode,
                      int nID)
This method sets the community mode for this tree.

int - nMode the community mode
int - nID the community folder ID (for THISCOMMUNITY mode)
See Also:


void SetQueryFilter(int nClassID,
                    int nPropID,
                    int[] nValues)
This method sets a filter on a specific class. This is used for things like distinguishing gadgets from gadget templates (which share the same classID). Hiding objects should be done with the ClassIDsToHide QS argument. This can only be called for filtering on gadget alignments or widths. This will create a Query Filter as follows: [0][0] will be equal to nPropID [1][0] will be equal to PT_FILTEROPS.PT_FILTEROP_IN [2][0] will be equal to nValues Filters will only be applied to objects of type nClassID. This must be called after SetAccessLevel() and SetClassIDsToDisplay().

int - nClassID the classID of the class of objects to apply this filter to
Integer - the property ID to filter on
int[] - the values to filter with.


void SetQueryFilter(int nClassID,
                    int nPropID,
                    java.lang.String[] sValues)
This method sets a filter on a specific class. This is used for things like distinguishing gadgets from gadget templates (which share the same classID). Hiding objects should be done with the ClassIDsToHide QS argument. This can only be called for filtering on data source or web service provider clsids. This will create a Query Filter as follows: [0][0] will be equal to nPropID [1][0] will be equal to PT_FILTEROPS.PT_FILTEROP_IN [2][0] will be equal to nValues Filters will only be applied to objects of type nClassID. This must be called after SetAccessLevel() and SetClassIDsToDisplay().

int - nClassID the classID of the class of objects to apply this filter to
Integer - the property ID to filter on
String[] - the values to filter with.


void SelectNode(int nID,
                boolean bSelect)
This method de/selects the specified tree node

nID - The ID of the node to de/select
bSelect - true implies select, false deselect


void ResetToBrowsingMode()
This method resets the tree view to display the browsing tree rather than the search tree.


void SetRootFolderID(int nID)
This method sets the root id for object type trees

nID - The ID of the root folder/catalog/etc...


int GetFilterClassID()
This method returns the class ID to be filtered.

Specified by:
GetFilterClassID in interface IObjectTreeModelRO
the class ID to apply the above filter to

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